DBS VRM Chapter 25: Reader Services for People Who Are Blind

25.1 Definition

Reader sServices are oral reading or other related services by one individual to a person who is blind. The material read is that which is otherwise inaccessible to the consumer. Reader services may be used for academic training or vocational needs. The counselor should explores the availability of other non visual media before prior to purchasing reader services.

Reader services may include:

  • oOral reading,
  • rResearch assistance, and
  • cCataloging.

25.2 Reader Services for Students in an Academic Setting

See Chapter 6: Academic, Vocational, and Technical Training, 6.3 Reader Services for reader services for students.

See the academic section for reader services for students.

25.3 Eligibility for Reader Services

Consumers who are legally or totally blind and who need reader services to participate in a training program are eligible for this service. Consumer participation in cost of services does is not applyied to providing the provision of reader services.

25.4 Reader Services

Public training programs may have funds for reading and tutoring or may have volunteers.

25.45 Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic®

Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic® (RFB&D) may be used as a resource for division consumers to obtain recorded textbooks.

Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic®
20 Roszel Road
Princeton, NJ 08540
Telephone: 1-800-221-4792

A person must register with RFB&D® and have a borrower identification number assigned before an order can be processed. To register, a current RFB&D application should be mailed to the above address. The initial registration fee may be paid by the consumer or a DBS purchase order. Once an application is received, it takes approximately two to three weeks for the consumer to be notified of his or her RFB&D Borrower ID. It is recommended that the consumer be responsible for the annual renewal fee.

Recording for the Blind is frequently used as a resource to obtain recorded materials. Recording for the Blind may be contacted at:

Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic
1314 W. 45th St.
Austin, Texas 78756

25.6 Who May Use the Service

Recorded materials are available through Recording for the Blind for:

agency consumers

agency staff

25.7 How to Order

An individual must be registered with Recording for the Blind and have a borrower identification number assigned before an order can be processed.

The registration fee may be paid by check or DBS purchase voucher. Once an application has been received, it takes approximately two to three weeks for the individual to be notified of their RFB Borrower ID. If the individual who is being registered knows which books will be needed on tape, attach the following information with the application:

consumer's name

consumer's borrower identification number

consumer's Social Security number

consumer's current mailing address

title and subtitle

full name of author(s)

copyright date


and, if applicable, grade level

Processing of applications with attached book orders is expedited by RFB, and available tapes are mailed as soon as the application is processed.

25.8 Payment

To register, a current RFB application should be mailed to: Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic, 1314 W. 45th St., Austin, Texas 78756.

Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic submits to DBS central office a monthly voucher with documentation of person's name, Social Security number, number of tape hours and cost.

The monthly voucher is reviewed in the central office to verify the listing of active consumers and staff and to check calculation. After approval, the voucher is submitted for payment.

25.9 How to Order for Others

Any former consumer or former employee must call Recording for the Blind at their own expense to place an order.

25.510 How to Requisition Reader Services

The Counselor:

  1. Prior to the month in which services are rendered, the counselor issues a purchase order, requisitioning the full amount authorized unless the consumer has indicated a lesser amount will be required. for the amount the counselor and consumer determined would be needed.
  2. At the end of the month, after the completion of DARS2011, Reader Services Log by the consumer, the Ccounselor:
  3. ensures that all addition on the DARS2011 is correct, and
  4. attaches a copy of DARS2011 in the case folder.
  5. Hourly rates are negotiated between the consumer and reader and reported on the Reader Services Log (DARS2011). This will have to be discussed with the counselor and agreed upon while planning the service as it will affect the amount of funds the counselor will need to encumber for the service.

NOTE: DBS does not pay for reader services rendered by a member of the consumer's family or another DBS consumer.

25.11 How Much to Requisition

Hourly rates are negotiated between the consumer and reader and reported on the Statement of Reader Services (DARS2011). Maximum allowable monthly payments are prorated according to the number of course hours being taken.

A counselor may pay a maximum rate of $25.00 per semester hour, with a cap of $300.00 for undergraduate students. For graduate students, the rate is a maximum of $40.00 per semester hour with a cap of $360.00.

25.126 Volunteer Reader Services

Volunteer reader services, including those offered by some public training programs or community service agencies colleges, are utilized whenever possible.

DBS does not pay for reader services rendered by a member of the consumer's family.

25.13 7Consumer's Responsibilities

It is the consumer's responsibility to

  • utilize all other reading sources to the maximum degree possible prior to seeking reimbursement from DBS, and
  • see that the DARS2011 is completed in a timely and accurate fashion.

25.14 Consumer Responsibilities

The consumer must:

  • make every effort to identify and use volunteer reader services,
  • comply with agency regulations prohibiting payment of reader services when rendered by an immediate family member or other DBS consumer,
  • submit reader services forms in triplicate to the VR counselor immediately at the end of each month. The DARS2011 is due no later than the 15th of the month following the service dates.

25.8 Counselor Responsibilities

The VR counselor must:

  • evaluate the amount needed by the individual for reader services,
  • issue reader service requisitions in a timely manner,
  • inform the consumer that agency representatives may directly contact any individual receiving reader fees to confirm service delivery, and
  • cultivate volunteer reader services, and
  • ensure that a copy of the Statement of Reader Services (DARS2011) DARS2011, Reader Services Log is retained in the consumer's case file.