Dear Parents of Mrs. Gilson's Kindergarten Class,

Welcome to Kindergarten festivities and fun! The kindergartners will be celebrating with several parties throughout the school year. These parties are scheduled to coincide with several Holidays and activities in the classroom. In order to help organize these celebrations Emily Kane (Hazel's mom), April Malo (Walker's mom) and Katie Volmert (Grady's mom) have volunteered to be this year's "homeroom parents."

Parents are always welcome to join the class for these celebrations. In some cases, the entire family is welcome as noted in the list of celebrations. However, please make arrangements for siblings when noted in the list of celebrations. We like to keep these special celebrations for just the kindergarteners! The children really love it when their parents share in the fun.

Enclosed is a list of parties planned for the school year. Some of the dates are tentative and updates and reminders will be sent out closer to the actual dates. Each child is asked to bring something special for ONE party. The children feel very special when distributing the item brought to share during the festivities! There is a "Sign-Up Genius” page for families to electronically sign up for your Childs" special assignment." Feel free to check back in to "Sign-Up Genius" at a later date if you would like to sign up for additional help.

There are 17 children in the class, so please bring enough to share with everyone! There are no allergies in the class this year :) But here are some ideas on what to bring when signing up:

SWEET TREAT: Rice Krispy bars, cookies, cupcakes, ice cream, etc... (please bring any supplies that would be needed including plates and utensils)

HEALTHY TREATS: Fresh fruits and vegetables, cheese and crackers, go-gurt, etc.

DRINK: Juice boxes/pouches are the easiest and preferred (please bring the same flavored drink for all so we can avoid any hurt feelings)

Last but not least, there are a few things that happen behind the scenes for the year that need funding. One of them is Mrs. Gilson’s birthday in which the room parents will help the children make something for her alongside a small gift. The other is a Christmas present for Mrs. Gilson in which we will make something and give a gift. We are also hoping to do a hands on community outreach project around a holiday. We are asking each family to donate $20 to cover costs for the entire year. Thanks so much. If you have any questions, ideas or suggestions for our celebrations please contact one of the homeroom moms.

With Gratitude and Blessings,

April ( or 773-318-1698), Emily (), and Katie ()