3 Hayes Road, Deanshanger, Northants MK19 6HP

Tel 01908 566373, Email:


Chair: Cllr Gardiner Vice Chair: Cllr A Dott

To members of the Highways and Planning Committee: You are summoned to attend a meeting of Deanshanger Parish Council’s Planning Committee at the Parish Council office on Monday 22nd December 2014 at 7.15pm for the purpose of transacting the business below.


110. Public forum

111. Apologies for absence

112. To receive declarations of interest

113. To approve the minutes of the Highways and Planning Committee meeting held on 4th December 2014

114. Matters arising from the previous Highways and Planning Committee minutes on 4th December (for information only)

115. To consider the Committee’s response to the following applications for Planning consent:

a) S/2014/2270/FUL & S/2014/2271/LBC – Restore and repair the existing stone wall with Cock and Hen coping stones and temporary builders compound – Holy Trinity Church, Church Lane

b) S/2014/2315/FUL – Extension and alterations to existing building to form an A1 shop, along with the installation of a satellite dish, and the installation of cycle hoop, lighting columns, external plant equipment and refuse enclosure – Fox & Hounds, 71 High Street

c) s/2014/2316/ADV – 1 x internally illuminated fascia sign to be applied to front of the building; 1 x externally illuminated free-standing car park sign; relocation of the existing ‘Fox & Hounds’ hanging sign to the front of the building; various internally applied vinyl signs – Fox & Hounds, 71 High Street

116. To receive decision notices on planning applications

117. To consider a response to the Post Office consultation on proposed move to new premises at Jeet Top Shop, 44 Puxley Road

118. To consider a response to Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service draft Community Protection Plan Update and Review 2015

119. To receive updates on the Outstanding list and approve any actions

120. Correspondence Received

S Willis – Clerk
