December 2017

Dear Member of the Class of 2019 & Parents,

The school year is quickly flying by and it is a good time for the school administration and staff to communicate the academic and behavioral standards for our Juniors. The behavioral and academic standards are defined below in the form of a contract. Juniors and Parents will be asked to sign the contract below and return it to school on or before Thursday, December 7th. The contract defines the parameters that students must meet or abide by to participate in our Junior Class activitiessuch as the Prom and any trips or events associated with it.

Behavior, Attendance and Academic Requirements

To be able to attend these events, scholars must meet the following requirements:

  • Any scholar that is failing or not on track to pass any one of their classes may not participate in any activities until they are in good academic standing.
  • Passing all classes (C or higher) including college courses
  • 3 pink slips or 1 suspension (scholarwill not be allowed to participate in the class trip)
  • 6 pink slips or 2 suspensions (scholar will not be allowed to participate in Prom or the class trip).
  • 10 pink slips or 3 suspensions (scholarwill not be allowed to participate in any activities)
  • 3 unexcused absences and/or 10 lateness (scholar will not be allowed to participate in the class trip)
  • 5 unexcused absences and/or 15 lateness (scholar will not be allowed to participate in the Prom or the class trip).
  • 10 unexcused absences and/or 20 lateness (scholar will not be allowed to participate in any activities)

*Pink slip refers to any infraction of school or class rules.

Please return the signed contract to Ms. Dix, Jr. Class Advisor on or beforeThursday, December 7th.. A copy of your contract will be copied and returned to you with your scholar for your records. Please do not hesitate to contact the school with any questions.

Below you will find information regarding your Junior/Senior Prom on May 24, 2018 at Tendenza from 7:00pm-11:00pm. An initial deposit of $50.00 is due on or before December 8, 2017 to Ms. Nguyen in Room 201. All payments must be made in cash or money order (payable to Parkway Center City). Your prom payment may be paid in full or paid in installments.

5/24/18Junior/Senior Prom @Tendenza

TBAJunior Class Trip

Parkway Center City Staff and Administration


Print Student NamePrint Parent Name


Student SignatureParent Signature