July 20, 2017
Dear Hockey Coaches and Team Managers:
The hockey season will soon be upon us and the Devils Lake Park Board along with the Devils Lake Blue Line Club and area Fraternal Organizations will be hosting a variety of tournaments for our youth in the upcoming season. The tournaments are as follows:
December 8-10, 2017BantamB
December 29-31, 2017Squirt A & B
January 19-21, 2018Pee Wee A & B
February 2-4, 2018Squirt A & B
February 16-17, 2018Mites
Players must be in the birth date range allowed for each tournament unless approved by tournament management.
Birth DatesCanada
Bantam7/1/02 – 6/30-04Bantam AA Tier II (Silver) (02-04 Birthdates)
Bantam A/BTier II (Silver/Bronze) (03-04Birthdates)
Pee Wee A 7/1/04– 6/30/06Pee Wee AATier II (Silver) (04 Birthdates)
Pee Wee B7/1/04 – 6/30/06Pee Wee A/BTier II (Bronze) (05 Birthdates)
Squirts A & B7/1/06 – 6/30/08Atoms A & BTier II (A-06Birthdates B-07 Birthdates)
Mites7/1/08 – 6/30/10
Enclosed please find a tournament registration form. If you wish your team to participate in any of the tournaments, please return this form and the entry fee to us as soon as possible since entries are taken on a first-come-first-serve basis. Hope to see you and your team in DevilsLake. Best of luck in the upcoming season.
If you are no longer involved with the youth hockey program, please pass this information along to the appropriate person. If you have any questions please call 701-662-8243. Fax # 701-662-2113. Email address: . Tourney info is also available on our website:
Terry Wallace
Supt. of Parks & Recreation
Tournament Dates Level Type Fee (US Funds)
December 8-10, 2017BantamB8 Team Champ/Cons (3GG) $350.00
December 29-31, 2017Squirt A & BChamp/Cons or
Round Robin (3GG) $300.00
January 19-21, 2018PeeWee A & BChamp/Cons or
(2 Divisions)Round Robin (3GG) $350.00
February 2-4, 2018Squirt A & BChamp/Cons or
(2 Divisions)Round Robin (3GG) $300.00
February 16-17, 2018Mites A & B & C4 Team Round Robin (3GG) $200.00
All players will receive individual awards.
***GATE FEE*** There will be a $200 gate fee per team that may either be paid in advance or paid at arrival prior to the first game.
Please fill out the form below and return as soon as possible. Entry deadline is two weeks before the scheduled tournament. Tournaments will be filled on a first-come first-serve basis. Entry is complete when fee is received.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (701) 662-8243 or Fax (701) 662-2113. Good luck in your 2017-2018 hockey season! Email address:
Team Name______Team Colors______
Team Manager______Work Phone______
Address______Home Phone______
City/State/Zip______Team Class A or B (circle one)
Tournaments (Please Check):
Bantam B ($350)______Squirt A & B ($300)______Peewee A & B ($350)______
(Dec. 8-10) (Jan.29-31) (Jan. 19-21)
Squirt A & B ($300)______Mites A & B & C ($200)______
(Feb 2-4)(Feb. 16-17)
Pairings and tournament rules will be mailed out approximately one week prior to the tournament. Please make check payable to DEVILS LAKE PARK BOARD.
Mail entry form and check to:Terry Wallace
DevilsLakePark Board
PO Box 446
Devils Lake, ND 58301