Pupil Premium report 2016/17

Deal Parochial C.E.P School

  1. Summary information

School / Deal Parochial C.E.P School
Academic Year / 2016/17 / Total PP budget / £64,680 / Date of most recent PP Review / Jan 2016
Sept 2016
Updated Jan 2017
Total number of pupils / 207 / Number of pupils eligible for PP
Updated FSM Sept 2106 / 50
34 / Date for next internal review of this strategy / March 2017
Term 3 data
Sept 2017
Current attainment Key Stage 2
Data taken from Perspective
%shown in green depicts school higher than national data. / All Pupils
School / All Kent / All Nat
(national average) / PP School
Pupils eligible for PP / PP Kent / PP Nat
(national average) / Non PP School
Pupils not eligible for PP / Non PP Kent / Non PP Nat
(national average)
% achieving EXPECTED + in reading, writing and maths / 61.3% / 58% / 53% / 42.9% / 41.2% / 38.5% / 66.7% / 64.4% / 59.5%
% achieving EXPECTED + in reading / 77.4% / 69% / 66% / 57.1% / 54.7% / 52.6% / 83.3% / 74.7% / 71.6%
% achieving EXPECTED + in writing / 90.3% / 80% / 74% / 85.7% / 67.5% / 63.5% / 91.7% / 84.7% / 78.5%
% achieving EXPECTED + in maths / 67.7% / 71% / 70% / 57.1% / 57.1% / 57% / 70.8% / 76.8% / 75.1%
% achieving EXPECTED + gps / 74.2% / 72% / 72% / 42.9% / 57.2% / 60.4% / 83.3% / 78.3% / 77.5%
% achieving Greater Depth in reading, writing and maths / 3.2% / 6% / 5% / 0% / 1.5% / 1.9% / 4.2% / 7.2% / 6.9%
% achieving Greater Depth in reading / 35.5% / 21% / 19% / 14.3% / 10.4% / 9.6% / 41.7% / 24.9% / 22.8%
% achieving Greater Depth in writing / 38.7% / 15% / 15% / 14.3% / 6.1% / 8.2% / 45.8% / 17.7% / 17.7%
% achieving Greater Depth in maths / 9.7% / 17% / 17% / 0% / 7.5% / 8.5% / 12.5% / 20.9% / 19.7%
% achieving Greater Depth gps / 32.3% / 22% / 23% / 28.6% / 11.4% / 13.3% / 33.3% / 26.3% / 26.2%
  1. Barriers to future attainment (for pupils eligible for PP including high ability)

Attendance, health, social emotional outside influences.
Support from some parents towards additional learning / homework.
In-school barriers (issues to be addressed in school, such as poor oral language skills)
A. / Speech, Language and communication skills in Reception and across the school are lower for pupils eligible for PP than for other pupils. This has an impact on Language skills including reading, writing processing and understanding language.
B. / Attainment in Reading, Writing and Maths in KS1 is significantly lower for FSM children compared to All children. No children achieved Greater depthin writing and Maths in KS1.
C. / Social, Emotional and Behaviour issues of children in KS1, and KS 2 is high (especially for children eligible for PP). Thisslows the rate of progress for these children.
D. / Improve confidence and skills at sitting formal tests in GPS and Maths for PP children (many children missed Expected within 4 points)
E. / Internal data shows focus support for PP children is required in Year2 for All subjects to narrow the gap between PP and All children.
F / Improve Mathematics across the school so it is in line with Reading, writing and National Averages.
External barriers (issues which also require action outside school, such as low attendance rates)
G. / The attendance rates for pupils eligible for PP is 93.7% (term 2 2017 updated data).
This is just below attendance for all pupils which is 95.1%.
Our target is for attendance to be 96% for all pupils including pupils eligible for PP.
Early Help has proved as a successful strategy to support families with some attendance concerns. Other families have benefited from attending Break fast club which the school has provided focused support.
  1. Outcomes

