Dear Executive Board Candidate:

Thank you for your interest in serving on the 2018 NAMI Glendale Executive Board of Directors.

NAMI Glendale is a vibrant organization, comprised of passionate members and volunteers who care deeply about the issue of mental illness.

The role of executive board officer is an extremely important one; elected officers are responsible for diligent stewardship of the fiduciary responsibilities assumed by the organization on behalf of its membership. The executive board in its governing capacity plays a significant role in determining the affiliate’s overall focus, priorities and specific courses of action over the coming year and beyond.

NAMI Glendale is incorporating a “Candidate Statement of Willingness” in this year’s executive board election process. This brief statement will serve to introduce each candidate to members who may not know them. Please refer to the following instructions, for guidance in completing this document.

Candidate Statement of Willingness Instructions:

1) Please prepare your individual Statement of Willingness in the exact manner shown by the accompanying document template.

2) Please complete and return the Candidate Statement of Willingness (along with a2” x 2” passport size photo) by the final due date, indicated by thenominating committee. Documents submitted late, will not be accepted for affiliateconsideration.

3) By completing and submitting a Statement of Willingness form, it is understood the nominee consents to allow the NAMI Glendale Affiliate to publicly distribute information contained therein as part of the 2018 Executive Board Ballot by means determined solely by the affiliate.

4) Email completed form, signatures, and photo to: , by 5pm on November 20th, 2017. Completed forms and photo can be mailed to: NAMI Glendale 2018 Nominations c/o P.O. Box 32268 Los Angeles CA 90032


Candidate for Executive Board Position:(list the 2018 board position for which you are nominated)
Occupation: (list your professional background & job title(s) here; as an optional offering, candidates
may also choose to list their educational background information here as well)
NAMI Member for:How long have you been a member?
What activities have you performed for NAMI currently or in the past?
Do you have relevant experience with other advocacy groups and/or employment (attach resume if relevant)?
Based on the experience and knowledge areas listed above, what expertise / skills / contributions would you bring to the Board?
What are your areas of greatest interest - Support / Education / Advocacy?
In 200 words or less, answer the following questions. Your answers will be included on the ballot along with your name, city, NAMI Affiliate, Occupation and a picture.
How are you connected to mental health and/or to NAMI?
• Why do you wish to serve?
• What skills / knowledge would you bring to NAMI?
• Why is NAMI important to you?