Dear Children and families,

I hope you have all had a brilliant summer break and are now refreshed ready for an action-packed term of learning. This term’s learning will be based around a fantastic book full of mystery, adventure and danger… The Wind Singer, by William Nicholson. The book tells the tale of three young people who battle all the odds to save the world they know. During their journey they fight against the unkind and unhappy people who rule their city through tests. They travel on huge land-ships and meet strange new creatures along the way. All three characters discover how important and powerful friendships can be.

During this term we will begin with our BIG ART project. We will be working together to learn marbling skills, design and make our own Wind Singer towers and make a large patchwork cover, all linking to our story. During the term we will be busy testing different materials – turning into real life scientists. We will use our English skills to persuade the emperor to abolish tests and in DT we will be designing and testing our very own land-sailors. This is just a snippet of the exciting learning we will be doing this term, and with lots of exciting learning opportunities along the way, I for one cannot wait to get started…

During the year we will continue to focus our learning on SPARK – Spirituality, Practical, Asking Questions, Resilience and Knowledge. With our SPARK I hope to grow a real love of learning and a desire to become resilient learners. We will be a family in Year 5 and I know that by being co-operative and through working as a team we will achieve great things this year. As your teacher, I am here to help, guide and fully support you on your learning journey this year, do not be afraid to ask questions and to challenge yourselves.

The organisation of the week is as follows, P.E with our sports-coach, Mr Charlesworth, will be on a Thursday afternoon. Please ensure that all PE kits (warmer clothing included) are in school and clearly labelled. On a Tuesday afternoon, during the autumn term, we will be going swimming. Again all swimming kits need to be fully labelled.

Weekly Homework set on a Friday -

During year 5 I encourage you to always complete your homework fully and on time. The homework set will underpin any learning we have done in the classroom and so will help you develop further as a learner and is therefore extremely important.

  • Spellings, SPaG, times table testing and reading diary checks will take place on a Friday morning, so please ensure you bring all your relevant books in each day.
  • MyMaths homework will be set every Friday with at least one test to be completed online. If you are unable to complete the test set please let me know and I will arrange for you to complete it at school.

I am very much looking forward to our new year together and I hope you are too.

Your teacher,

Mr Dale