Desired outcomes and how they will be measured / Success criteria
A. Improved Speech, Language and communication skills for pupils eligible for PP in Reception class and the whole school. / Pupils eligible for PP in Reception and KS1 class make rapid progress by the end of the year so that all pupils eligible for PP meet age related expectations. (Talk Boost)
Pupils eligible for PP in KS2 make rapid progress by the end of the year so that all pupils eligible for PP meet age related expectations. (improved strategies for T&L)
B. Higher rates of attainment across KS1 for pupils eligible for PP. No children achieved Greater depth in writing and Maths in KS1. / Pupils eligible for PP make as much progress as ‘other’ pupils, across Key Stage 1 in maths, reading and writing.
PP children achieve Greater depth in Writing and Maths in line with Reading.
C support families and pupils with Social, emotional and Behavioural needs / Intervention programmes are implemented effectively and PP children make good or better progress in line with All children.
SENCO Time is effectively promoting strong links with struggling families and school.
There is a greater confidence to work with the school.
ILS – will reduce levels of hyper activity, and anxiety.
D. Higher rates of attainment and progress across KS2 for pupils eligible for PP achieved through practise of formal testing and boosting of pupils confidence. / Pupils eligible for PP will pass the formal tests confidently. Through robust tracking leaders and class teachers sill be more able to support pupils in order that they will achieve the expected standard with less pupils narrowly missing the Expected standard by a few marks.
E.Y2PP children - SATS Data in line with National Averages. / Y2 attainment and progress improves, narrowing the gap from Year 1.
F. To improve attainment and Progress in Mathematics across the school,delivering quality first teaching, so that it is in line with Reading, Writing and National Averages. / All teaching of Maths is good or better. Pupil outcomes match Reading and Writing across the school and meet National Averages.
G. Increased attendance rates for pupils eligible for PP. / Reduce the number of persistent absentees among pupils eligible for PP to 10% or belowtotal of PP children. Overall PP attendance improves 94.97% to96% .
  1. Planned expenditure

Academic year / 2016-2017
The three headings below enable schools to demonstrate how they are using the pupil premium to improve classroom pedagogy, provide targeted support and support whole school strategies.
  1. Quality of teaching for all

Desired outcome / Chosen action / approach / What is the evidence and rationale for this choice? / How will you ensure it is implemented well? / Staff lead / When will you review implementation?
A Improved Speech, Language and communication skills for pupils eligible for PP in Reception class and the whole school.
E.Y2PP children - SATS Data in line with National Averages.
A.1 - Quality first teaching to deliver improved class teaching strategies and awareness for language and communication skills that will impact all teaching and learning.
E.Y2PP children - SATS Data in line with National Averages.
B. Higher rates of attainment across KS1 for high attaining pupils eligible for PP. / Staff training on Early Talk Boost 1 day INSET TAs and teachers to deliver formal intervention programme..
Staff training on developing good teaching and learning strategies for children with barriers to language and communication.
Specialist SALT provides one day INSET training and feedback / EEF Toolkit suggests high quality precision interventions delivered by trained staff are effective in reducing gap and barriers to learning across the curriculum. This will be an effective way to improve attainment, and it is suitable as an approach that we can embed across KS1
.EEF research demonstrates that quality first teaching has the greatest impact on narrowing the gap for PP children compared to all. Poor language and communication skills are identified as a weakness across the school and in particular for disadvantaged children. / Use INSET days to deliver training.
Use starting and end point data for each child carrying out the intervention programme across the 10 weeks.
INSET day provided by SALT specialist in this area.
This has come from her class observation and recommendations. Teachers require specific training and support to deliver some of the Language for Learning strategies identified. / Inclusion manager
March 2017
. B. Higher rates of attainment across KS1 for pupils eligible for PP.
No children achieving Greater depth in writing and Maths in KS1.
E.Y2PP children - SATS Data in line with National Averages.
F. To improve attainment and Progress in Mathematics across the school, delivering quality first teaching, so that it is in line with Reading, Writing and National Averages. / CPD on providing stretch for high attaining pupils specifically in maths, GPS / Kent and Medway Maths hub – 5 day project to implement Singapore Maths methods
Purchased Maths resources to support training.
INSET for greater depth and maths using the Bar model.
Recommended resources for teaching of Reasoning to support maths to support mastery in maths. / Course selected using evidence of effectiveness.
Use INSET days to deliver training.
Track and monitor pupil progress across the year.
Gather Pupil voice, observe teaching and learning. / SLT / March 2017
D. Higher rates of attainment and progress across KS2 for pupils eligible for PP achieved through practise of formal testing and boosting of pupils confidence. / Additional Teacher employed to reduce Teacher:pupil ratio. This enables children to receive greater amounts of teacher time.
Collaboration and Moderation of DLA schools to share good practice e / Smaller class size has a positive impact on children’s attainment and progress.
Teachers have a good knowledge and understanding of the Expected Standard. / Termly:
Book Scrutiny
Data analysis
DLA Moderation
KS Moderation / SLT and others inc LA advisor, DLA Headteachers
SLT / Termly
PP Review March 2017
Total budgeted cost / £15,000
  1. Targeted support

