Friday 7th July 2017 Summer Term 2 Issue 11

Dear Parents & Carers,

I can't believe it's coming to the end of my first year at Ravensworth and what an amazing year it has been. I was reminded of this when I was reading the children's reports about what they had enjoyed the most this year. I am sure you will enjoy their recounts of the school year! Your child will be bringing their annual report home today, along with details of their attendance and any statutory reporting arrangements; the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile, Year 1 phonics screening, Key Stage One and Key Stage Two SATS and teacher assessment. I would really value your comments, so please complete the reply slip and return it to school as soon as possible before the end of term. If you would like to talk to your child's class teacher about the report, there is a drop-in session on Thursday 13th July, 3.30 - 5.30. Please contact the school office if you would like to attend this drop-in session.

Mrs Petch, our new Class 3 teacher will be joining us in school on Tuesday 11th and Wednesday 12th July to get to know the staff and children. It would be lovely if you could pop in and meet Mrs Petch at a relaxed 'meet the teacher' event 3.15 - 4.15 on Wednesday 12th July – refreshments will be served!

We are having a non-uniform day at school on Thursday 13th July. In exchange for coming to school in free dress, you have to fill a jar with sweets or bring a chocolate bar into school that we can sell at the Friends BBQ on Friday 14th July at 5pm. I hope you can come along to support this event; where there will be a bar, BBQ, games and stalls.

I hope you have all received your letter regarding the academy consultation. The link for the online survey is on the front page of the school website – responses are being collected centrally and will be distributed after the end of the consultation on the 8th September. In the meantime the meeting for parents will take place in school on Tuesday 11th July at 4pm. There will be childcare available. If you would like to attend a meeting but cannot come to this one, then please see the school website for alternative dates and times.

Our Year Sixes from Barton and Ravensworth took part in a very spiritual Leavers Service at Ripon Cathedral on Tuesday. We wish them well as they all begin their jou

rney into the next phase of their education.

Our Skip2BFit sports day is on Tuesday 18th July and you are warmly invited to bring a family picnic and join us from 12 0'clock. The tennis final and races will take place during the afternoon. I look forward to seeing you then.

And finally... I would like to say a huge thank you to all the children and staff who helped to make our musical evening such a special and memorable event (it really is a team effort). A special thank you to Mrs Susan Stanwix, Mr Smith and Mrs Evans (our music teacher) who pulled the evening together so well. I would also like to give a special mention to Jack Nelson, who as always, was an outstanding music technician (much better than Miss Crisp!). I was blown away by the musical talent of our children and their enthusiasm on stage. They made me smile, laugh and cry (and I wasn't the only adult in the room who shed a few tears!).

Have a lovely weekend everybody...

