Date: 2004-09-06
Status :
Actions required
Medium : / Lu Qin, IRG Rapporteur
Preliminary Agenda for IRG#23 to be held in Jeju Island, Republic of Korea , 29 Nov. 3 Dec., 2004
Travel arrangement, review and feedback of agenda items
IRG Members and Ideographic Experts
Dear IRG Members and Experts,
According to the resolution IRG M22.1 approved by IRG#22 in Cheng Du, and the resolutions WG2and SC2approved by WG2# 45(M45.36) and SC2#13(M13-21) in Markham, Canada, the 23thmeeting of the Ideographic Rapporteur Group (IRG) will be held in Jeju Island, Republic of Korea, 29 Nov.- 3 Dec., 2004.
Jeju(CheJu) Oriental Hotel,
1197, Samdo 2-Dong, JejuCity, Jeju-Do, Korea
(See Hotel and contact information in Logistics Section, IRGN1073)
IRG #23 will start on Monday, 29, Nov. 2004 and conclude on Friday, 3, Dec. 2004. First day of meeting will start at 9:30am.
IRG members are requested to review the tentative agenda and send comment to IRG Rapporteur by Sept. 30, 2004.
Lu Qin
IRG Rapporteur
FAX: (852) 2774 0842
TEL: (852) 2766 7274
Mobile: (852) 9684 0623
(Last update: 01/12/2004)
1.Opening speech by host
2.Administrative Items
2.1.Roll call
2.2.Approval of agenda items
2.3.Assignment of meeting secretary and drafting group, other duties
- Meeting secretary ( to take note )
- Drafting group leader and members (Resolution document: IRG N1074)
- Name card Collector & Address Book Reviser(IRG#23 Participant List: IRG N1075),
- eMailling List (IRGN1076)
3.Review of follow up actions:
Review of resolutions or action items defined by IRG#22 in Chengdu(IRGN1050R).
Super CJK Review(IRG#22 Resolution M22.10)
Report of WG2 and SC2 resolutions(WG2N2754 and SC2N3755) related to IRG work
SC2: M13-03a, M13-05, M13-17, M13-19, M13-21
WG2: M45.8, M45.9, M45.10, M45.11, M45.29, M45.32 to M45.36, M45.40
4.Members activity reports(HKSARG: IRGN1078, Japan: IRGN1079, China: IRGN1080, ROK: IRGN1082, IRG N1106, Macao:IRG N1084, TCA:IRG N1085, USA and Unicode: IRG N1092):
Standardization and implementation
- Working report of member’s Chief Editor)
5. Discussion and work items in IRG #23
5.1 The Status of CJK_C1(See IRG N1077 Total of 5 parts)
5.2 International Basic Subset, The IIcore
5.3 Ideograph Strokes(China: IRG N1081, TCA: IRG N1086 (Attachement), IRG N1086A, Lu Qin: IRG N1088, Anan: IRGN1090, Richard Cook:IRG N985, IRG N987, IRG N1096, IRG N1097)
5.4 Old Hanzi Interest Group(TCA: IRGN1087)
5.5 Ideograph’s Attributes, Ordering and Collation
6. IRG Work Planning and Future Meetings :
IRG #24Taipei/Nantou, Taiwan(TCA), around May 23-27, 2005
IRG #25Bay Area, USA(Unicode Consortium), late 2005
IRG #26?
7. Editorial/Ad hoc group Meetings
7.1 Subset – IICore(Anan: IRG N1089, Ad hoc Group: IRG N1094, IRG N1095, IRG N1067R)
7.2CJK-C1(ROK: IRG N1083, Macao: IRG N1093, Ad Hoc Group: IRG N1101(Attachment1, Attachement2, Attachment3)
7.3 Old Hanzi (Ad Hoc Group: IRG N1102)
7.4 Ideograph stroke set(Ad Hoc Group: IRG N1099)
8. Defect reports:
Super CJK (Wang Xiao Ming: IRG N858R)
Ext. B: (Anan:IRG N1091, Taichi: IRG N1103, IRG N1104)
9. Other Business:
Provision of CJK ideographs (WG2 #45 ResolutionM45.33 : CJK Ideograph source visual reference information)
Font availability for distribution of future ISO 10646 standard which will be made free of charge(SC2# 13 resolution: M13.03a: Free availability of ISO/IEC 10646 ).
Font versioning(Richard Cook: IRG N1098 )
10. Closing : Approve Resolutions