Dear Evans Families,
The school year is off to a great start at Evans! It was a pleasure to meet so many of you at Open House. In this newsletter you will find some useful information about processes at Evans along with upcoming events. You can also access our school website, to find our school calendar, class pages, and other information about the school.
You are Invited: We will be having our annual PASTRIES with PARENTS on Thursday, August 13th beginning at 8:05 a.m. in the library. We will not have a set agenda, but would like to provide a forum for all of you to come in, ask questions, and find out information about the things happening at Evans.
3-hour Early Release on Friday, August 14th: Students will be dismissed from school at 12:30 pm this Friday, August 14th. On early release days, lunch will be served at school. However, our cafeteria will only be preparing a sack lunch option. Students may also bring a lunch from home on these days. Students will have lunch during the following times:
10:00-10:25 Kindergarten, Cole, Carlstrom
10:30-10:55 2nd Grade, Ledbetter, Swonger, Dallmann
11:00-11:25 3rd Grade, Scherb, Scott
11:30-11:55 5th Grade, Poulsen, Calderini
Picture Day is Tuesday, August 18th!
Process for Student Drop Off in the morning: Parents please drop your students off outside of the school before school starts. Staff members will be present to welcome students and monitor the morning drop-off time each day. Remember, our school day begins at 8:20 am, and students eating breakfast at school may enter at 8:00 am. Please ensure your child does not arrive at school before 8:05 as there will be no school supervision. Students will be considered tardy at 8:30 a.m. and must check into the office before going to class.
Parking Lot: The lower (south) parking lot is for Evans staff and buses ONLY. For safety reasons parents/guardians dropping students off or picking them up at school may not enter this parking lot. ALL student drop-off and pick up will take place in the upper (north) parking lot in front of the school. Please follow arrows and signs in the Evans parking lot. When many people and vehicles try to fit in a limited area in a limited time, problems can arise. We appreciate those parents/guardians who consistently cooperate with traffic regulations (both in the school parking lot and the public street), school safety personnel, and those who are courteous to their fellow drivers. It is important to set appropriate examples of courtesy and safety for students.
Pets on School Grounds: In order to make every student at Evans as safe and secure as possible, please do not bring your pets with you when you walk your child to and from school.
Please Bring ID When Visiting Evans: Our visitor check-in system in our office requires a valid driver’s license or state ID. All parents, guardians, volunteers and other guests of our school must report to our main office with a picture ID upon entering.
Student Handbook: The Parent/Student handbook is posted on the school website Please take time to review this with your child so you will both know some of our important policies and procedures as there are changes every year. The Falcon District 49 Student Discipline and Code of Conduct manual is also posted on the district website for you to reference and review.