Dear Freshman Football Parents/Guardians,
I hope this letter finds you doing well and enjoying the last days of summer. As the Arrow Freshman Football Season gets underway we wanted to make you aware of some vital information and dates that will improve overall communication and understanding of what the coaching staff’s expectations are from both players and parents involved with our team.
-It is the responsibility of the player to communicate with the coaching staff!!!!!
- Practices/Games:
- Players are to be dressed for practice (taped, full pads) 10minutes before practice is to begin. Example….. Practice time is 8:00am on Tuesday morning. Players are sitting in bleachers ready to go out at 7:50am. Our goal is to be on the field at the allotted practice time for every practice.
- PRIOR NOTICE- In the event a player knows he will not be able to attend a practice/game coaches must be notified well in advance of the practice/game!!! 5 minutes before a practice/game does not count as “prior notice”. If sufficient “prior notice” is given for an absence, coaches will decide if there is reason for disciplinary measures to be taken.
- Players that miss a practice/game for any reason without “prior notice” will be dealt with on an individual basis. Missing practice will not be tolerated!!! Disciplinary action will be administered to players for missing a practice/game without prior notice at the coaching staff’s discretion. Examples of disciplinary action could be……extra conditioning, demotion at current position, sitting out quarters of games, etc….
- The following are some examples of non-excusable absences
* Hunting
* Detention(includes retaking a test if it could’ve been taken in the AM
* No ride
* Going out of town
* Work (Some exceptions may apply)
- Examples of excused absences may be
* Medical appointment
* Educational obligations
* Death/Sickness in the family
* Pre arranged family vacation
-Sickness- If a player is sick and misses school that is considered an excused absence. However, be aware that a player that misses practice due to sickness may lose his spot that he held at his position before his sickness. This is not meant as a punishment but instead a reality of missing what was covered in practice that day.
-Eligibility/Classroom Behavior- All players must show academic progress in the classroom during the season. Failure to show progress in the classroom will result in loss of playing time on the field until sufficient progress is shown. Any classroom misbehavior will also result in loss of playing time or extra conditioning opportunities. Coaches will be in communication with other teachers throughout the season to monitor academic progress of players.
-Road Trips-
-Players are responsible to inform their teachers in advance of being gone as a result of a road game.
-Players need to bring a lunch for after each road game. The bus will not stop for food.
-Players are to ride home on the bus unless special situations arise.
-Absolutely no misbehavior/horseplay will be tolerated on the road
-Players will be able to phone parents from the bus at approx 15-20mins out of
-Game Jersey’s will be washed by the school cleaners
-It is the responsibility of the player to have their pants washed during the season.
-Players are expected to have pants washed before each game.
-Playing Time-
Playing time will not be discussed with parents. If a player has a concern about his playing time or role on the team he is welcome to communicate his concerns to the coaches directly.
The Freshman Football Players will also adhere to the rules and guidelines of Watertown High School Activities Policy.
Please sign if you have read and agree to the above material and the calendar to follow.
Go Arrows!!!!
Coach Brian NorbergMatti Matti KranzCoach Jon H.
Head CoachAssistant CoachAssistant Coach
Freshman FootballFreshman FootballFreshman Football