Bangladesh International School & College

DOHS, Mohakhali, Dhaka Cantonment

Final Revised Syllabus for-2017

Class: Seven (Nat’l)

welq: evsjv cÖ_gcÎ

Class Test / Half Yearly / Annual
cÖ_g K¬vk †Uó t
M`¨ t
K) jvB‡eªix
L) jvj †Nvov
c`¨ t
K) Avb›`
L) e½eÜz
mncvV t
K) ¸i“PÛvjx
L) gvby‡li gb
wØZxq K¬vk †Uó t
M`¨ t
K) ‡iv‡Kqv mvLvIqvZ †nv‡mb
L) †mB †Q‡jwU
c`¨ t
K) Dc‡`k
L) †g w`‡bi KweZv
mncvV t
Aj¶z‡Y Ry‡Zv / M`¨ t
1) ejvB,
2) jvB‡eªwi
3) gvj¨`vb
4) jvj †Nvov
5) jLvi GKz‡k
c`¨ t
1) evsjv‡`‡ki ü`q
2) Avb›`
3) Ac~e© cÖwZ‡kva
4) Kzwj gRyi
5) e½eÜz
mncvV t
1) †ZvZv Kvwnbx
2) jvjy
3) ¸i“PÛvjx
4) eyjy
5) gvby‡li gb / M`¨ t
1) Qwei is
2) †iv‡Kqv mvLvIqvZ †nv‡mb
3) kã †_‡K KweZv
4) †mB †Q‡jwU
5) evsjv‡`‡ki ¶z`ª RvwZmË¡v
c`¨ t
1) †gjv
2) †g w`‡bi KweZv
3) Dc‡`k
4) ¯§„wZ‡mŠa
5) GB A¶‡i
mncvV t
1) Av`y fvB
2) Aj¶z‡Y Ry‡Zv
3) Ewbk k GKvËi
4) wePvi †bB
5) Pi“

mKj K¬vk †U‡ói cÖ‡kœi aviv I gvbeÈb t

1| 2 wU m„Rbkxj cª‡kœi DËi w`‡Z n‡e t 2´10 = 20

2| 5 wU eûwbe©vPbx cÖ‡kœi DËi w`‡Z n‡e t 1´5 = 05

me©‡gvU t 25

mKj Aa©-evwl©K I evwl©K cix¶vi cÖ‡kœi aviv I gvbeÈb t

1| m„Rbkxj cÖkœ t 10´7 = 70

2| eûwbe©vPbx cÖkœ 30wU t 1´30 = 30

†gvU t 100

m„Rbkxj cÖkœ 11wU †_‡K 7wUi DËi w`‡Z n‡e| 3wU wefvM _vK‡e|

cÖ‡Z¨KwU wefvM †_‡K Kgc‡¶ 1wU K‡i †gvU 7wU cÖ‡kœi DËi w`‡Z n‡e| cÖwZ cÖ‡kœi gvb- 10| cÖ‡Z¨KwU cÖ‡kœi DËi 4wU av‡c w`‡Z n‡e| avc¸wji gvb eÈb h_vµ‡g 1, 2, 3, 4|

