FKBP5, stress and mental health
Supplementary Table 1
Demographic characteristics
SESBiC (%) / USSS (%) / pⱡSex
Male / 50.1 / 54.3 / n.s.
Secondary school
Higher education preparatory programs / 0
Vocational program / 81
Introductory program / 19
Graduate school
standard program / 100
Both parents born in Sweden / 88.6 / 80.2 / <0.001
Living with both biological parents / 75.5 / 67.3 / =0.002
Both parents working / 81.2 / 61.6 / <0.001
Chi square test
Supplementary Table 2
Descriptive statistics ofFKBP5SNPs
Cohort / dbSNP ID / Genotype frequencies / Minor Allele Frequency / HWEP / Call rate %
N (%) / Females
N (%)
SESBiC / rs3800373 / 96.7
AA / 258 (49.9) / 259 (50.1) / 25% (M)
24% (F) / 0.48 (M)
0.85 (F)
AC / 164(49.9) / 165 (50.2)
CC / 31 (55.4) / 25 44.6)
rs1360780 / 95.4
CC / 235 (48.7) / 248 (51.3) / 28% (M)
25% (F) / 0.60 (M)
0.80 (F)
CT / 173 (50.6) / 169 (49.4)
TT / 36 (57.1) / 27 (42.9)
USSS / rs3800373 / 95.5
AA / 110 (51.6) / 103 (48.4) / 27% (M)
29% (F) / 0.12 (M)
0.56 (F)
AC / 93 (59.6) / 63 (40.4)
CC / 12 (48.0) / 13 (52.9)
rs1360780 / 95.5
CC / 103 (53.1) / 91 (46.9) / 30% (M)
25% (F) / 0.44 (M)
0.44 (F)
CT / 95 (57.2) / 71 (42.8)
TT / 17 (50.0) / 17 (50.0)
F: females; HWE: Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium; M: males; SNPs: single-nucleotide polymorphisms
Supplementary Table 3a
Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) scores by sex in the SESBiCcohort
SDQ / Sex / N / Mean / SD / pⱡTOTAL / Male / 455 / 11 / 6 / 0.044
Female / 454 / 10.2 / 5.5
Conduct / Male / 455 / 1.7 / 1.5 / 0.002
Female / 454 / 1.4 / 1.2
Emotional / Male / 455 / 1.8 / 1.7 / 0.001
Female / 454 / 2.6 / 1.9
Hyperactivity / inattention / Male / 455 / 3.8 / 2.1 / 0.001
Female / 454 / 3.1 / 1.9
Peer problems / Male / 455 / 1.8 / 1.5 / 0.101
Female / 454 / 1.6 / 1.4
Pro-social behaviour / Male / 455 / 7.7 / 1.7 / 0.001
Female / 454 / 8.6 / 1.4
TOTAL is the sum of the subscales: Conduct, Emotional, Hyperactivity / inattention and Peer problems
ⱡ: T-test
Supplementary Table 3b
Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children (TSCC) scores by sex in the USSS cohort
Sex / N / Mean / SD / pⱡTOTAL / Male / 216 / 25,6 / 21,92 / 0.001
Female / 182 / 38,7 / 23,38
ANX / Male / 216 / 3,0 / 3,66 / 0.001
Female / 182 / 6,6 / 4,42
DEP / Male / 216 / 3,1 / 3,92 / 0.001
Female / 182 / 6,6 / 4,92
ANG / Male / 216 / 4,6 / 4,90 / 0.044
Female / 182 / 5,6 / 4,52
