Assignment - My Reading Timeline
Learning Objective – Analyze your reading history
Part 1 Total Points Possible 20
· Create a book timeline to show your history of reading.
· Include at least 8 book covers
· Include 1 sentence to explain why this book is important to you
· Your name clearly displayed at the top of your timeline
· Approximate dates that you read the books
Part II Extra Credit Using Bloom’s Strategy in Analyzing and Synthesis Point Value 5
· 10 or more sentences analyzing the growth of you reading (Do you see a pattern in your reading?)
· Font– Times New Roman 12 (must be typed)
· Staple this to your Timeline
Extra Credit – 5 points
Adding creativity to your timeline
See Samples….
Total Points = 20 plus the possibility of 10 extra credit points
Checklist – put a check in the box once you have accomplished the task
Do I have 8 book covers? (the covers can be drawn or taken from the internet)
□ Do I have a 1 sentence explanation of each book’s importance?
Did I list the approximate date under each book cover and is it in chronological order?
Is my name clearly displayed?
EXTRA Credit
Did I write a paragraph synthesizing my reading, looking for patterns, looking for themes; did I use Time New Roman Font 12 and staple this to my timeline? ( Extra Credit)
Did I add anything creative to my project to get the extra 5 credit points?