Due Date______/ 2015 /

Dear Eagle Families,

As mentioned in our previous email, the Eagles will be taking a field trip to Kennywood on May 15, 2015. We will be conducting an optional hoagie fundraiser to offset the cost of $36. If you choose to participate, please see the attached order form. Also, we have several students who will have difficulty affording the cost of the trip. If you are able to donate, we will use the funds to pay for tickets for these students.

Please be aware that we are expecting students to be on their best behavior. They will be expected to follow all of the school rules, including the dress code. If they break any school rule, consequences at the park will range from sitting at the lunch pavilion with a teacher/chaperone for the day to parents being contacted to determine if the student needs to be removed from the park. Please be sure to review these expectations with your child before the trip at home, and we will be sure to review them here at school as well.

We will leave school at 8:30 AM, and the busses will return no later than 5:45 PM. Please be aware that you will need to pick your child up or arrange for your child to have a ride home from school this day. Also, we will post information on the Eagles’ website if we have transit delays.

Please sign the permission slip below granting your child permission to attend the trip. Checks can be made payable to Seneca Valley Middle School. Please note, if you do not allow your child to attend, we will be sure that we have activities here at school that will teach the same concepts and principles that the students will be learning at the park. These activities, however, will not be as hands on as the activites that students will be completing at the park.

______I permit my student ______to attend the Kennywood field trip on May 15, 2015.

My child will be picked up by (name and relationship): ______

______I do not permit my student ______to attend Kennywood, please provide him/her with an alternate learning opportunity.

We have three different options for lunch the day of the trip, please decide what option works best for your home situation and check the appropriate box.

______My student will pack a lunch, or my student will buy lunch at the park.

______My student will buy a packed lunch from the school.

Parent/Guardian Signature ______

A number that you can be reached at the day of the trip in case of emergency: ______

If your child plans on bringing a mobile device, please provide a number. ______

Field Trip Medication Form

If your child has a chronic health condition that requires the possible use of life-saving medication (Diabetes, Food/Bee Allergies, Seizure Disorder, Asthma) this form MUST be completed in order for your child to attend the field trip.

School health personnel are generally not in attendance on field trips. Medication andtreatments should be administered prior to departure or upon return to school whenever possible. If a student requires medication or a treatment in order to participate in the program, the school nurse will assist with planning for transport of the appropriate dose of medication or equipment. The student will be provided with the opportunity to self-administer the medication or perform the treatment at the designated time. If the student is unable to self-administer the medication or treatment, the student’s parent will be invited to attend the field trip.

***If your child carries their Epipen or Inhaler during the school day, a parent is responsible to make sure that they are carrying it on the day of the field trip.

***If your child has Diabetes, a parent is responsible to make sure they have all of their supplies, snacks, etc… with them for the field trip. (Glucagon will not be sent on the trip)


Please complete the following if your child receives a medication or treatment at school on a daily or “as needed” basis that will be required during this field trip.

______will/may require ______while

name of studentmedication or treatment

participating in this program.


signature of parent

For Epipens, Diabetic supplies and inhalers please initial one of the following statements:

______I will send my child with their Epipen, Inhaler or Diabetic Supplies.

______I wish for the school nurse to send the Epipen, Inhaler or Diabetic Supplies that are stored in the health office.