Dear Graduates and Families. The following is a list of dates and times for the 2018graduation activities.
Decorating for Graduation activities- Friday, June15thto Tuesday, June 19th, 2018
This time is set aside for graduates to decorate the gym for all graduation activities. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Baccalaureate – Friday, June 15th, 2018, 5:00pm at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church
Graduate Banquet- Friday, June 15th, 2018 – 6:30pm
All Graduates, Parents, and Invited Guests will attend the grad banquet at the Dance Hall hosted by the graduating class of 2018. Two parent tickets are included in the graduate’s grad fee. If other family members and friends wish to attend, they must contact the school ASAP to confirm their intentions and a cost of $15.00 per ticket will be charged. (We would like to provide complimentary tickets to step parents as well, however, we are not in a financial position to do so.) As there is limited seating any additional tickets will be sold on a first come first served basis. Thank you in advance for your understanding. Additional details will be provided when graduates receive their invitations for the banquet.
Grand March/Prom –Monday, June 18th, 2018 – 6:00pm
6:00pm – 6:20pm – Graduates and their escorts walk down the red carpet.
6:30pm - Graduates will have their official class picture taken by Pam Stanley
6:40pm – Graduates and Escorts will meet in the Multi-purpose room to prepare for Grand March/Prom.
6:45pm - Grand March begins! Parents will have a designated seating area to provide them with ample picture taking opportunities
8:00pm-9:00pm - Graduates and Escorts will have a dance following the Grand March
Graduation- Thursday, June 21st, 2018
6:00pm- Graduates are asked to meet at the school with their caps, gowns, hoods, tassels, etc. to prepare for the ceremony.
6:30pm- Group photos can be taken outside (weather permitting).
7:00pm- Graduation Ceremony begins! Again, parents will have reserved seating. A receiving line will immediately follow outside weather permitting. Grad photographer Pam Stanley will be taking pictures of each graduate as he/she receives their diploma. The pictures will be available for within the next few weeks. Note that all hoods and gowns must be returned to the school following the graduation ceremony. Graduates will NOT receive their diplomas, or certificates until these are returned.
Safe Grad -Thursday, June 21st, 2018. Immediately following the graduation ceremonies
-Students will be jumping on the bus at 9:30pm sharp and heading into Fredericton
-Pickup will be at 5:30am Friday morning at the school.
*Graduation Fees – Graduation fees are $185.00 which includes a personalized yearbook, Prom/Grad costs,afee for dry cleaning of Grad gowns and 2 additional tickets to the grad banquet. Cheques can be made payable to StanleyHigh School and Graduation Fees are due ASAP.
Please feel free to call the school (367-7690) or email Mr. Dolan () if you have any questions or need further information.