Summer, 2017
Dear BJAMS Families,
We hope you’re all enjoying summer! While we aren’t wishing these sunny days away, we would like to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves as the directors of the After School Program.
Mrs. Casey Dewey has worked for the past six years with the After School Program as co-director and workedfiveyears prior as a volunteer with the program. She has a daughter who graduated BJAMS in 2017, a daughter in sixth grade, and one entering fourth grade. Mrs. Tese Ziminsky has also worked for the lastsix years as co-director and has been volunteering at school for eight years and has aneighth-grade daughter.
The After School Program will be available to all children in grades K through 8. Students enrolled in Pre-K may attend after the child’s fifth birthday. The ASP will operate Monday through Friday while school is in session from 3:15 PM to 5:15 PM. The goal is to provide care after school and to allow your children to choose and participate in safe, structured activities that they will enjoy. Please note: the program ends promptly at 5:15 PM – no exceptions! Parents retrieving their child(ren) after 5:15 PM will be charged $25 in fifteen-minute increments, meaning that for every 15 minutes you are late, $25 will be added to your ASP bill.
The plans for the ASP for this new school year are to keep the existing routine (homework club, outdoor recreation, arts and crafts) as well as mixing in a few new ideas. ASP will begin on the first day of school, August 28, 2017.
We will be making a monthly calendar to assist in planning your after-school needs. As always, we welcome comments and ideas. We will have an ASP bulletin board similar to the PTO board to enhance communication.
We ask that ALL parents/guardians complete and submit a one-time permission form regardless of anticipated ASP use. We ask that every child eligible for the ASP have a permission form on file for general enrollment and unexpected use of the program (late pick-ups, emergencies, etc.). Please complete and return the enclosed form to the school office.
Please know that you may choose to enroll your children at any time during the school year. Drop-ins will still be welcome when advance planning is not possible;please speak with Mrs. Dewey, Mrs. Ziminsky, your child’s teacher, or Mrs. Kohl if this becomes the case.
We ask that all parents use the walkie-talkie outside of the ASP room(facing the school building, it is the second door on the left from the main entryway) to notify staff that you are here to pick up your child. The school is locked on all days except Wednesdays (due to karate).
The cost of the After School Program is $5.00/hour per child. Please note that there is no multi-child discount for After School Program attendees. Snacks will be available at an additional cost. Snack options will be the same options offered during lunch that day. Students are welcome to bring their own snacks to the program, but we ask that these snacks be “peanut and tree-nut safe.”
The ASP will continue utilizing the electronic billing system. Attendance will be tracked manually and electronically as this has been an effective way to keep track of daily enrollment, billing, and the planning of activities.
If you have any comments, questions or concerns about the ASP please contact Casey Dewey or Tese Ziminsky at . If you need to reach your child or a member of the ASP staff during ASP hours, please call the school at 802-888-4758 x224.
We look forward to seeing you all very soon!
Casey Dewey and Tese Ziminsky
After School Program Coordinators
Bishop John A. Marshall-After School Program
Permission Form
I give my child/children (name/s)______permission to attend the After School Program. I understand that adequate and appropriate supervision will be provided. However, I recognize that unanticipated situations and problems can arise, in which situations or problems are not reasonably within the control of the supervising teacher(s) or staff (including volunteers). We agree to release and hold harmless the Bishop John A. Marshall School (employees and volunteers) from any and all liability, claims, suits, demands, judgments, costs, interest, and expense (including attorneys’ fees and costs) arising from such activities held at the After School Program. Additionally, I give the ASP staff permission to photograph my child to use for the BJAMS publications, including the BJAMS web site.
Parent/Guardian: ______
(please print)
Parent/Guardian Signature ______
Home # ______
Work # ______Work #______
Cell # ______Cell# ______
Emergency #______Relationship to student(s): ______
Please list anyone other than yourself whowill be permitted to pick up your child from the ASP:
(Please note: those not listed here will require a handwritten note from you authorizing pick up from an unauthorized adult.)
Any known allergies: (circle one) yes/no
If yes, please specify allergy type and symptoms
Please indicate any special medication or treatment your child requires for allergic reaction:
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