PTS / Male / 216 / 4,9 / 4,98 / 0.001
Female / 182 / 9,0 / 5,70
DIS / Male / 216 / 4,8 / 4,64 / 0.001
Female / 182 / 7,5 / 4,87
SC / Male / 216 / 6,2 / 5,07 / 0.048
Female / 182 / 5,2 / 4,30
TOTAL is the sum of the subscales: ANX: anxiety; DEP: depression; ANG: anger; PTS: posttraumatic stress; DIS: dissociation; SC: sexual concerns
ⱡ: T-test
Supplementary Table 4
Correlation between total and subscales scores for SDQ and TSCCin adolescents of the SESBiCand USSS cohorts, respectively
SDQ / conduct / emotional / hyperactivity / inattention / peer problems / pro-social behaviourN / 909 / 909 / 909 / 909 / 909
TOTAL SCORE / r / 0.673** / 0.595** / 0.912** / 0.333** / -0.363**
N / 398 / 398 / 398 / 398 / 398 / 398
TOTAL SCORE / r / 0.850** / 0.873** / 0.835** / 0.893** / 0.900** / 0.687**
r: Pearson correlation coefficient
Supplementary table 5
Impact of FKBP5genotype onpsychiatric symptoms in adolescents by TSCC and SDQ and total score and sub-scales in the SESBiCand USSS cohorts, respectively
Cohort / FKBP5 genotypes / N / Psychiatric symptomsN (SD) / F / p
SDQ Total / rs3800373 / 0.041 / 0.96
AA / 517 / 10.6 (5.96)
AC / 329 / 10.5 (5.47)
CC / 56 / 10.5 (5.67)
rs1360780 / 0.014 / 0.986
CC / 483 / 10.6 (5.91)
CT / 342 / 10.6 (5.66)
TT / 63 / 10.7 (5.68)
SDQ Conduct / rs3800373 / 0.028 / 0.972
AA / 517 / 1.5 (1.39)
AC / 329 / 1.5 (1.33)
CC / 56 / 1.5 (1.28)
rs1360780 / 0.081 / 0.922
CC / 483 / 1.5 (1.38)
CT / 342 / 1.6 (1.36)
TT / 63 / 1.5 (1.29)
SDQ Emotional / rs3800373 / 1.986 / 0.138
AA / 517 / 2.3 (1.88)
AC / 329 / 2.1 (1.78)
CC / 56 / 1.8 (1.61)
rs1360780 / 1.339 / 0.263
CC / 483 / 2.3 (1.84)
CT / 342 / 2.2 (1.84)
TT / 63 / 1.9 (1.66)
SDQ Hyperactivity//inattention / rs3800373 / 0.196 / 0.822
AA / 517 / 3.4 (2.10)
AC / 329 / 3.4 (1.98)
CC / 56 / 3.6 (2.21)
rs1360780 / 0.358 / 0.699
CC / 483 / 3.4 (2.09)
CT / 342 / 3.4 (2.02)
TT / 63 / 3.7 (2.18)
SDQ Peer problems / rs3800373 / 0.24 / 0.787
AA / 517 / 1.7 (1.48)
AC / 329 / 1.8 (1.42)
CC / 56 / 1.6 (1.51)
rs1360780 / 0.451 / 0.637
CC / 483 / 1.7 (1.46)
CT / 342 / 1.8 (1.43)
TT / 63 / 1.7 (1.61)
SDQ Prosocial / rs3800373 / 0.913 / 0.402
AA / 517 / 8.2 (1.63)
AC / 329 / 8.1 (1.65)
CC / 56 / 8.0 (1.65)
rs1360780 / 1.169 / 0.311
CC / 483 / 8.2 (1.58)
CT / 342 / 8.1 (1.71)
TT / 63 / 8.0 (1.60)
USSS / rs3800373 / 3.331 / 0.037
TSCC Total / AA / 213 / 31.1 (21.70)
AC / 156 / 30.4 (25.54)
CC / 25 / 43.3 (24.38)
rs1360780 / 2.313 / 0.1
CC / 194 / 30.4 (21.90)
