21 August 2017
Dear C Block Parents
How are you all ?I hope you had a most pleasant, but also productive mid-term break with your boys. Tents checked, sleeping bags dusted off and aired, rucksacks packed and tested…..maybe a few rides ?
“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he is not the same man”. I’ve always been impressed by this wisdom, and have ascribed it to some local okie. However,Google has set me straight...... the orator was none other than Heraclitus himself !and this stillholds true for the Journey. In just a month oday the Journey will be done and your sons, and the staff, will be different men.
Since letter#7:
We have met with the Nsele team, who will be monitoring our progress in the ‘Berg, to review rescue and emergency protocols. Nsele will provide a one-call response for groups anywhere on the Journey, notify local police of our whereabouts and activities and summon appropriate other services, should these be required.
The Dog Biscuits have arrived. Thanks so much Barry Hawke for delivering these.
Testing the bicycles was very useful and Elton has been able to identify and repair the last few issues.
Almost all indemnity forms are in.
The solitude boxes are filling with your letters. Thank-you for those which have arrived.
I heard that the old cheapie Nokia phones are far more effective in the ‘Berg than smartphones, so will be buying one for each group. Each leader will have a Satphone (in the Berg), a trusty Nokia as well as his own phone. Nsele will provide each group with a hand-held radio to test the coverage of the newly established radio repeater stations on the area, so hopefully communications will be covered everywhere.
In the next few days:
My to-do list willto grow by the hour!
Group leaders will check boys’ kitto see if they have everything they need and advise on what might best be left behind.
The pace in Jo Morrison's office shifts to top gear (just one level below panic) forthe final preparations, one of the most important being packing the correct letters in each boy’s solitude pack.
Should you have missed any correspondence, or want to check the kit list again, please log onto navigate to C Block Journey from the 'Student Life' tab.
Chat again soon
Kind Regards