July 2017
Dear families of 2nd year confirmation youth,
We pray that your summer is filled with relaxation, sun, and growth in the Lord!!! We are sure there are some busy times with kid’s events, family trips, and trying to still get some work done. It’s probably crazy to think that in one month school will be starting, which means that confirmation at Our Savior will start up again shortly.
The purpose of Confirmation at Our Savior Lutheran Church is to equip youth in developing a lifelong relationship with Christ, be able to identify with the mission of the Church and build relationships with the leaders, peers, and family.This coming year’s topics will follow….
2016-2017Living Lutheran series; Apostles Creed, Baptism, Communion , Worship, Ten Commandments Overview, Lord’s Prayer Overview
Fall (September/October) 2018 topics; Confession, Personal Interviews, Testimonies
To best meet the purpose of this ministry the parents and youth will join together as a unified group for 1hour and 30 minutes once a week looking into God’s Word and studying the Small Catechism in small groups. Parents your role is to be a role model for your youth. Not just by bringing them and sitting there, but through actively participating in the studies. Confirmation is offered Wednesday evenings 6:15-7:45pm in the Family Life Center. The first half of class the youth and parents will join together to study of God’s Word then the remaining part of class the youth will join together in small groups led by 2-3 small group guides while the parents continue topical bible study on the night’s lesson. Small groups will stay the same as the previous year but might be slightly adjusted for the best learning environment. Also each youth and parent will have a commitment form to review and sign at the beginning of the year as they commit to exploring, sharing, and growing in their faith throughout this year of confirmation. Reminder the small groups are led by adult and youth guides there to help guide discussion for the youth. They give an hour each week to volunteer their time to teach these youth, we ask that youth are respectful during these times; if they do not follow guidelines they will join their parents during the parent bible study.
The requirements we have are to best meet the ministry needs of our youth and families to best point you to Christ. We require daily journaling(can be done as a family), 85% attendance of classes, encourage regular attendance in worship, memorization of the Apostles Creed and Lord’s Prayer, and do a Bible Story Charades assignment over the Lent break. We also require that youth participate in at least 3 Service projects; one with their small group, one with the church, and one as a family, and 2nd year youth are too participate in a confirmation youth retreat in March. 1st and 2nd year youth will need to have a Bible, Luther’s Small Catechism, and purchase a Faith Ink Journal (cost $20). All youth are to have one parent, grandparent, or mentor attend with them each week. We will also provide babysitting for families with younger children during this time offered by high school youth. The 2nd year confirmands will have the additional requirements; present personal faith testimonies, “What does this mean to me “paper and letter to myself paper, and participate in an individual meeting with Pastors and Director of Family Life. These requirements are so that the congregation can see how God has been working in their lives which will be due in fall of 2017.
In the fall of 2018your child has the opportunity to participate in the Rite of Confirmation.It sometimes has been seen as the beginning of church membership or as a rite of passage into fuller church membership. It also has been seen as the time when "I can now participate in the Lord's Supper" or "I can now stop going to Sunday School." It should be remembered that the Rite of Confirmation falls under the realm of tradition. God does not divinely command it for the Church but it is useful for teaching and equipping. Confirmation is just one part of what is to be a lifelong spiritual journey and definitely not graduation. Confirmands are instructed in the Christian faith, so they are able to go out and share what they have learned to their friends, family, and even strangers; to publicly confess their faith. The Rite of Confirmation itself is both:(1) The culmination of a time of instruction, helping Christians identify with the life and mission of the Christian church.(2) A time to affirm or confess one's faith in Jesus that was spoken for them at their baptism.
With the change this upcoming year, that you as parents voted upon, we will meet September –April, with a break during Lent. We will have 3 times during lent that we ask the small groups to come together for a meal and attend worship together. The Rite of Confirmation will be in October 2018, the date will not be set till later spring as we want to make sure to stay away from high school homecoming weekends. Classes in September and October 2018 will start at 7:00pm to accommodate high school schedules better for the youth. The last two years we moved the service to the Johnny Carson Theater and it worked very well, you can watch the service on the website under youth ministry. Oursav.org, we will plan to do this as of now if the dates align.Also, this coming year, at the your discretion, if you believe your child has an understanding of this sacrament they will have the opportunity to participate in early communionon Maundy Thursday March 29th, or on confirmation day Fall 2018.
All registration forms are online this year, the form is at OURSAV.ORG, under Youth Confirmation. Please fill this out no later than August 6th to the church office so that we can plan accordingly. 2nd Year Youth MUST registerso we know if you will be returning!! Thank you for your partnership in the ministry as we point people to Christ!!!
We will start September 13thwith a parent meeting and introduction for youth at 6:15pm-7:45pm.
His Grace,
Pastor Lee Weander Christine Ekberg Pastor Ryan Taylor
Senior Pastor Director of Family LifeAssociate Pastor