CT / 166 / 31.4 (25.36)
TT / 34 / 39.8 (22.94)
TSCC Anxiety / rs3800373 / 0.815 / 0.443
AA / 213 / 4.5 (4.25)
AC / 156 / 4.6 (4.65)
CC / 25 / 5.7 (4.14)
rs1360780 / 0.939 / 0.392
CC / 194 / 4.4 (4.32)
CT / 166 / 4.7 (4.54)
TT / 34 / 5.5 (4.21)
TSCC Depression / rs3800373 / 1.453 / 0.235
AA / 213 / 4.6 (4.60)
AC / 156 / 4.6 (4.95)
CC / 25 / 6.2 (4.72)
rs1360780 / 0.812 / 0.445
CC / 194 / 4.4 (4.67)
CT / 166 / 4.7 (4.84)
TT / 34 / 5.6 (4.78)
TSCC Anger / rs3800373 / 3.761 / 0.024
AA / 213 / 5.1 (4.70)
AC / 156 / 4.7 (4.63)
CC / 25 / 7.5 (5.55)
rs1360780 / 1.909 / 0.15
CC / 194 / 5.0 (4.56)
CT / 166 / 4.9 (4.90)
TT / 34 / 6.6 (5.11)
TSCC Post-trauma / rs3800373 / 4.052 / 0.018
AA / 213 / 6.7 (5.30)
AC / 156 / 6.3 (5.96)
CC / 25 / 9.8 (6.71)
rs1360780 / 2.349 / 0.097
CC / 194 / 6.5 (5.30)
CT / 166 / 6.6 (5.98)
TT / 34 / 8.8 (6.27)
TSCC Dissociation / rs3800373 / 1.441 / 0.238
AA / 213 / 6.1 (4.32)
AC / 156 / 5.8 (5.53)
CC / 25 / 7.6 (5.86)
rs1360780 / 0.568 / 0.567
CC / 194 / 5.9 (4.39)
CT / 166 / 6.1 (5.45)
TT / 34 / 6.9 (5.32)
TSCC Sexual concerns / rs3800373 / 3.229 / 0.041
AA / 213 / 5.5 (4.40)
AC / 156 / 5.8 (5.03)
CC / 25 / 8.0 (5.61)
rs1360780 / 3.866 / 0.022
CC / 194 / 5.4 (4.53)
CT / 166 / 5.7 (4.87)
TT / 34 / 7.9 (5.16)
Supplementary tables6a and 6b
Interaction of FKBP5 genotype and level of adverse life events predict psychiatric symptoms in adolescents by byTSCC and SDQ sub-scales in the SESBiCand USSS cohorts, respectively
a)SESBiC cohort
SDQ / FKBP5Genotypes / ParticipantsN / ALE <90th
mean SD) / Participants
N / ALE ≥90th precentile
mean (SD) / p $ / R2#
Conduct / rs3800373 / E =0.173; G =0.663; GXE =0.519 / 0.033
AA / 449 / 1.5 (1.40) / 68 / 1.7 (1.27) / E =0.041#; G =0.376#; GXE =0.235#
AC / 272 / 1.4 (1.29) / 57 / 2.0 (1.41) / 0.0355
CC / 52 / 1.4 (1.28) / 4 / 2.0 (1.41)
rs1360780 / E =0.091; G =0.541; GXE =0.514 / 0.033
CC / 422 / 1.5 (1.39) / 61 / 1.7 (1.32) / E =0.073#; G =0.315#; GXE =0.279#
CT / 281 / 1.5 (1.34) / 61 / 2.0 (1.38) / 0.033#
TT / 58 / 1.5 (1.29) / 5 / 2.2 (1.30)
Emotional / rs3800373 / E =0.198; G =0.666; GXE =0.856 / 0.057
AA / 449 / 2.2 (1.84) / 68 / 2.6 (2.06) / E =0.009#; G =0.444#; GXE =0.562#2
AC / 272 / 2.0 (1.76) / 57 / 2.5 (1.84) / 0.057#
CC / 52 / 1.8 (1.59) / 4 / 2.3 (2.06)
rs1360780 / E =0.113; G =0.931; GXE =0.761 / 0.057
CC / 422 / 2.2 (1.81) / 61 / 2.5 (2.09) / E =0.016#; G =0.928#; GXE =0.427#
CT / 281 / 2.1 (1.84) / 61 / 2.5 (1.84) / 0.056#
