Transition to Kindergarten – Child Snapshot

Dear New Kindergarten Parent:

Congratulations on your child entering kindergarten! This is a very exciting time for both you and your child. In order to assist with your child’s transition to kindergarten, please complete this information about your child who will be entering kindergarten and return it to your child’s early childhood program in the spring. This information will be passed on to your child’s new kindergarten teacher. Kindergarten teachers look forward to receiving information about your child.

What School District will your child enroll in? / What school do you expect your child to attend?
About Your Child
1. What is your child's name?
First MiddleLast Name / 3. What is your child’s date of birth?
/ /
Month Day Year
2. What name do you call your child by?
Child's nick name / 4. Will your child ride the bus to school?
 Yes  No  Not sure
5. What would you like your child’s teacher to know about your child? (For example, personality, behavior, living arrangements, special needs, etc.)
About Your Family
6. Is your family new to this area?
 Yes  No / 7. What is the best language to communicate with you:
 English  Spanish  Other: ______
8. Who are the children living in the home?
Name Age Relationship
/ 9. Who are the adults living in the home?
Names adults Relationship to Child
10. Please describe any recent changes in your family that might affect your child.
Your Child’s Health
11. Does your child … / Yes / No / Not sure / Describe
a. Have any food allergies? /  /  / 
b. Have any other allergies (such as bee stings)? /  /  / 
c. Have any health problems (such as asthma)? /  /  / 
d. Wear glasses? /  /  / 
e. Take any medications? /  /  / 
f. Take a regular daytime nap? /  /  / 
Your Child’s Early Childhood Education Experience
12. Has your child attended any of these programs? (Please mark all that apply) / Check if yes / How many months/years? / Was it full-time or part-time?
(Full-time = 15 more hours per week and
Part-time = less than 15 hours per week)
a. Preschool /  / _____ months or
_____ years /  Full-time  Part-time
b. Head start /  / _____ months or
_____ years /  Full-time  Part-time
c. Child care center /  / _____ months or
_____ years /  Full-time  Part-time
d. Family child care home /  / _____ months or
_____ years /  Full-time  Part-time
e. Summer Bridge Program /  / _____ months or
_____ years /  Full-time  Part-time
f. Other: ______/  / _____ months or
_____ years /  Full-time  Part-time
13. What is your child's current teacher’s name and telephone number:
Name Phone Number Name of program
Your Permission to Share This Information
I give permission to provide this information from myself and my child’s teacher to my child’s new kindergarten teacher. I understand that no information will be shared without my permission.
Signature : ______
Name Relationship to Child Phone Number Date

Thank you!

Transition to Kindergarten – Child Snapshot

Dear Early Childhood Teacher:

In order to assist with this child’s transition to kindergarten, please complete this information about the child and along with the parent’s completed form, send both to the appropriate elementary school by . Both the parent’s form and this ECE teacher information will be passed on to the child’s new kindergarten teacher.

ECE Teacher Completing Form
ECE Teacher Completing Form:
Name Phone number Name of ECE Program Date
Child’s Information
1. Child's Name
First MiddleLast Name / 2. Child’s date of birth
/ /
Month Day Year
Child’s Social Emotional Development
3. Are there other children that this child should not be placed with?
 Yes  No  Don't Know
Other Child’s Name:
Other Child’s Name: / 4. At school, does this child play mostly alone, with others, or both?
 Mostly alone  Mostly with others  Both
5. How often is this child able to… (check one) / Most of the time / Some of the time / Never
a. Sit attentively for 10-15 minutes for large group or circle time? /  /  / 
b. Cooperate with and share with others? /  /  / 
c. Follow the classroom routine? /  /  / 
d. Make a choice and engage in the selected activity? /  /  / 
e. Ask the teacher for help? /  /  / 
f. Follow two step directions? /  /  / 
6. Please describe any areas in which this child needs help (e.g. toileting, classroom behavior)? / 7. Please describe strategies or accommodations that work well for this child:
Cognitive and Physical Development
8. Can this child identify letters?
 None  Few  Many  All  Don't Know / 9. Does this child show developmentally appropriate fine motor skills (for example, use scissors, grip pencil, etc.)?
 Yes  No  Don't Know
10. Can this child recognize numbers 1-10?
 None  Few  Many  All  Don't Know / 11. Can this child write symbols to create meaning?
 Yes  No  Don't Know
12. Can this child read?
 Yes  No  Don't Know
Language Development
13. Language(s) this child speaks:
At home
At school / 14. How often does this child communicate clearly?
 Most of the time  Some of the time  Never
15. How often does this child use sentences to communicate?
 Most of the time  Some of the time  Never
Special Needs
16. Does this child have an Individual Education Plan (IEP)?  Yes  No  Don't Know
17. What services has this child received? / 18. Please describe this child’s learning style.
Special Interests/Strengths
19. Please describe this child’s favorite activities. / 20. Please describe this child’s strengths.
21. What would you like another teacher to know about this child? (For example, family situation, personality, behavior, living arrangements, etc.)

Please return both the Parent and Teacher forms

to the appropriate Elementary School or School District

Thank you!

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