Desired outcome / Chosen action/approach / What is the evidence and rationale for this choice? / How will you ensure it is implemented well? / Staff lead / When will you review implementation?
B. Higher rates of attainment across KS1 for pupils eligible for PP.
No children achieving Greater depth in writing and Maths in KS1.
F. To improve attainment and Progress in Mathematics across the school, delivering quality first teaching, so that it is in line with Reading, Writing and National Averages. / Provide 1-1 coaching and mentoring for individual teachers. / and TAs so that they are able to deliver quality intervention, pre teaching, and reinforcement activities. Also specific intervention opportunities in small groups after school.
Additional booster phonics groups for weaker pupils in KS1. / Focused small group or 1-1 teaching after school.
Reading recovery – nationally identifiedby EEF as effectively reducing barriers / gaps in reading.
Implement Building Reading Stamina programmes across KS1. / Track and monitor pupil progress across the year.
Gather Pupil voice, observe teaching and learning. / SLT / March 2017
CSocial, emotional and Behavioural issues of Specific pupils in KS1, Y3, Y4 and Y6 addressed / Provide therapy programmes and wellbeing for specific children including:
Cornilo Riding
Drumming Lessons
Beanstalk Reading
Lego Therapy
Draw and Talk
Free Milk
Breakfast Club
Financial Support for inclusion (Trips, uniforms etc. / The EEF Toolkit suggests that targeted interventions matched to specific students with particular needs or behavioural issues can be effective. / Track and monitor pupil attainment & progress across the year.
Gather Pupil voice, observe teaching and learning.
Monitor Well-being / SLT
Senco / March 2017
D. Higher rates of attainment and progress across KS2 for pupils eligible for PP achieved through practise of formal testing and boosting of pupils confidence. / 1:1 and small group Tutoring by Experienced trained TA / !:1 and small group intervention has been proven to have a positive impact on progress and attainment in this school. / Track and monitor pupil attainment & progress across the year.
Gather Pupil voice, observe teaching and learning.
Monitor Confidence And Engagement / SLT
Senco / March 2017
E.Y2PP children - SATS Data in line with National Averages. / 1:1 and small group Tutoring by Teacher / 1:1 and small group intervention has been proven to have a positive impact on progress and attainment in this school. / Track and monitor pupil attainment & progress across the year.
Gather Pupil voice, observe teaching and learning. / SLT
Senco / March 2017
B. Higher rates of attainment across KS1 for pupils eligible for PP. No children achieved Greater depth in writing and Maths in KS1.
CSocial, emotional and Behavioural issues of Specific pupils in KS1, Y3, Y4 and Y6 addressed / Senior teacher carrying out masters research with specific children on a 1:1 basis addressing ASD, ADHD, SPLD. / ILS programme research demonstrates positive impact on concentration, listening and application to learning.
(Readiness to Learn) / Quality Assured, Masters Research – Christ Church University Supervision. / DC
SLT / Formally to start Jan 2017
Review April 2017
Total budgeted cost / £25,000
  1. Other approaches

Desired outcome / Chosen action/approach / What is the evidence and rationale for this choice? / How will you ensure it is implemented well? / Staff lead / When will you review implementation?
G. Increased attendance rates for pupils eligible for PP / SLT
PP Leader / March 2017
Total budgeted cost / £30,000
  1. Review of expenditure

