The first project ideas:-

Dear my learning circle:

Pain world from short of water, in Egypt there isn’t enough knowledge that there is a problem of short water because we have the Nil. But after many many years we will consider from short of water because we don’t rationalization the water and we spend the water.

For that reason we select our project water issues & we need to rationalization the water and make people think about if they have not water any day or every day what happen to them ????

So our questions to you are:

1-  Are your country pains of short of water?

2-  Are you & your country pains of rationalization the water too? Please mention about it.

3-  At your country are there rivers, subsurface water? Can you talk about it?


The final project Environmental issues [ Water issues ]:-

The world suffers from short of water, but there are many countries have many source of water, but they haven’t how to rationalization to consume the water. And I’m sorry my country is one of them.

Egypt have many resource of water the nil river, the rains, and the inside water. But the most important is the nil river.

In my country we pains from rationalization to consume the water. And there are many many countries don’t have a problem the water issues.

So I request every country to remember the countries that have water issues, and consider that lesson very careful. Perhaps if they make programs about how to rationalization the water at TV, Radio, and versification campaigns go to village and small village to help the public how we defender our water

And the countries how depend on rains make a lot of tanks or collect the water rains at trade lakes to storage this waters that is go away.

The next century is the century of water war, because they foresee that the world suffers from water issues, and so the countries that have many resource of water.

So I wrote this article to ring the bell for every country it don’t consider about the hall issues. Please don’t be frightened but helpful for solution this problem.

Gehan naiim

Environmental issues

Water issues



The reply of my project :

1- Minoo Shamsnia - Mar 25, 2005 9:13 pm (18.1)

Hello Gehan ,
Your project idea sounds good. I think if you develop a few more questions, further opportunity will be provided for discussion and interaction.
Thank you,

2- Suparno Sastro Suwarno - Apr 6, 2005 4:28 am (18.2)

Dear Gehan,
My students and I have responded to your class project. We really hope to hear from your class also because my students are excited about this collaborative forum.
Thank you,
iEARN Indonesia

Suparno Sastro Suwarno - Apr 6, 2005 4:23 am (1.)

Dear Barry, Gehan and The Students.
We finally succeded finishing our response for Gehan's class about water issues. We started the work by printing out Gehan's class project and sharing it with my class. Then I asked the students to respond to it individually. After that, I collected all the students' response and make short resume.
And here they are :
1. The students answered thet actually our country has a lot of source of water such as river, sea, and subsurface water but we still have short of clean water because our water sources have been polluted. Especially in the dry season, some regions suffer lack of water. The main cause is mostly because the ground water has been exploited much by big scale industries.
2. Yet, we do not pain of rationalization of water because so far we still can fulfill our need of water.
3. Yes, we have so many rivers and subsurface water so far it becomes the source of drinking water. This rivers and subsurface water flow down from the spring in the mountain that has a very thick rain forest. Unfortunately the rivers in big cities have been polluted by domestic waste and industrial waste. But in small cities people still can do water sports such as swimming and fishing.
For your information, Indonesia is an archipelago country with approximately 13,000 islands. Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Celebes, and Papua are the top-five big islands. Each island has a lot of rivers. These rivers give supplies for drinking water, irrigation, water transportation, fisheries, electricity plant and industries.
Water also becomes the source of national income as our country drinking water exporter to other countries especially in South East Asia region.
So this is the result of our discussion. We are looking forward to hearing from you and your class.
Thank you,
iEARN Indonesia