K wefvM- M`¨ †_‡K cÖkœ _vK‡e 3wU|

L wefvM- c`¨ †_‡K cÖkœ _vK‡e 3wU|

M wefvM- Avb›` cvV †_‡K cÖkœ _vK‡e 3wU|

eûwbe©vPbx cÖ‡kœi Rb¨ t

M`¨ †_‡K 15wU, KweZv †_‡K 15wU, mncvV †_‡K 10wU cÖkœ _vK‡e|

Converted Marks Distribution of Monthly and Term Examination

1st and 2nd class test (30+30)= 60 marks will be Converted into 10

SBA 20 marks will be converted into 10

Term examination 100 Marks will be converted into 80

Total = 100

welq: evsjv wØZxqcÎ

Class Test / Half Yearly / Annual
cÖ_g K¬vk †Uó t
mwÜ: (10bs n‡Z 19bs) ch©š—
e¨vKiY t
KviK I wefw³|
weiPb t
K) wecixZ kã (wk¶K KZ…©K wba©vwiZ)|
L) evMaviv (wk¶K KZ…©K wba©vwiZ)|
M) Av‡e`b cÎ: (3 I 4bs)
N) wPwV- 5 I 6bs
O) Abyaveb I Aby‡”Q` t
wk¶K KZ…©K wba©vwiZ|
P) mvigg©t
1, 2bs
wØZxq K¬vk †Uó t
e¨vKiY t
evbvb I weivgwPý
weiPb t
K) wecixZ kã (wk¶K KZ…©K wba©vwiZ)|
L) m‡gv”PvwiZ wfbœv_©K kã (ÔMvuÕ †_‡K Õ¯^v¶iÕ ch©š—)
wbwg©wZ t
K) fvem¤cÖmviY (7 I 8bs)
L) wPwV- 6bs I 8bs
M) mvivsk-7bs
N) mvigg©-3 I 4bs / e¨vKiY t
(1 c„ôv ‡_‡K 42 c„ôv ch©š—)
weiPb t
K) GKB k‡ãi wfbœv‡_© cÖ‡qvM (AsK †_‡K cv ch©š—)|
L) wecixZ kã (eB Abymv‡i wk¶K wba©viY Ki‡eb)|
M) evMaviv eB Abymv‡i|
N) fvem¤cÖmviY (1-4bs)
O) mvigg© / mvivsk- mvigg©t 1, 2bs,
mvivsk t 5bs
K) Av‡e`b cÎ- 1, 2bs
L) wPwV- 5 Ges wk¶K KZ…©K wba©vwiZ|
M) Abyaveb I Aby‡”Q` t wk¶K KZ…©K wba©vwiZ
iPbv t
K) Avgv‡`i RvZxq cZvKv
L) Avgv‡`i MÖvg
M) `k©bxq ¯’vb
N) evsjv‡`‡ki b`-b`x / e¨vKiY t
42 c„ôv ‡_‡K 74 c„ôv ch©š—
weiPb t
K) GKB k‡ãi wfbœv‡_© cÖ‡qvM (cvKv †_‡K nvZ ch©š—)|
L) evK¨ ms‡KvPb (mg¯—¸‡jv)|
M) m‡gv”PvwiZ wfbœv_©K kã (mg¯—¸‡jv)
wbwg©wZ t
K) fvem¤cÖmviY (5-8bs ch©š—)
L) Av‡e`b cÎ- 3, 4bs
M) wPwV t 6, 8 Ges wk¶K KZ…©K wba©vwiZ|
N) Abyaveb I Aby‡”Q` t wk¶K KZ…©K wba©vwiZ|
O) mvivsk 6 I 7 bs I mvigg© 3bs I 4bs
iPbv t
K) RvZxq Kwe|
L) Kx ai‡bi eB co‡Z fv‡jv jv‡M|
M) Avgvi †`Lv GKwU †gjv|
N) GKwU w`‡bi w`bwjwc|

cÖ‡kœi aviv I gvbeÈb

mKj K¬vk †U‡ói cÖ‡kœi aviv I gvbeÈb t

1| eûwbe©vPbx cÖkœ e¨vKiY I weiPb Ask †_‡K 10wU cÖkœ _vK‡e t 10´1 = 10

2| iPbvg~jK Ask t 15

†gvU t 25

Aa© evwl©K I evwl©K cix¶vi cÖ‡kœi aviv I gvbeÈb t

iPbvg~jK As‡ki Rb¨ 30 b¤^i Ges eûwbe©vPbx cÖ‡kœi Rb¨ 20 b¤^i eivÏ|

iPbvg~jK cÖkœ t

mvivsk/mvigg© (2wU cÖkœ †_‡K 1wU) 05

fvem¤cÖmviY (2wU cÖkœ †_‡K 1wU) 05

Aby‡”Q`/Abyaveb (2wU cÖkœ †_‡K 1wU) 05

cÎ/`iLv¯— (2wU cÖkœ †_‡K 1wU) 05

cÖeÜ iPbv (ms‡KZmn 3wU n‡Z 1wU) 10

†gvU t 30

eûwbe©vPbx cÖkœ t

ïay e¨vKiY Ask †_‡K 20wU cÖkœ _vK‡e me KqwU cÖ‡kœi DËi w`‡Z n‡e| 1´20=20


Converted Marks Distribution of Monthly and Term Examination

1st and 2nd class test (25+25)= 50 marks will be Converted into 5

SBA 20 marks will be converted into 5

Term examination 50 Marks will be converted into 40

Total = 50

Subject: English 1st Paper

List of Books:

1. English for Today - NCTB

2. Advanced Learner's Communicative English Grammar & Composition - Chowdhury & Hossain

Class Test / Half Yearly / Annual
1st Class Test
1. English for Today: Unit 4-5
2. Informal Letters:
a. Describing the recent fair of your village.
b. Describing the benefits of games and sports.
3. Paragraphs:
a. A Rainy Day. (Also selected by teacher)
b. A Village Doctor.
4. Completing Stories:
a. The Ant and the Grasshopper.
b. A Wise Judge.
5. Dialogues:
a. A dialogue between two friends about the importance of early rising.
b. A dialogue between two friends about a picnic they have enjoyed.
2nd Class Test
1. English for Today: Unit 8-9
2. Informal Letters:
a. To friend describing the prize giving ceremony of your school.
b. To your father for sending some money.
3. Paragraphs:
a. Leisure
b. An ideal student
4. Completing Stories:
a. Devotion to mother
b. The thirsty crow
5. Dialogues:
a. Write a dialogue between you and your friend about the importance of learning English.
b. Write a dialogue between you and your friend about the importance of regular exercise / 1. English for Today: Unit 1-5
2. Informal Letters:
a. To friend describing the prize giving ceremony of your school.
b. To father for sending some money.
c. A letter of sympathy to a sick friend in hospital.
d. To your friend describing how to form a morality shop.
3. E-mails:
a. To wish your friend on his birthday.
b. To your father telling him about your result in the annual exam.
c. To your friend congratulating him on his brilliant success in the J.S.C. examination.
4. Paragraphs:
a. Your Best Friend.
b. Your Favourite subject. (Also selected by teacher)
c. The Homemaker.
d. A Great Humanitarian.
5. Completing Stories:
a. A little Learning is a Dangerous Thing.
b. Honesty is the Best Policy.
c. Who is to Bell the Cat.
d. Dress Doesn't Make One Great. (Also selected by teacher)
6. Dialogues:
a. A dialogue between yourself and your friend describing recently visited many interesting places of Dhaka city.
b. You reached school late. Now write a dialogue between
you and your class teacher.
c. A dialogue between two friends about the importance of learning English.
d. A dialogue between the librarian and a student regarding having a library card. / 1. English for Today: Unit (6-9)
2. Informal Letters:
a. To friend describing the recent fair of your village.
b. To friend describing the benefits of games and sports.
c. To friend describing how you have spent the summer vacation.
d. To friend describing the effects of global warming on our. environment
3. E-mails:
a. To greet your friend on the New Years eve.
b. To your friend inviting him to join a picnic.
c. Thanking your friend for sending you a gift on your birthday.
4. Paragraphs:
a. A Rainy Day.
b. A Village Doctor.
c. Travelling by Train.
d. Your Favourite Pastime. (Also selected by teacher)
5. Completing Stories:
a. The Ant and the Grasshopper.
b. A Wise Judge.
c. Devotion to Mother.
d. The Thirsty Crow. (Also selected by teacher)
6. Dialogues:
a. A dialogue between two friends about the importance of early rising.
b. A dialogue between two friends about a picnic they have enjoyed.
c. Suddenly you have attacked with fever. So, you want to leave school early. Now write a dialogue between you and your Principal.
d. A dialogue between two new comers in the school campus.

