Deansfield Primary School

Dairsie Road, Eltham, London, SE9 1XP

Tel: 020 8850 1218 Fax: 020 8294 2030



Executive Headteacher: Mr J Camp BA (Hons), MA

Head of School: Mrs J Gordon BA (Hons)

In partnership with Willow Dene School and South Rise Primary School

June 2012

Dear Parent/Carer


The cost of the school journey to Wales this year will be £264. This cost includes the return transport to and from Wales, accommodation, all meals and use of facilities, hire of the centre mini buses and drivers, and the visit to the local swimming pool.

We would like you to commit yourself to a method of payment, as this will help us in the collection and banking of monies. A payment card is attached which should accompany any payment you make. This will be receipted and returned to you via your child’s class teacher. Full payment must be made before your child departs for school journey. Once you have indicated your child wishes to attend, we will advise the Centre to confirm the booking; we have been told by the Centre that they will levy a charge once the confirmation is received.

The options are:

1. One off payment of £264 as soon as possible - this can be postdated to 16th July if this is more convenient

2. Three post-dated cheques: 1st cheque dated16th July 2012– payment of £88

2nd cheque dated 31st August 2012 – payment of £88

3rd cheque dated 30th September 2012 payment of £88

3. Eleven Weekly payments of £24 commencing Friday 22nd June and finishing Friday 5th October.

Grants are also available which help cover the bed and breakfast element of the journey if you are in receipt of one of the following benefits: Working Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit at a rate higher than the basic family and baby element, Pension Credit Guarantee if you also get Child Tax Credit at a rate higher than the basic family and baby element, Support under part 6 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999. However you will still need to pay £140 to cover the cost of the travel, the difference between the amount of grant available and the centre cost and swimming.

Please indicate below if you wish to make an application for the grant; the school office will be happy to process this for you.

Please tear off the slip below and return it to the Office by the end of the week, so that we are aware of your preferred method of payment. If you wish to make a payment at this time please do so using the enclosed payment card; otherwise we expect you to keep to the schedule you have indicated. Please also ensure that the consent form is completed and returned to the school office with the slip below.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the school office. We are sure the children will enjoy the fun, action packed week we have arranged for them. We will text you daily with details of their activities together with details on the school’s website when possible. Thank you for your support.

Yours sincerely,

Mr J Camp, Executive Headteacher Mrs J Gordon, Head of School


Deansfield Primary School - School Journey to Wales October 2012

I would like my child ______Class _____ to go to Wales

School Journey. I intend to make:

One off payment of £264and will pay as soon as possible, or by 16th July.

Three Monthly payments by post dated cheques for £88 made out to Deansfield Primary School (16th July/31 August/30 September)

Eleven weekly payments of £24 commencing Friday 22nd June and finishing Friday 5th October

I would like the School Office to apply for the grant on my behalf. I will pay £140 towards the costs not covered by the grant by

One off payment of £140 and will pay as soon as possible, or by 16th July 2012

Three monthly payments by post dated cheques (2x £46, 1x£48) made out to Deansfield Primary School (16th July/31 August/30 September)

Ten weekly payments of £13, plus one payment of £10, commencing Friday 22nd June and finishing Friday 5th October

Signed ______Date______

Cost for October 2012 School Journey to Wales: £264


Centre Cost: £220

This costs provides:

§  four overnight stay at the Centre

§  All meals

§  Use of the highly skilled Centre Staff

§  Use of all equipment

§  Admission to visits

§  Use of Centre mini-buses and drivers

Coach cost: £39 return

§  Pick up from Deansfield at 7.45am

§  Return to Deansfield approximately 4.00pm

Swimming cost: £5

§  Hire of the Swimming Pool for the personal use of our party