Kindest regards,

Mrs Sharon Stevenson

Executive Headteacher

Children celebrating achievements this week:
Our stars of the week for 30/06/17 are:
Class 1: Lucy & Bertie
Class 2: Mary, Adam & Will Hegarty
Class 3: Jack
*And everyone who took part in the Music Concert*
The Badger has been awarded to: Thomas
The winner of the Sportsmanship Cup is: Emmaly
Our Carpenters Cup is awarded to: Robert
News from Class 1
We have been welcoming the future Reception pupils into our classroom and showing them around our school. The children have risen to the challenge of being fantastic role-models and they are excited for September. We have been learning about other cultures, people and places this week. The children have created a large display 'One World, One Family' collage of people and places around the world. We have discussed that differences make us all special and they have found out about children from around the World.
News from Class 2
We have been learning about refugees whilst enjoying the story ‘The Colour of Home’ by Mary Hoffman and Karen Littlewood. It has made us all think about what is important and special to us as well as learning about some of the difficult situations normal everyday people can find themselves in. The children have been demonstrating both the school values and British values throughout the week during these activities. In science they conducted a very interesting experiment to find out the perfect habitat for a woodlouse, (I suspect a few woodlice may now have new habitats within class 2, as some disappeared!) There are lots of exciting things planned for the next few weeks so can you please check your child has PE kit in school at all times.
News from Class 3
Once again it's been a busy two weeks in Class 3. We are continuing to work on our Wild Wild West topic, producing some fantastic Cactus artwork. In Maths we have been covering addition/ subtraction of fractions and percentages. In English we have started work on Instructions. The children particularly enjoyed evaluating Card Game instructions! Of course I couldn’t go without mentioning our Music Concert. The children's attitude to practicing and rehearsing was fantastic, and Mrs Stanwyx worked incredibly hard to organise the performance and get the children ready for the concert. I was so proud of the enthusiasm they showed and the excellent standard of the singing and playing. Well done!
Week commencing
Monday 10th July 2017 / Ravensworth
EH = Executive Head in school
Monday 10th July / Cricket (a chance to shine) AM all classes
Deadline for Year 6 parents to order Leaver's lunches
Year 6 induction day Richmond School
Tuesday 11th July / EH
Year 6 induction day Richmond School
KS1 fun run Richmond School for Reception, YR1 & YR2 pupils 10am – 12 noon
Wednesday 12th July / EH
Class swap day
New Reception pupils AM with lunch
Year 6 induction day Richmond School and St Francis Xavier School
Meet the new Class 3 teacher, Mrs Petch 3.15 - 4.15pm
Thursday 13th July / Bring a jar of sweets or chocolate to school for non-uniform day.
Year 6 disco Richmond School
Friday 14th July / Year 6 to Forbidden Corner
School BBQ 5pm.
Week commencing
Monday 17th July 2017 / Ravensworth
EH = Executive Head in School
Monday 17th July / Cricket (a chance to shine) AM all classes
Tuesday 18th July / EH
Sports day hosted by Dave from Skip 2 B Fit – (please see details above)
Wednesday 19th July / EH (pm)
Bike day - individual letters have been issued 7th July.
Rev Kirby for collective worship 2.40pm
Thursday 20th July / EH (am)
Year 6 Leaver's Assembly 11.00am followed by Leaver's Lunch for Year 6 parents 12.00 noon.
Friday 21st July / EH (am)
*School Closes 1.30pm*
Future Dates
More details will usually follow but information for your diary / Ravensworth
Monday 4th Sept / Teacher Training Day
Tuesday 5th Sept / School re-opens 8.30am for new academic year
Monday 11th Sept / Year 6 Bikeability Day 1 for Year 6 pupils
Tuesday 12th Sept / Year 6 Bikeability Day 2 for Year 6 pupils

Uniform order: our recent uniform order is currently being prepared by our suppliers. Just to let everyone know that we should receive it in the final week of term. As soon as it arrives, we will send the items out to everyone who ordered.

End of term administration: Mrs Richmond is now in the process of entering end of term data and preparing documentation for September and so there are lots of deadlines to achieve. Correct information from parents is crucial at this time of year, to ensure that we have a smooth start to our new academic year when we return. Any child who is currently having milk or juice will be automatically transferred to our order list unless we receive your instructions to change at least one week before we break up. Any child who travels home on the bus and has regular days that they do not catch the bus – our current information will be transferred unless we are told otherwise before we break up.

Could all parents please log onto Parentpay and check that their children's accounts are up to date. This includes parents of children who have transferred from school lunches to packed lunches or who have transferred to free school meals.

Secondary School applications: all parents of pupils in our current Year 5 were issued with North Yorkshire County Council application letters on 4th July. Please note that the deadline for your preferences is 31st October 2017.

Property Marking: have your property marked free of charge by North Yorkshire Police 'dot peen' machine. This includes power tools, garden equipment, horse tack & saddles, cycles, trailers etc. Please contact remembering to include your name, address and contact numbers.

Bikeability: In September our current Year 5 pupils who will be Year 6 in September will be partaking in a two day bikeability course which will take place on Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th September, all parents will be issued with an information pack and consent forms before we break up. Please take time to read the criteria included which gives the cycle equipment requirements in order for your child to partake.

Calling all musicians! Come and join one of Northallerton music centre's 12 ensembles on a Saturday morning 9.30-12.30 commencing 16th September. In addition to playing with some very talented young musicians, there is a unique opportunity to play in a Gala Concert at The Sage, Gateshead on Sunday 1st July 2018. For further details please see or contact Su Evans at or tel 01609 536715

Telephone: 01325 377246
Email: / Ravensworth
Telephone: 01325 718375