Marks Distribution of Class Test

1. Multiple Choice Questions: (Seen or Unseen Passage) 1´5=5

2. Answering Questions (Open ended/Close ended) 1´5=5

3. Paragraph/Informal letters 10

4. Completing Story/Dialogue 10

Total = 30

Marks Distribution of Half Yearly and Annual Examination:

Part-A: (Listening Test) - 10

1. Choose the best answer 05

2. Gap filling (with clues) 05

Part-B : (Speaking Test)

1. Describing/narrating something e.g., family, school, home city/village, books,

games and sports, recent events and incidents etc. (Also selected by teacher) 10

Part-C : (Reading Test) - 40

1. MCQ (Guessing word meaning from passage-1) True/ False-(II) 05

2. Answering questions (open ended & close ended from passage-2) 10

3. Information Transfer from passage-3 05

4. Cloze Test with clues 05

5. Matching 05

6. Rearranging 05

7. True false 05

Part-D : (Writing Test) - 40

1. Completing a story (No option) 10

2. Informal letter (No option)/E-mails 10

3. Dialogue (No option) 10

4. Paragraph answering questions (No option) 10

Total= 100

N.B. Listening and Speaking Tests are to be taken in formal classes.

Marks distribution for each test item (Reading and Writing) can vary time to time. No text or test item can be taken directly from the EFT.

Test items should be placed within appropriate context.

Converted Marks Distribution of Monthly and Term Examination

1st and 2nd class test (30+30)= 60 marks will be Converted into 10

SBA 20 marks will be converted into 10

Term examination 100 Marks will be converted into 80

Total = 100

Subject: English 2nd Paper

Class Test / Half Yearly / Annual
1st Class Test
1. Article
2. Right Form of verb 3. Synonym/Antonym 4. Voice (selected by respective teacher)
5. Use of Suffixes and prefixes
6. Narration (selected by respective teacher)
7. Changing sentence
Informal letter :
a) to friend advising reading newspaper
b) younger brother to be attentive to study
c) congratulating on friend’s brilliant success
d) to father about your preparation for coming exam.
Paragraph :
a) Your School library
b) Your best Friend
c) A railway station
d) Early rising
2nd Class Test
1. Completing sentence
2. Correcting mistake 3. Narration ( Selected by respective teacher)
4. Changing sentence (degree/ affirmative to negative/ assertive to interrogative/ imperative)
5. Articles
6. Preposition
a) A Rainy Day
b) Tree plantation
c) Bad effects of deforestation
d) Life of a Fisherman
Email Writing:
a) To friend about your village/ City
b) To your friend about bad effects of smoking
c) To younger brother to be serious in studies
d) To friend to congratulate on his brilliant result / 1. Article
2. Changing sentence
3. Preposition
4. Substitution table
5. Use of Suffixes and prefixes
6. Completing sentence
7. Narration (selected by respective teacher)
8. Punctuation marks and capitalization
9. Voice
10. Right form of verb
Email writing:
a) Write an email to your friend greeting him New Year.
b) Write an email to your friend telling him to return his book.
c) Write an email to your friend describing your country.
d) Write an email to your father for money to buy some books.
Formal letter :
a) For leave in advance
b) For transfer certificate
c) For debating club
d) For remission of delay fine
a) A journey by boat/ Train.
b) Wonders of modern science
c) Student life
d) A village Doctor.
e) Your visit to a historical place. / 1. Articles
2. Right Form of verb
3. Preposition
4. Substitution table
5. Use of Suffixes and prefixes
6. Completing sentence
7. Cloze test with and without clues
8. Narration (selected by respective teacher)
9. Changing sentence
10. Change of voice
Email writing:
a) To friend about your village
b) To your friend about bad effects of smoking
c) To younger brother to be serious in studies
d) ) To friend congratulating for his brilliant result
e) To friend describing food and food habit
Formal Letter:
a) To principal for early leave
b) To principal for testimonial
c) To principal for seat in the school hostel
d) To principal for Language club
e) To D.C for relief for flood affected people.
Composition Writing:
a) The Season I like most
b) Importance of Newspaper
c) Uses and Abuses of computer
d) My Future plan of life
e) The Game I like most

Marks Distribution of Class Test

1. Articles (Passage-8 blanks will be given) 3

2. Tense (detached sentences) 3

3. Gap fillings with suitable words (Passage form- Clues will be given) 3

4. Changing sentences (Voice/Narration) 3

5. E-mail/Formal letter (No option) 8

6. Right form of verbs 5


Marks distribution of Half Yearly and Annual Examination

Grammar test items: 30 marks

1) Articles 0.5 × 8 =04

2) Preposition 1×4 =04

3) Using other parts of speech, linking words etc. 0.5 × 10 = 05

4) Substitution table 1×4=04