DDBA Board Meeting Minutes

December 20, 2012 – DDBA Office 165 East A Street 6:15PM

  1. Meeting called to order 6:15PM: Roll call of Directors/Established Quorum. Present Jill Orr, Rich Mason, Teresa Schilling, Amy Pretti, Kathy King, Susie Motley, Ana Tejedas, Debra Dingman, and special guest Michael Guss from the City of Dixon.
  1. Pledge: lead by Jill Orr
  1. Introductions:

3.1 Michael Guss- Economic Development/Grants Manager for the City of Dixon. He will take requests to the city manager for the DDBA. There are funds that are available for the small businesses in loans. The repayment is anywhere from 5-15 years. The interest rates are inline with market interest rates. There must be generated 1 new job for every 35,000 in loans. Cities under the 50K population can get an allocation of these funds. Could maybe do a workshop next year for the DDBA merchant meeting. Maybe during the March meeting but Michasel will have to confirm his availability with the city manager. CDBA funds –A loan not a grant will be available. Notice of funding availability should be the last week of January perhaps 1/28/13 in a public meeting. Debra will be calling the Vacaville group that is like our Shop Dixon to see what they are doing to promote shopping downtown. Michael is interested in finding out more about this group. Susie Motley told Michael that she may have a group that is interested in buying the Pardi Market site. He may need to sign a letter of confidentiality to get more information.

  1. Updates:

4.1Tables and Chairs from the Economy Driving office are missing. We will be starting a sign out sheet for the table and chairs so we can keep better track of them.

  1. Approval of Agenda- Susie Motley made a motion for the agenda be approved and Debra Dingman seconded it with the change of 9.4 being moved to the treasurer’s report. Motion carried
  1. Approval of minutes:October minutes. Susie Motley made a motion to approve the minutes and Kathy King seconded it. Motion carried.
  1. Treasurer Report: Kathy King presented an accounting of the bank balances and expenses. See report for full details. The balance on 11/30/2012 in the check book is $13,517.00. We had to pay a state mandated business license fee of $1.00 to the city. The Christmas Tree lighting brought in donations of $1,721.00 and had expenses of $2,842.12. Some general expenses that need to be looked at are the insurance costs that were $4,500.00 this last year. The bottom line is that we need to plan more events that are fund raisers to bring in more money.
  1. Old Business:

8.1 Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony – Everyone loved this event and it was well attended. We need a new volunteer Santa to fill in before the other one gets there so children are not waiting to see Santa.

  1. New Business

9.1 Board Retreat-Jill Orr We set the date for the next board retreat as 1-21-13 at 9:00AM-12:00PM. It will be pot- luck with everyone bringing a dish on the day of the event. This will take the place of our regular board meeting for January.

9.2Bud’s fund raiser will be March 4 ,2013

Ana’s class schedule has changed this time so she will need to cut back in her hours on Tuesdays. We need her to work on Thursdays because of our Merchant Meetings that are on Thursdays. This will be discussed further during our planning board retreat.

9.5 Meeting Schedule for 2013. Travis Credit Union will host the January 3, 2013 Merchant Meeting at 8:30AM. February will be at Nana & Company. The rest of the schedule will be determined and posted on the website.

10. Board Announcements:

10.1 3rd Friday on First+ --Need to determine if we will continue on the same schedule or be changed

10.2 Dixon Family Services has really been hit hard this year with their donations for their fund raisers. Rich Mason will be the new grant writer for the DFS.

  1. Adjourned at 7:30PM to Board Retreat 01/21/13 meeting of the board at 9AM-12PM.

Minutes prepared by Teresa Schilling