TT / 58 / 1.8 (1.64) / 5 / 2.6 (1.95)
Hyperactivity /inattention / rs3800373 / E =0.010; G =0.083; GXE =0.019 / 0.046
AA / 449 / 3.4 (2.12) / 68 / 3.6 (1.94) / E =0.003#; G =0.040#; GXE =0.008#
AC / 272 / 3.2 (1.95) / 57 / 4.5 (180) / 0.045
CC / 52 / 3.5 (2.20) / 4 / 5.03(1.71)
rs1360780 / E =0.016; G =0.277; GXE =0.229 / 0.040
CC / 422 / 3.4 (2.11) / 61 / 3.4 (2.114) / E =0.011#; G =0.268#; GXE =0.145#
CT / 281 / 3.3 (2.01) / 61 / 3.3 (2.01) / 0.039#
TT / 58 / 3.5 (2.19) / 5 / 5.03(1.58)
Peer problems / rs3800373 / E =0.404; G =0.808; GXE =0.600 / 0.019
AA / 449 / 1.7 (1.44) / 68 / 1.6 (1.43) / E =0.037#; G =0.566#; GXE =0.339#
AC / 272 / 1.7 (1.39) / 57 / 1.7(1.40) / 0.018#
CC / 52 / 1.6 (1.52) / 4 / 1.7 (1.58)
rs1360780 / E =0.089; G =0.820; ; GXE =0.665 / 0.018
CC / 422 / 1.6 (1.43) / 61 / 2.1 (1.62) / E =0.040#; G =0.815#; GXE =0.642#
CT / 281 / 1.7 (1.41) / 61 / 2.0 (1.56) / 0.018#
TT / 58 / 1.7 (1.60) / 5 / 2.4 (1.95)
Prosocial behaviour / rs3800373 / E =0.039; G =0.081; GXE =0.194 / 0.091
AA / 449 / 8.2 (1.63) / 68 / 8.0 (1.62) / E =0.073#; G =0.053#; GXE =0.138#
AC / 272 / 8.2 (1.57) / 57 / 7.5 (1.89) / 0.090#
CC / 52 / 8.1 (1.61) / 4 / 6.8 (0.96)
rs1360780 / E =0.076; G =0.066; GXE =0.173 / 0.087
CC / 422 / 8.2 (1.58) / 61 / 8.1 (1.61) / E =0.125#; G =0.027#; GXE =0.080#
CT / 281 / 8.2 (1.66) / 61 / 7.5 (1.85) / 0.086#
TT / 58 / 8.2 (1.61) / 5 / 7.2 (1.30)
$ GLM adjusted for: sex, living with both parents v.s. separated parents; both parents working v.s. ≥one parent not working; both parents born in Sweden v.s. ≥one parent born outside Sweden.
# model with 2 levels of genotypes, homozygous for the most common allele vs. carriers of the minor allele
E: environment main effect; GxE: gene-by-environment interaction effect; SDQ: Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire; ALE: adverse life events
b)USSS cohort
TSCC / FKBP5Genotypes / ParticipantsN / ALE <90th
mean (SD) / Participants
N / ALE ≥90th precentile
mean (SD) / p $ / R2#
Anxiety / rs3800373 / E <0.001; G =0.034; GXE =0.025 / 0.283
AA / 187 / 4.2 (3.92) / 26 / 7.2 (5.50) / E =<0.001#; G =0.011#; GXE =0.008#
AC / 136 / 3.9 (3.70) / 20 / 9.8 (6.82) / 0.270#
CC / 18 / 4.7 (3.60) / 7 / 8.4 (4.47)
rs1360780 / E <0.001; G =0.047; GXE =0.075 / 0.278
CC / 169 / 4.0 (3.95) / 25 / 7.3 (5.62) / E =<0.001#; G =0.013#; GXE =0.023#
CT / 146 / 4.0 (3.71) / 20 / 9.5 (6.82) / 0.265#