Previous Academic Year / 2015-2016
  1. Quality of teaching for all

Desired outcome / Chosen action/approach / Estimated impact: Did you meet the success criteria? Include impact on pupils not eligible for PP, if appropriate. / Lessons learned
(and whether you will continue with this approach) / Cost
Improve tracking, knowledge and coordination of PP Provision.
Improved accountability and focused whole school coordination / Designate a Pupil Premium Leader – an experienced senior leader. / Focused interventions were set up and sustained. Interventions were monitored through data analysis, observations, case studies and pupils’ voice.
Non PP children were identified to participate alongside PP children.
Issues identified through pupil voice were acted upon and improvements implemented across the whole school / Continue to have a Lead PP Leader.
Use the Pupil Premium Strategy National College for Leadership for tracking and measuring impact more accurately. / £1000
Sufficient resources available to support quality first teaching and learning; and interventions. / Purchase hands on concrete apparatus and manipulatives to support learning.
SPEAR Maths Training for whole school including TAs and resources. / Children are more confident to use manipulatives and explain their reasoning.
Children demonstrate greater resilience when problem solving / SPEAR Maths has had a positive impact on the teaching and learning of problem solving across the school. TAs are more able to support pupils.
Improved quality first training Teachers and TAs. / TA overtime to attend training is included in TA Provision *
Identify the speech and language needs of the school.
Improve quality first teaching of functional language and communication. / Write an action plan with the SALT with Long term goals for whole school improvement. / Issues identified.
Action Plan in place.
Teachers beginning to use new strategies.
Some specific pupils needs have been actioned and sign posted.
Measured impact – work continues. / Continue project.
Training for all staff in Speech and language identified as needed. / £5000
  1. Targeted support

Desired outcome / Chosen action/approach / Estimated impact: Did you meet the success criteria? Include impact on pupils not eligible for PP, if appropriate. / Lessons learned
(and whether you will continue with this approach) / Cost
Improved Year 6 literacy and numeracy results / Additional Teacher employed to reduce Teacher:pupil ratio. This enables children to receive greater amounts of teacher time. / Quality training in moderating writing from the LA was tremendously beneficial in supporting the teaching and learning.
Literacy attainment was higher than previous year. / Continue moderation training in 2016-2017.
Continue this approach.
Improve comprehension and inference in Reading especially for the lower attainers including PP children.
Focus on high frequency and tricky words in spelling.
Improve quality first teaching of GPS across the curriculum.
Higher focus needed on reasoning and problem solving at Greater Depth in Maths / £14735 (KB & LR Booster Teachers)
Improved literacy and numeracy results / One to one tuition delivered by qualified teacher using planned programme. / Observed increased progress and confidence amongst participating children compared to peers. / This seemed to be most effective when the focus area was determined by the class teacher based on their observations of the pupil and participation was supported by parents and attendance was encouraged.
We will continue next year.
Ensure pupils identified attend regularly. Consider methods of improving parental cooperation. Eg Children in the same family receiving tuition on the same night. / £6000
Improve TA provision in classrooms / To provide TA support for each class / Impact of TA interventions carried out during the day was limited by time, interruptions, limited space / Some interventions were moved to the end of the day after school. TAs are employed specifically to deliver Targeted interventions.
Funding is to be directed to specific staffing and purpose in 2016-2017 / £18414*
Improve all outcomes for child / Employ 1:1 TA Support for identified child / Enabled higher Needs Funding application for funding.
Child identified made excellent progress, improved well-being. / Successful approach to be continued. / £6000
Social, emotional and Behavioural issues of Specific pupils in KS1, Y3, Y4 and Y6 addressed / Provide therapy programmes and wellbeing for specific children including:
Cornilo Riding
Drumming Lessons
Beanstalk Reading
Lego Therapy
Draw and Talk
Free Milk
Breakfast Club
Financial Support for inclusion (Trips, uniforms etc. / Staff observe positive well being, improved self confidence and self-esteem in the children who participate in activities. / Improve method of collecting data and measures of Impact.
Pupil voice and parental questionaires etc to be carried out with participating children / £3590