Deadlines for ALL categories are: Sept. 14, 2018; Oct. 19, 2018; Jan. 18, 2019; or Mar. 15, 2019

Course Development Awards

These awards are for faculty to modify existing courses or create new courses that address at least one of the four Global Engagement Student Learning Outcomes. These SLOs are:

1. Students will explain environmental, historical, social, economic, political and /or cultural factors relevant to understanding a contemporary issue(s) within a global framework.

2. Students will compare and contrast at least two different ethical perspectives on a salient and contemporary issue in a global context.

3. Students will demonstrate a willingness to engage in diverse cultural situations.

4. Students will demonstrate the ability to communicate in a culturally informed manner in international, intercultural and/or multicultural contexts.

The course(s) must be at the 300-, 400-, or 500- level.

Email for additional information.

Awards for modifying existing courses are $500. Awards for creating a new course or modifying a sequence of courses are $1000. Awards will be distributed as ad-pay for the 2018-19 academic year in the month of award.

Within approximately six months of the receipt of the award, the final course syllabus should be complete and a copy of the Curriculum Form A: New or Amended Course Proposal must be submitted to the QEP office. It is assumed that this course will be offered no later than eighteen months after receipt of the award.


Complete instructions for applying for a Global Engagement Course Development Award are found below. Incomplete applications will not be considered.





Campus Address:

Campus Phone:

Award Category:

☐ Modification of existing course ($500 award)

☐ Creation of a new course ($1000 award)

☐ Modification of a series of courses ($1000 award)

Proposed title of course(s):

Proposed first semester that the course(s) will be offered:

It is required that the applicant consults with the Faculty Director of the Global Engagement QEP before submitting the application.

Date of contact:

Method of communication:


Department Head: ______Date: ______

Applicant’s Signature: ______Date: ______

Attachments to Include:

Proposed syllabus for the new/modified course(s)

Description of how the course will address one or more of the Global Engagement SLOs. Note: this must be a 300-, 400-, or 500-level course that is intended for a particular major.

Theapplication should be scanned and emailed to .

This application can be found at: