A Newsletter for Supporters of Immanuel Christian School
Vol. 23 No. 17
January 21, 2011
to buy your tickets for the ICS Gala Dinner
featuring Lorie Thiessen in a monologue
retelling the story of Diet Emans (a young Dutch lady)
as related in the book
“Things We Couldn’t Say”
described as “A Dramatic account of Christian
resistance in Holland during World War II.”
There will be a silent auction with many great items available, including:
· a catered meal for 25 people
· various gift cards
· fresh vegetables
· carpet cleaning
· oil changes
· golf apparel
· a child’s kitchenette
· solar-powered torches
· photography services
· an electric toothbrush
Some tickets are still available from:
Mrs. Liz den Hollander 663-6922
Mrs. Jess DeWit 232-3846
Deadline: TODAY, JANUARY 21, 2011
* * *
FROM THE PRINCIPAL - Mr. P. Veenendaal
For the next week or so, the school halls will be a little quieter. Grade 9 - 12 students are writing their first semester exams. Most of these are final exams for courses that are finished now. Some are mid-term exams for courses that will continue until June. For the courses that are complete, the final exam is worth 30% of the overall mark. For courses that have a midterm
and a final exam, the exams will each be worth 15% of the course mark.
ICS students have traditionally written exams in the afternoons and that will continue this year. Most students prefer this so they can review their course material in the mornings. This does interfere with elementary phys ed classes
sometimes but it is good to see that teachers are willing to accommodate when that is necessary. When we have extremely cold weather with indoor recesses, this becomes a little trickier yet. So, schedules have to be adjusted so that elementary students have the opportunity to run off some energy in the gym when they cannot go outside. And that works too - with some more adjustments in the class schedules.
Why can't we write exams in the classrooms? Of course we can do that but it becomes difficult in some ways. In the gym we have 2 staff supervisors looking after the needs of students. Other teachers may be supervising the study room or the social room in the basement or could be marking exams or preparing for the next semester. The gym-supervising teachers are generally the ones who have made the exams
that are being written on that particular day. That way, if the students have any questions, they can get quick help. If we wrote exams in the classrooms, we would need at least 8 supervisors for exams. Because we like to mix the students from different grades, students would not always have access to the teacher who made the exam. Also, it would be difficult to avoid distracting noise in the hallways once students start leaving the exam room. Sometimes it is difficult to keep the gym warm enough to sit and write for a few hours, but, thanks to SS Plumbing, the gym is toasty warm this year. Please encourage your exam-writing students to get a good night's sleep before an exam so they are wide-awake.
Exams will continue all of next week. Some students, of course do not have one every day, so they have some extra time off. Monday, January 31 is a day off for all students and teachers will be working on administrative tasks. February 1 will see the start of Semester 2 courses and is also the day students will be allowed to see their exams they have written and that are now marked. High school report cards will go home on February 3. Remember that there are no basketball games during exam week.
Next week, Mrs. Buist is scheduled to have surgery. This and her recuperation will keep her away from school for a number of weeks. We will pray, Mrs. Buist, that God will bless the work of medical personal so that you will be up and around again soon. In her absence, Mrs. Julia Toet will teach her Bible and ELA classes. Welcome back to I.C.S., Julia.
Under the grade 3 classroom news, you will see that Miss vanDoornik and her students will enjoy a field trip with Carman’s grade 3 class. This is one of the ways we are trying to forge closer relations between our two schools. Have a great day at the Science Gallery, boys and girls!
Next week, Mrs. Heidema will have a guest in the Grade 5 classroom for a few days. Tamara van Kammen is a Grade 12 student in Carman and is interested in pursuing a career in teaching in the future and is taking this opportunity to observe and help in a classroom to help her make decisions in that regard.
Teachers will soon receive contracts from the school board for next school year. Mrs. Kottelenberg has indicated that she will not return next year so we have begun to advertise in several publications. Teachers are always requested to make decisions regarding next year by the end of February; educational assistants are hired later in the year when we know what our needs are in that department.
If you know of a particular topic concerning ICS that you think would be of interest to our readers, please let me know and I will try to accommodate that. We are encouraged when we have to distribute 4 prizes in one week to faithful Messenger readers even though one must have been a slow reader because he claimed the prize for reading a week old Messenger (sometimes, for special people you have to make adaptations to your lessons, right B.R.;).
* * *
As some of you may have known, and others ventured to guess, last week’s Diaspora participant was indeed Derek Dewitt. As many of you are also aware, the company mentioned of which Derek is owner and President, is XL Drilling. Thank you Derek for your willingness to participate in this project! Also it was very refreshing to see how in all things big and small the attention is pointed to God in both your business and personal relations.
Until next week,
David Hutten
* * *
1. Reminder to the parents of the grade 4 students about the immunization clinic at the school on Wednesday, January 26, 2011 for the 2nd dose of the Hep. B.
2. Operation Quebec and Manitoba Moose Hockey – We are looking at this for another Fundraising Opportunity. The Manitoba Moose Hockey Club is hosting a special game for students from independent schools on Friday, February 18 at 7:30 p.m. when they will play the Lake Eric Monsters. The cost of the ticket is $20.00 with $3.00 of every ticket sold going back to Operation Quebec. The Moose are giving every student who attends, a brand new Manitoba Moose replica jersey included with the cost of their ticket. Parents, guardians and other relatives will receive a Manitoba Moose hat. Students please return the order form to Mr. den Hollander or Mrs. Toet, along with cash or cheques, before Wednesday, February 2, 2011. Once the Moose office has received our order, a representative will drop off the necessary tickets, hats and jerseys, so they can be worn to the game.
3. Saturday Morning Hockey: If you have not paid for your child’s Saturday morning hockey, please do so as soon as possible. Make cheque payable to Mike Kuik and put 'HOCKEY' on the memo line; $80 for one child and $120 for two or more.
4. Second Issue of This Year’s Student Paper coming soon! Talk to A.J., Brenden, or Mr. Dykstra to submit more material. Other writing opportunities:
1. Write or e-mail the media, its ad sponsors, or your MLA or MP.
2. Check
3. Teen Ink has an online poetry contest.
4. Click on the tag activism or reasons-to-write on
5. Mr. Dykstra has news of the latest essay contests and poetry contest, and a contest to make a business plan and promote your real or fictional business.
5. Recess Hockey – Wooden Hockey Stick Shafts – A number of the plastic hockey sticks which we purchased for the elementary students to use during recess and lunch hour have broken. If you have wooden hockey stick shafts that you are not using, could you please send them to school and we will put plastic blades on them for the students to use. Hockey is a BIG sport for the students during their breaks.
6. SCHOLASTIC: If you would like to place an order from the January Scholastic flyers, please return the order forms and cheque (made out to: Scholastic Canada Ltd.) to your child’s teacher on or before Friday, January 28.
* * *
· Want to improve your French? Check out the 5- week Explore French-Language Bursary program. It takes place during the summer, and offers beginners, intermediate and advanced levels. Want to know more? Check the bulletin board or
· Volunteer Opportunity /Class fundraising for the Lung Cancer Society. Volunteer as a tulip display attendant between February 24 and March 6. Amount of shifts and locations are flexible. If interested, contact Mike Barrett @ 745- 5501 ext. 220, or check the bulletin board for more info.
· Want to spend a week at our nations capital this spring? Why not apply for Trinity Western’s Access Ottawa (uniquely Christian approach) or Youth Parliament? Talk to Mrs. Dykstra for more info.
Scholarships and Awards . . .
Deadline / Name/Title / Application form and more InformationJanuary 31 / Toyota Earth Day Scholarship /
February 1 / Terry Fox Humanitarian Award / www.TERRYFOXAWARDS.CA
February 7 / Youth Leaders in Action /
February 14 / Weston Youth Innovation Award /
March 25 / Manitoba Youth Leaders in Action and the Premier’s / Applications are in the plastic hanger near the guidance bulletin board.
March 27 / Garfield Weston Award for students who are college bound. /
May 7
Take note Alumni! / Y.E.S. Showcase of Sustainability Projects for scholarships and rewards.
Available to grades 9-12 and post-secondary students. / This showcase takes place at Oak Hammock Marsh. For more info check out
Note: There are posters for all of theses scholarships and opportunities posted on the guidance board, as well as some accompanying brochures.
* * *
More stirring, and horrifying, true tales of
the heroism and horror of war:
War Stories: True Stories from the First and Second World Wars,
by Paul Dowswell, recounts First World War stories of “The Angel of Mons,” the infamous Mata Hari, and trench warfare, as well as such Second World War events as Operation Valkyrie, successful and disastrous espionage operations, and the atom bomb, besides many other stories of the same two wars.
To see other great library items, many with colour cover illustrations, check out (or the display board in the foyer).
Library hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings, as well as Tuesday afternoons.
The following students have overdue library books:
Grade 1:
Ben V.
Grade 2:
Austin D.
Jordan H.
Nicole G.
Aiden V.
Grade 4:
Matthew D.
Kylee V.
Grade 5:
Melannie T.
Grade 6:
Good job!
Grade 7:
Jonathan C.
Ryan G.
Riley R.
Michael T.
Bethani T.
Grade 8:
Sabrina N.
Shaylene T.
Grade 9:
Shania K.
Daniel V.
Kenny V.
Grade 10:
Nicole P.
Grade 11:
Aynsley K.
Grade 12:
Craig D.
Aaron K.
Helena V.
Emily V.
* * *
Kindergarten: Mrs. Nyhof
We in Kindergarten are so thankful to have a warm classroom during this cold snap of winter. Indoor recess has given us more time to play together with new activities in our room. The students continue to enjoy painting each week. We are excited about learning about community helpers and look forward to having Mr. Veldman (a police officer) come to our room for a visit next Wednesday. We began working on our costumes for Friday’s dress up day.
Here is what is planned for next week:
Library books and HOME READING BOOKS: Monday
Bible Stories: Monday – Bread From Heaven; Wednesday –The Ten Commandments; Friday – The Golden Calf
Memory Work: Text: Ephesians 4:2 (Theme is Patience), Song: Psalm 134:2, 3
Show and Tell: Reminder: Monday –Jaxon and Jesse, Wednesday–Kaden and Matthew, Friday – Seth and Shawn
Math: Patterns and working with the numbers 5 and 6
Language Arts: On Wednesday we will start learning the “C” sound for Crazy Camel and on Friday we will start learning the “O” sound for Ollie Ostrich. Each student may bring in one item on each day. Continued work on Phonological awareness.
Social Studies: Community Helpers
Music (K and 1): High and low notes, feeling the beat with emphasis on the first beat. “Ta” and “Ti Ti” rhythms. Learn new songs related to Bible stories and knowing God.
Grade 1: Miss Harke
Memory Work Song: Hymn 1B:1 (due Fri., Jan. 28)
Memory Work Text: New Testament Books – tune is in memory work duotangs (due Fri., Jan. 28)
Word Wall Words: into, has, look, two (due Fri., Jan. 28)
Show & Tell: M – Samuel, T – Logan, W – Melissa, Th – Drew, F – Benjamin
Bible: In the Promised Land, Review, Bible Test on Wednesday, Jan. 26
Language Arts: Please work on the home reading kits that were sent home. These should be brought back to school every Wednesday. If you have any questions, please let me know.
Math: Addition.
Science: We will continue researching Manitoba animals. The students have each chosen one of the following Manitoba animals to learn about: wolves, beavers, Canada geese and deer.
Phys. Ed. (K&1): We will continue with matching movement to rhythms.
Grade 2: Miss Vandermeulen
Memory Song: Psalm 126:1 (due Jan 28)
Memory Text: Daniel 4:3 - How great are his signs, how mighty his wonders! His kingdom is an eternal kingdom; his dominion endures from generation to generation. (due Jan 28)