April 15, 2015
Dear AHS Student and Parent/Guardian,
Dual enrollment is a program where a student has an opportunity to take college courses during their junior/senior year while attending Adrian High School. Adrian Public Schools will pay for the cost of tuition. However, if the student fails, withdraws or does not attend their dual enrollment class, they will be responsible for the entire cost of tuition. The cost of textbooks, parking, travel expenses and activity fees are the responsibility of the student/parents. The following are guidelines for dual enrollment, students must have:
- 3.0 G.P.A or higher
- Obtained qualify scores in all areas on one of the following assessments: ACT or PLAN
- Good attendance/passing all AHS classes
Course Selection:
- Students should check course catalog in the counseling office or on-line:
-Adrian College:
-Siena Heights:
- Course selected can not be a class AHS currently offers
- Course must be at minimum 2 credits
- Select a course that runsduring one class period. (ex.: 8am-8:50am or 2-2:50)
- Watch for pre-requisites – Choose 100 or 200 level classes only
- Do not select a class that meets at two different times (ex. Course w/lab)
High School Credit options – you may take a college class for college credit or high school credit or both:
- If you are taking a math college class for senior year H.S. credit you must enroll in fall & winter
- If you are taking a class for H.S. credit you will receive an S grade on your transcript(upon receiving a passing grade)
- Consider number of credits you have currently earned when determining if you want to take the class for high school credit – you need 34 credits to graduate
Student should indicate on the back of this letter, which courses they are interested in and return to the counseling office by Wednesday, April 22, 2015
-Counselors will verify course availability and eligibility
This is an exciting opportunity and should be carefully considered. If you have any further questions, pleasecontact our office at 266-4542.
Thank you,
The AdrianHigh School Counselors
Dual Enrollment
College Course Selection Sheet
Fall 2015
Student: ______Date: ______
1st choice
College/University (circle): AdrianCollege/ SienaHeightsUniversity
Course Name: ______
Course Number: ______
Course Days: ______
Course Times: ______
Credits: ______
2nd choice
College/University (circle): AdrianCollege/ SienaHeightsUniversity
Course Name: ______
Course Number: ______
Course Days: ______
Course Times: ______
Credits: ______
3rd choice
College/University (circle): AdrianCollege/ SienaHeightsUniversity
Course Name: ______
Course Number: ______
Course Days: ______
Course Times: ______
Credits: ______