MINUTES August 18th, 2015

The Monroe County Senior Services Committee met in regular session on August 18th, 2015 at the Sparta Barney Center. Wally Habhegger Chairman called the meeting to order at 11:02 a.m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Wally Habhegger, James Rasmussen, Harry Thonesen, Theresa Lehner, Mary Witt, Patty Daniells-Ambort and Carol Ostrem.

NON-MEMBERS PRESENT: Laura Moriarty, Susie Brownell.



The members reviewed the July minutes. Motion made by James Rasmussen, seconded by Carol Ostrem to approve the minutes. Motion carried.


A)  The committee reviewed the August vouchers.

B)  Motion made by Theresa Lehner, seconded by Patty Daniells-Ambort to approve the Budget Adjustment in the amount of $6,000.00. Motion carried.

C)  The committee reviewed the monthly figures.

2016 Budget Discussion:

The budget discussion included site equipment turnover, specifically steamtables and dishwashers. Motion made by Harry Thonesen, seconded by Carol Ostrem to include a commercial dishwasher and a steamtable in the 2016 budget. Motion carried.

The committee suggested the equipment repair be increased under each site. The committee would like to further discussion dishwashers and steamtable disposal and requested it appear on next month’s agenda.

Motion made by Wally Habhegger, seconded by James Rasmussen to approve the

rent at the Tomah Site to go from $100.00 per month to $200.00 per month in the 2016

budget. Motion carried.

5310 Vehicle Grant Approval:

Motion made by Carol Ostrem, seconded by Harry Thonesen to purchase 3 vans with the 5310 grant. Motion carried.

2016-2018 State Aging Plan Goal Review:

Laura reviewed the goals for the 2016-2018 Aging Plan.

Motion made by James Rassmusen, seconded by Carol Ostrem to approve the 2016-2018

State Aging Plan. Motion Carried.

ADRC/Aging Unit Services Comparison:

Motion made by Theresa Lehner, seconded by Patty Daniells-Abbort to table the discussion

until next meeting. Motion carried.

Program/Event updates:

Laura informed the committee that the person doing the Vintage Vagabond trips retired but

will continue to do as a volunteer.

Next Meeting:

The next committee meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 15th, 2015 at the Tomah Meal site at 11:00 a.m.


Motion made by Carol Ostrem, seconded by James Rasmussen to adjourn at 12:18 p.m. Motion carried.

______Wally Habhegger, Chairman


Susie Brownell, Reporter