Transport Incubator
Ventilation Competencies
( Caroline Cross &Tanya Linsley 2012)
Demonstrated & Explained / Competent & ConfidentCompetency Statement / Nurse / Doctor / Assessor / Sign / Date / Nurse / Doctor / Assessor / Sign / Date
1.1 / Show how to safely assemble & disassemble ventilator circuit, without causing damage to delicate parts, and placing plate over delicate parts ready for cleaning.
1.2 / Turn on and read oxygen cylinders. Turn off again and ‘bleed’ system.
1.3 / Change oxygen cylinder safely.
Store old oxygen cylinder in correct place.
1.4 / Turn on ventilator to IMV and complete auto test using flow of air / oxygen (total 8litres).
1.5 / Adjust PIP & PEEP to desired level, and check on dial that correct levels achieved. Check ‘lung’ is inflating and deflating with ventilator.
1.6 / Adjust I:E ratio to set desired rate.
1.7 / Adjust oxygen levels using flow of air and oxygen. Use the grid for guidance and set alarm levels.
Calibrate oxygen sensor if air and oxygen settings not correlating to 21% and 99%.
1.8 / Show how to use external supply of oxygen.
1.9 / Sho
Sho Show how to put water into humidifier and turn heater on.
Set up equipment with air, switching to oxygen when and if needed.
2.1 / Turn CPAP on and use flow of airto a total of 8litres.
2.2 / Adjust PEEP knob to gain desired airway pressure – check dial for accuracy.
Block ends of prongs to observe PEEP.
2.3 / For CPAP set up using air until ready for use. Then use external oxygen and ambulance oxygen when able.
2.4 / Choose appropriate coloured hat using colour coded tape measure.
Try hat on baby
2.5 / Measure and select appropriate size prongs / mask.
2.6 / Attach disposable CPAP adaptor to ventilator tubing. (Be aware there is one set of autoclavable CPAP adaptors – DO NOT THROW AWAY!)
2.7 / a) Show your problem solving abilities in case of CPAP/Vent failure ie use of neopuff, and possible change of vent block and tubing.
b) Show that you are able to calculate oxygen requirement of journey
Competency Sign Off Statement
Competent: Yes/No
(delete as appropriate) / I the undersigned assessor have assessed the registered nurse/ doctor in practice and deemhim/her to be competent to the level laid out in the competency statement. Where the nurse / doctor is not competent or requires further training I have agreed an action plan with the registered nurse and set a time for completion.
Action Required:
Action Plan Completion Date
Signature of Assessor
Signature of Registered Nurse / Doctor
NAME …………………………………………………………………………………………………………......
SIGNATURE …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
WARD/ HOSPITAL…………………………………………………………………………
Assessor please sign and print your name below when you have seen all of the above documentation and are satisfied that they have been completed to an appropriate standard.
ASSESOR PRINTED NAME & SIGNATURE ………………………………………………………………………………..
DATE ………………………………………………………………