Dear <Insert Manager’s Name>,

I’d like to request your approval to enroll in the P-Cards Professional Certificate Program, Professional Development Group’s Higher Education online training for Purchasing Card Staff, Procurement professionals, Buyer Card staff, Control staff, purchasing staff, Financial Analyst, Business and Finance Administrators, Student Account executives, Auditors and Compliance Auditors, which has 19 one hour sessions with over 22 CPE credits towards the completion of the program.

The program was designed by Marty Newman retired assistant director of delegated procurement from University of Maryland. Marty handpicked some of the best session out of hundreds of recorded PDG Conference presentations. She then narrowed them down to 19 and put them into 4 categories of Program Establishment, Compliance, Types of Cards and Best Practices. The Program offers unique perspectives from higher education experts and industry leaders, as well as other industry professionals and vendors.

Session topics include Getting the Most from Your RFP, What’s In or Should Be in Your P-Cards Policies, Purchasing Card Fraud Detection and Prevention, PCI Compliance Audit, Problematic PCard Purchases, Best Practices for Managing your P-Cards Program and many more. With the knowledge gained from such a wide range of educational content, my certificate courses will allow me to take these ideas and implement them immediately.

Participating in the program will allow me to gain a greater knowledge of what it takes to be a leader as well as competencies in regulations, forms and work efficiencies. In addition, the program qualifies me for a total of 22 CPE Continuing Education Credits. I believe my participation in the course work will provide me invaluable knowledge, especially as it relates to the following projects/initiatives I’m currently working on:

·  <insert project name 1>

·  <insert project name 2>

·  <insert project name 3>

It’s more important than ever to ensure we’re getting the most out of our education and training investment – and my enrollment in the P-Cards Professional Certificate will help us do just that. I’ll have direct access to faculty and advisory committee members, the chance to contact and share ideas with P-Cards professional presenters, and an opportunity to gain 22 CPE Continuing Education Credits.

Thank you for your consideration of this request. Professional Development Group is offering a promotional coupon code of $50 off the program until the end of 2016. Therefore, I appreciate your immediate attention to my request.
