Dear parents/guardians of Oak Grove students,

Starting Wednesday October 11th, administrators and district testing coordinators will receive district-level FY17 state testing results. Also, on November 27th, we will receive paper student/parent testing reports.

The following I hold true:

  • Oak Grove is on the cutting edge and out performs most districts academically,
  • Oak Grove teachers are among the best compared to any district,
  • Parental support is uncommon (we have GREAT parental involvement which makes it uncommon) at Oak Grove which provides a driving force in student academic achievement,
  • Students outperform most on state testing compared to others.

However, the state testing results may not be what Oak Grove has come to expect.

In 2016, Oklahoma teachers were introduced to more comprehensive academic standards, which required new, more complex Oklahoma School Testing Program (OSTP) assessments to measure them. Our teachers have seen state standards change dramatically recently. They have taught the PASS objectives, No-Child-Left-Behind standards, Oklahoma Academic Standards and the ESSA (Every Students Succeeds ACT).It is the teachers that take on the responsibility of trying to educate our children with the expectations changing yearly. Unfortunately,this unprecedented academic situation students are also negatively impacted.

I am supportive of positive change and do believe these standards are moving in the right direction and have the best interest of all involved. However, these next years are critical and we need your support and understanding like never before.

The new assessments were given to students in spring 2017. Oklahoma assessment scores now track for college and career readiness and align with national benchmarks like the SAT, ACT and the National Assessment of Educational Progress. New assessments require setting new performance levels for English language arts and math in grades 3-8 and 10 and for science in grades 5, 8 and 10. Performance levels, or “cut scores,” are presented in categories: Advanced, Proficient, *Basic and **Below Basic. In year 1 – Nov. 2017 – we will see a significant drop in the number of students reported as Proficient or Advanced. That decrease does not mean students are less skilled than last year or that our teachersare less effective. It means Oklahoma’s scores have been recalibrated to align with the knowledge and skills students need to be ready for college and career. This school year represents a new beginning and A TOTAL RESET; no comparison is possible with student or school performance in past years. It will become the baseline for student and school performance as we continue efforts to position every Oklahoma student on the leading edge for success.

Oklahoma has reset its assessments for two reasons: first, to develop great thinkers, problem-solvers and innovators so that our students can succeed in college or career and compete for the best jobs of the future, and second, to save you college tuition dollars ($22 million a year) by reducing remediation rates. We cannot afford to delay academic conversations about college and career readiness until your child’s junior or senior year. With this new, nationally comparable system of assessments, we will have an understanding of whether students are on track for college and career as early as elementary and middle school and will have time to adjust their trajectory as needed. These scores do not indicate that students are less smart or that teachers, districts or schools are less effective. They do reflect student performance against a national yardstick and the job market’s increased expectations. Your child, teachers, school and community will need your support and encouragement as we work together to give our students a competitive edge. As your child’s superintendent, I hope you will stay engaged with me and with our school to ensure that we develop a productive learning partnership.

Last, the new multi-measures school report card is a true growth model. As such, it will be impossible to release a full report card absent growth data, which will be available after the Oklahoma School Testing Program assessments in spring 2018. The first full report card will be released in fall 2018.

Things Oak Grove has done anticipating these new requirements:

  • All Middle School students have one hour of Academic Achievement, this class is used as an enrichment for ELA and other core classes,
  • The continued use of Federal Programs and grants to upgrade our technology. We have purchased 61 Chromebooks the last two years (every middle school student has their “own” Chromebook. I have requested (Federal Title 1 and Federal REAP, a rural federal grant) the purchase of 22 additional Chromebooks. We have purchased IPad’s for first grade and anticipate using the new Chromebooks for grades third and fourth. Second and Kindergarten will have available to them the kindles and laptops third and fourth once used,
  • Teachers meeting vertically with other teachers to ensure alignment based on OAS standards,
  • Dialog occurring between teachers, aides, RSA coordinators about OAS standards and each of their roles,
  • Professional Development opportunities like teach like a champion, attending Ruby Payne conferences, OPSRC staff development requirements and many others opportunities.

I feel confident we will meet this challenge head on and continue to prepare every student as best as we know how…and eventually students test scores will provide the evidence.

Thank you for your partnership andsupport as we work together to ensure consistent messaging for thisTOTAL RESETof Oklahoma’s assessments system.

As always, if you have any questions, comments, concerns please do not hesitate to call, stop by or email,

Jon Aven 918-325-2889