Dear field based coordinators of child protection,
With many thanks to OCHA colleagues, and to DelphineBrun who is a globally deployed GenCap person supporting global level clusters, I am sending this to remind you about the importance of using the Gender Marker tool during the design and the vetting phases of the projects for the CAP 2012, and to share with you two useful tools on this.
The tools are: a list of frequently asked questions (and answers), and a tip sheet on using the Gender Marker for Child Protection projects. The French version of the tip sheet will soon be available on the Gender Marker page:

As you may know, the IASC Gender Marker was launched in 2009/2010 by the Sub-working Groups on Gender and on the Consolidated Appeal Process (CAP) to improve humanitarian programming and make humanitarian response more efficient.
The IASC Gender Marker is a tool that codes, on a scale of 0 to 2, whether a humanitarian project is designed well enough to ensure women/girls and men/boys will benefit equally from it or that it will advance gender equality in another way. By uploading gender codes on the global Online Project System (OPS) and Financial Tracking System (FTS), donors can identify and fund high quality gender-informed projects. In 2012, the Gender Marker will be required in all CAPs and in selected ERFs and CHFs.
While an evaluation of the Gender Marker implementation in 2010 indicates that it was very successful, greater engagement with and proactive promotion of the Gender Marker by the Global Clusters and field-based cluster leads is required. Cluster leads in the countries are crucial in supporting the Gender Marker in order to ensure that ALL segments of the affected population have equal access to quality services and that targeted support to advance gender equality is undertaken based on a gender analysis. Cluster Vetting Teams should ensure that the different projects are coded correctly, consistently and, when necessary, that project designers are provided with guidance in doing so.
For advice and support, please contact AislingSwaine, GenCap adviser and Gender Marker Focal point () or DelphineBrun, GenCap Adviser to Global Clusters (). Field-based staff are encouraged to contact their GenCap Gender Advisor where available: Cote D'Ivoire, DRC, Ethiopia, Liberia, Pacific Region, Southern Africa, Somalia, North Sudan, South Sudan, Zimbabwe and Yemen. For email addresses for GenCap Advisers please go to

Katy Barnett
Coordinator, Child Protection Working Group
Programme Division
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
5-7 Avenue de la Paix 1211 Geneva, Switzerland
phone: +41 22 909 5618 mobile: +41795597173
fax: +41 22 909 5900