Civil Air Patrol Mid-East Group
united states air force auxiliary
Mid East Group HQ, 130 Sicker rd
Latham, NY 12110 /
31 October, 2017
Dear New York Wing Senior Members,
The Unit Commanders Course (UCC) objective is to build a cadre of well-trained officers who are prepared to lead and manage at the squadron level. Graduates of the UCC will be able to weave the management responsibilities of command with the leadership skill necessary to build and encourage their team of dedicated members from all walks of life and of all ages to accomplish CAP missions and squadron’s objectives. This course is ‘Blended Course’ meaning studentshave to complete level II prior to enrolling and complete an online ‘pre-course’ in order to attend the UCC.
Registration deadline date for the UCC is 21 November 2017. This is required to attend the course, walk-ins to course will not get credit for the course. Upon registering for the UCCbeing hosted by Mid-Eastern Group the weekend of 2-3 December, 2017.Students will be enrolled into the class by course director. Upon being enrolled you will be sent a link to start the required pre-course in the Learning Management System.
Members will learn more about CAP customs, core values and communications, participate in case studies, discussion and group assignments on such topics as:
- Core Values in Action
- Structure, Purpose &Procedures
- Management Principles
- Planning & Decision Making
Eligibility: Open to seniors who have completed Level II(sorry, no cadets allowed).
Dates & Times: Sat 2 Dec, 0800–1730 and Sun 3 Dec, 0800–1730.
Location: 5 Scotia Rd, Scotia, NY 12302 at Thomas Corners Fire Department
Uniform: Blues or Corporate “aviator” combo. No BDUs or flight suits.
Fee: $6.00 includeslight breakfast snacks and coffee for both days. Lunch (both days)option is $6.00/day for subway. Please bring payment in cash to the first day of the course.
Lodging: For those wishing to stay overnight near the course location, simply indicate in your email that you’d like to be provided with a hotel list.
Email the below information to y 21 Nov 17. Please “CC” your Squadron/Group/Wing Commander on the email.
- Name
- Grade
- Unit number
- Primary duty position
- Phone number
- That you would like to attend the UCC
If you have questions or are interested in teaching at the UCCCourseplease contact Capt. Mark Swingat (315) 278-7036 or email
The course is limited to the first 30 applicants. Subsequent applicants will be wait-listed on a “first come first serve” basis, if additional spaces become available.
I hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to create improved programs at your squadron.
Mark Swing, Captain, CAP
UCC Course Director