Deadline for Applications Is 4Pm on Wednesday 15Th June 2016

Deadline for Applications Is 4Pm on Wednesday 15Th June 2016

Transport for community groups: bus tickets
Use this application form to apply for Brighton and Hove Buses Day Saver tickets for your group activities.
Ask for a different application form if you want to apply for Community Transport minibusjourneys.
If you prefer, you can apply by phoning the Resource Centre on 01273606160.

Deadline for applications is 4pm on Wednesday 15th June 2016.

Name of group
Contact name

Contact phone number

Contact email address
Contact address

1.Is your group a Tenants’ or Residents’ Association representing people who live in housing owned by Brighton & Hove City Council? (pleaseselect)

/ Yes / ☐ / No / ☐ /
If you answered “Yes” to question 1, please skip to question 3. If you answered “No”, please continue below.

2.Please tell us a bit about your group by ticking any relevant boxes below. Select as many as you like.

Our group is:

  1. Run by volunteers
/ Yes / ☐ / No /

  1. Run mostly by black and minority ethnic people
/ Yes / ☐ / No /

  1. Run mostly by disabled people and/or carers
/ Yes / ☐ / No /

  1. Run mostly by people who live in a particular area of Brighton and Hove
/ Yes / ☐ / No /

If yes, which area?

3.What do you need bus tickets for? (select one or both)

Group outing/s / ☐ / Transport for members from home to group activities / ☐ /
Please tell us the postcodes of the places people will travel to
Please tell us which areas of Brighton your members live in (list as many as you like). You do not need to answer this question if the destination(s) are in East Central Brighton area (see guidelines).

4.How have you involved your members in planning these activities / outings?

5.How many tickets do you need in total?

6.How many people will use the tickets?

7.Who will be offered tickets?

/ All members / ☐ / Some people only / ☐ /
If you will give them to some people only, please explain how you will decide who to give tickets to.
(If you will give them to all your members, skip to question 8.)

8.What will happen if you don’t get these tickets?

We won’t run the activities / outings (unless we can get other funding) / ☐ /
We will run the activities / outings but some people won’t be able to afford to take part / ☐ /
We will run the activities / outings and everyone will pay for their own transport / ☐ /

Please send your application form to Resource Centre, Prior House, 6 Tilbury Place, Brighton BN2 0GY,
or .
Don’t forget you can also apply over the phone. Call us on 01273 606160.
Deadline for applications is 4pm on Wednesday 15thJune 2016