TT / 25 / 4.3 (3.58) / 9 / 8.9 (4.17)
Depression / rs3800373 / E <0.001; G =0.001; GXE0.001 / 0.280
AA / 187 / 4.3 (4.35) / 26 / 6.5 (5.87) / E <0.001#; G <0.001#; GXE0.001#
AC / 136 / 3.7 (3.77) / 20 / 10.5 (7.58) / 0.266#
CC / 18 / 4.4 (3.99) / 7 / 10.9 (3.08)
rs1360780 / E <0.001; G =0.003; GXE0.001 / 0.275
CC / 169 / 4.1 (4.38) / 25 / 6.6 (5.97) / E <0.001#; G <0.001#; GXE0.001#
CT / 146 / 4.0 (3.78) / 20 / 10.1 (7.71) / 0.260#
TT / 25 / 3.6 (3.82) / 9 / 10.9 (2.67)
Anger / rs3800373 / E <0.001; G =0.039; GXE =0.038 / 0.185
AA / 187 / 4,7 (4.43) / 26 / 8.3 (5.44) / E <0.001#; G =0.078#;GXE =0.008#
AC / 136 / 3.9 (3.79) / 20 / 10.1 (6.16) / 0.162
CC / 18 / 5.4 (4.02) / 7 / 12.9 (5.52)
rs1360780 / E <0.001; G =0.191; GXE =0.258 / 0.169
CC / 169 / 4.4 (4.19) / 25 / 8.5 (5.39) / E <0.001#; G =0.102#;GXE =0.084#
CT / 146 / 4.3 (4.28) / 20 / 9.9 (6.32) / 0.153#
TT / 25 / 5.0 (3.73) / 9 / 11.2 (5.78)
Post-trauma / rs3800373 / E <0.001; G =0.007; GXE =0.011 / 0.319
AA / 187 / 6.0 (4.94) / 26 / 11.5 (5.39) / E <0.001#; G =0.039#; GXE =0.010#
AC / 136 / 5.3 (5.16) / 20 / 12.8 (7.09) / 0.295#
CC / 18 / 6.7 (4.86) / 7 / 17.6 (3.78)
rs1360780 / E <0.001; G =0.045; GXE =0.072 / 0.311
CC / 169 / 5.8 (4.85) / 25 / 11.6 (5.48) / E <0.001#; G =0.032#; GXE=0.053#
CT / 146 / 5.8 (5.31) / 20 / 12.8 (7.06) / 0.294
TT / 25 / 6.3 (4.62) / 9 / 15.7 (5.03)
Dissociation / rs3800373 / E <0.001; G =0.020; GXE =0.001 / 0.266
AA / 187 / 5.6 (3.96) / 26 / 9.4 (5.34) / E <0.001#; G =0.005#; GXE0.001#
AC / 136 / 4.8 (4.31) / 20 / 12.6 (7.87) / 0.251#
CC / 18 / 5.1 (4.30) / 7 / 14.0 (4.32)
rs1360780 / E <0.001; G =0.023; GXE =0.008 / 0.259
CC / 169 / 5.4 (3.96) / 25 / 9.4 (5.44) / E <0.001#; G =0.005#; GXE =0.003#
CT / 146 / 5.2 (4.37) / 20 / 12.6 (7.87) / 0.244#
TT / 25 / 4.8 (3.86) / 9 / 12.6 (4.72)
Sexual concerns / rs3800373 / E <0.001; G =0.060; GXE =0.376 / 0.093
AA / 187 / 5.2 (4.19) / 26 / 7.4 (5.43) / E <0.001#; G =0.068#; GXE =0.123#
AC / 136 / 5.3 (4.26) / 20 / 9.2 (7.95) / 0.069#
CC / 18 / 7.1 (5.62) / 7 / 10.3 (5.25)
rs1360780 / E <0.001; G =0.087; GXE =0.266 / 0.094
CC / 169 / 5.1 (4.30) / 25 / 7.4 (5.54) / E <0.001#; G =0.072#; GXE =0.219#
CT / 146 / 5.2 (4.09) / 20 / 9.3 (7.91) / 0.065#
TT / 25 / 7.5 (5.15) / 9 / 8.89 (5.35)
$ GLM adjusted for: sex, living with both parents v.s. separated parents; both parents working v.s. ≥one parent not working; both parents born in Sweden v.s. ≥one parent born outside Sweden.
