Kindergarten News
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Happy February! Such a fun and exciting month! This Friday we will be celebrating the 100th day of school! Can you believe it! Please practice counting to 100 everyday! We already have SIX children that can count to 100 with NO HELP! Woot! I’m asking each child to bring in a collection of 100 something! The collection will come home at the end of the day on Friday, but we’d love to see the different ways to make 100! Some children might make a poster, some children might gather 100 pieces of rice or cereal or hair ties! The sky is the limit! Please bring your LABELLED collection of 100 things on or before Friday!
This week we also have a special Valentine’s Day project! Please find the heart with the explanation on it! I would LOVE to have this heart back by Friday, so I can be sure each student receives a heart. Valentine’s Day in our class is all about friendships and showing that we care. Sure there are hearts involved, but we emphasize the love and care that we demonstrate to each other as friends. We’re much too young for boyfriends and girlfriends like that! We will have a valentine exchange on February 14th, Valentine’s Day. If your child would like to distribute valentines to the whole class, you are welcome to and encouraged to do so. We have 22 children in our class. Please address each card to “My Friend” and have your child sign their name. If you would like to send in a healthy snack to share, you are welcome to, but there is no need for candies and cookies! We are going to love our bodies on Valentine’s Day! J
Please continue to talk about less than with your children. Many of them are struggling to grasp this concept. More than seems easy, but less than…. We are now moving forward to learn about number bonds! Number bonds help us compose and decompose numbers! Number bonds help us learn about and gain a deeper understanding of addition and subtraction! We are learning that there are many ways to show answers and sometimes, many answers to the same question! We are really focusing on explaining our answers!
You’ll notice stories coming home to read also! These are stories we have read in class. Please save them, as you’ll find that your child enjoys re-reading them! Your child should be able to read all of the words independently and answer questions about the story!
You’ll see information coming home with week about a new program called See Saw. I’m really excited to use it as a way for your child to share with YOU what we’re doing at school! It’s new to me, so I’m looking forward to learning with you!
Keep Warm!
Mrs. Schenk
At James P. B. Duffy School No. 12, children, parents, staff and community members work together engaging the mind, developing the body and capturing the heart of our students to be academically ready, socially mature, responsible citizens.