1. Provide scoreboard – including synthetic matches (if unavailable, borrow from another club)
  2. Provide stumps, bails, brooms, etc and two sets of covers (turf only)unless covers completely protect centre wicket area
  3. Ensure boundaries are clearly marked
  4. Ensure 10 metre restricted fielding area is marked for all junior games
  5. Provide boundary markers at least two metres from fences, no more than four to five metres apart
  6. If possible, ensure creases are re-marked during intervals as directed by umpires (or as necessary)
  7. Provide all players’ drinks and afternoon teas (unless any clubs has advised they will be bringing their own drinks)
  8. Provide canteen facilities and toilets (ensure canteen hygiene is maintained)
  9. Provide changing facilities for both teams and umpires
  10. Provide telephone for score updates/information (preferably adjacent to scorers)
  11. Provide designated “Dry Area” at ground (Alcohol Free Zone)
  12. Ensure a clear (supervised) path is provided for players and umpires between the pavilion and ground


  1. Provide two new balls to umpires and a range of good used balls to replace lost/damaged balls

(For all matches, oneof the new ballshas been supplied courtesy of Kookaburra Sport)

  1. Set up wickets at least 15 minutes prior to start of play, if no umpires in attendance
  2. Assist with covers at direction of umpires (turf only)
  3. Obtain all clear or otherwise from umpires at completion of each match
  4. Enter press reports onto MyCricketbefore 8.30am on the day following each day’s play
  5. Enterresults, players’ performances and captain’s appraisal of each officialumpire onto MyCricketwithin 24 hours of the completion of the match


  1. Provide two new balls to umpires

(For all matches, one new ball has been be supplied courtesy of Kookaburra Sport)

  1. Assist with covers at direction of umpires (turf only)
  2. Obtain all clear or otherwise from umpires at completion of each match
  3. Enter press reports onto MyCricketbefore 8.30am on the day following each day’s play
  4. Confirm results and enter players’ performances & captain’s appraisal of each official umpire onto MyCricketwithin 24 hours of the completion of the match

Both teams are responsible for paying umpires before completion of the tea interval (or end of junior matches).

Umpires fees for Semi-final and Grand Final matches are $160.00 each per day for Turf 1, $150.00 for Turf 2 matches and $140.00 for all other senior grades ($150.00 for umpires standing alone) and $50.00 each per day for junior grades.

Should play not proceed on any day due to wet weather etc, then umpires are to receive $60.00 each ($20.00 for juniors) unless all play for the day has been cancelled by the Match Committee.

Premiership cups & junior premiership medallions will be supplied for all senior and junior Grand Final winners. Where DDCA Executive members are not available to present the cups, a senior representative from the host club will be requested to do so.

Any queries during the final series should be directed to DDCA Secretary Ray Nicholls (0416191 526).