# model with 3 levels of SNPs and with 2 levels
E: environment main effect; GxE: gene-by-environment interaction effect; TSCC: Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children; ALE: adverse life events
Supplementary Table 7
FKBP5 rs3800373 and rs1360780 genotype-dependent correlation effects between adverse life events and psychiatric symptoms assessed with SDQ and TSCC in adolescents of the SESBiC and USSS cohorts, respectively
rs3800373 / rs1360780AA / AC / CC / CC / CT / TT
N / 517 / 329 / 56 / 483 / 342 / 63
r / 0.125** / 0.314*** / 0.052 / 0.128** / 0.273*** / 0.083
Z value for difference / AA/AC=2.82b / AC/CC=1.86 / AA/CC=0.51 / CC/CT=2.14a / CT/TT=1.42 / CC/TT=0.33
N / 213 / 156 / 25 / 194 / 166 / 34
r / 0.392*** / 0.542*** / 0.888*** / 0.391*** / 0.593*** / 0.841***
Z value for difference / AA/AC=1.81 / AC/CC=3.53b / AA/CC=4.45b / CC/CT=1.78 / CT/TT=3.17b / CC/TT=4.19b
r: Pearson correlation coefficient, *=p<0.05, **=p<0.01, ***=p<0.001
a p<0.05, b p<0.01
Supplementary Table 8
Diplotypes ofFKBP5SNPs
Cohort / rs3800373- rs1360780 diplotypes / Diplotype frequenciesMales
N (%) / Females
N (%)
Homozygous for major alleleat both loci / 229 (48.4) / 244 (51.6)
All other combinations / 183 (51.7) / 171 (48.3)
Homozygous for minor alleleat both loci / 30 (55.6) / 24 (44.4)
Homozygous for major alleleat both loci / 100 (52.4) / 91 (47.6)
All other combinations / 102 (58.6) / 72 (41.4)
Homozygous for minor alleleat both loci / 12 (48.0) / 13 (52.0)
Supplementary Table 9
Interaction effect of FKBP5diplotypes and adverse life events associated with psychiatric symptoms (assessed with SDQ and TSCC)in adolescents of the SESBiCand USSS cohorts, respectively
Total score / FKBP5rs3800373 - rs1360780diplotypes / Participants
N / ALE <90th
percentile / Participants
N / ALE ≥90th percentile / p $ / R2
SDQ / mean SDQ score (SD) / mean SDQ score (SD) / E < 0.017; G =0.478
GxE = 0.275
Homozygous for major alleleat both loci / 413 / 10.4 (5.94) / 60 / 11.6 (5.75) / 0.014
All other combinations / 291 / 10.1 (5.61) / 63 / 12.9 (5.21)
Homozygous for minor alleleat both loci / 50 / 10.2 (5.63) / 4 / 14.8 (6.02)
TSCC / mean TSCC score (SD) / mean TSCC score (SD) / E < 0.001; G = 0.007
GxE = 0.021
Homozygous for major alleleat both loci / 166 / 27.9 (19.66) / 25 / 48.9 (27.13) / 0.255
All other combinations / 153 / 27.0 (20.03) / 21 / 60.3 (37.31)
Homozygous for minor alleleat both loci / 18 / 32.5 (19.75) / 7 / 71.0 (12.78)
$ GLM adjusted for: sex, living with both parents v.s. separated parents; both parents working v.s. ≥one parent not working; both parents born in Sweden v.s. ≥one parent born outside Sweden. ALE: adverse life events
Supplementary Figure
Relation of adverse life events (<90th percentile vs. ≥90th percentile) to estimated marginal means of psychiatric symptoms inadolescents (SDQ in the SESBiC cohort and TSCCin the USSS cohort) byFKBP5diplotypes
SESBiC cohortUSSS cohort
GxE:p = 0.275GxE:p = 0.021
SDQ: Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire; TSCC: Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children
GxE: gene-by-environment interaction effect based on GLM model adjusted for: sex, living with both parents v.s. separated parents, both parents working v.s. than one parent not working, both parents born in Sweden v.s. more than one parent born outside Sweden
Homozygous for major allele at both loci
All other combinations
Homozygous for minor allele at both loci