Dear Friends of Baxter High School,

On behalf of the Alliance Alice M. Baxter High School, I would like to invite you to participate in the BHS Speaker Series!

Baxter High School is a new charter school (founded in August, 2014), designed to provide students in the San Pedro and Los Angeles Harbor communities a choice for a better education and future. We are an independent charter school developed by the Alliance for College-Ready Public Schools, a nonprofit charter management organization dedicated to opening and operating a network of excellent, small, high-performing public secondary schools.

Baxter High School is unique in that it takes a holistic, innovative approach to education. We provide each student the opportunity for a personalized learning experience by providing a platform in which they can tailor learning to their specific style and pace. Additionally, students are afforded the opportunity to develop relationships and make connections through its mentorship, advisory, and speaker series programs. We believe that students learn best in an environment that supports them personally as well as academically, and recognize the importance of students connecting their current work to their future goals. Thus, we have created the BHS Speaker Series to expose our students to real professionals and experiences. The BHS speaker series design introduces students to career options, college experiences, and academic, social, or behavioral skill development in a tangible way. We hope to help students truly understand the infinite career options that exist and the varied roads people have traveled to obtain those opportunities.

We are inviting community members to speak at our school on a variety of topics that might support the development of our students. Students will have the opportunity to sign up for these sessions, so class size will vary depending on the level of student interest. The sessions can take the form of a lecture, a presentation, a workshop, or any other appropriate format. In general, these lectures will be hosted on Wednesday’s and allotted 30-minutes, unless the speaker requests an extended block of time or different day of the week.

Example topics might include:

·  Information about your career and how students might follow a similar career path

·  A workshop on how to develop a specific skill or competency (i.e., meditation or relaxation techniques, the art of negotiation, how to communicate in a business setting)

·  A lecture on a particular topic within your area of expertise (i.e., how the stock market works, the latest developments in stem cell research, how to launch your own app)

We believe our students will greatly benefit from your participation as a guest lecturer! If you would like to take advantage of this opportunity to influence our students with your experiences and expertise, please complete the BHS Speaker Series Sign-Up at or email Ines Amaya at .

Thank you for your consideration,

Ines Amaya

College Counselor