Registration Form for ECE Students in the First Semester of the Professional MSE Program
Texas Engineering Executive Education; CEE Building, Mail Code A2800; 2613 Speedway;Austin, TX 78712; 512-475-8649
Submit the completed, signed form to CEE to have your advising bar removed before you register. Check for other registration bars and check your registration access times at
1.Last Name, First & Middle / 2.Date / 3. UT EID4.Email Address / 5. Contact Phone Numbers
6.Name & Phone # of Person to Contact in Emergency
7.LIst Part-TimeorFull-Time Full-time is 9 credit hours. / 8.Semester & Year of Registration
9.List Academic Track: Academic Tracks:ACSES bioECE DICE EA ES ICS PQE SES SSE
10. LIst Master’s (MSE) Option MSE Options: Undecided; Thesis; Report; No Thesis/No Report
11. List All Previous Degrees Earned & the Fields/Majors
12. How are you paying for graduate school?
13. ___ No Supervisor / 14. Supervisor / 15. Co-Supervisor
Students who choose the Thesis or Report option will need to find a supervising professor. Some students have two supervisors. The first co-supervising professor must be a member of the ECE GSC (Graduate Studies Committee). All ECE Assistant, Associate of full professors are ECE GSC members. There are some faculty on the ECE GSC from other departments who have been voted onto the ECE GSC by the ECE faculty. The second co-supervisor may or may not be on the ECE GSC, and may be from another department. More rules apply.
16. Courses you plan to take
Department and Course / Unique Number / Course Title / Write Letter Grade or CR/NC
LETTER GRADE or CR/NC: In ECE, only organized classroom courses taken for letter grade (A, A-, B+, B, B- etc.)count towardtheMSE degree, except for Report (EE 398R) and Thesis (EE 698A and EE 698B) which are graded Credit/No Credit (CR/NC). The final grade of a course taken forCredit/No Credit (CR/NC)is CR for Credit (equivalent to a grade of Cor better) orNC for No Credit (equivalent to a grade of F). CR and NC do not count towardtheGPA- Grade Point Average.
You must also submit the Registration in Individual Instruction CoursesFormto take the following EE courses:x97C, Research Problems for CR/NC; 397N, Conference Course; 397M, Graduate Research Internship; 398R, Report; 398T, Supervised Teaching in EE;or 698A or 698B, Thesis.
Your Academic Track Advisor signs and dates this form, #18, if you have no Supervisor. You are responsible for asking your Academic Track Advisor if a course counts toward degree requirements and if it counts as Major Work or Supporting Work in your Academic Track.
*Bring signed form to
FOR STAFF: Date Bar Cleared By (initials) [mzg 07/2017]