6th November
9.00 am Holy Communion (BCP), St Andrew's Kingham
10.45 am Morning Service, All Saints' Churchill
4.00 pm Evening Prayer Service at St Peter's Daylesford.
11th November Armistice Day
10.45 am A short service on Kingham Village Green with the British Legion
and some members of Kingham Primary School.
13th November Remembrance Sunday
9.00 am Holy Communion (BCP), All Saints' Churchill
10.45 am Remembrance Service St Andrew's Kingham (Everyone welcome)
20th November
9.00 am Holy Communion (BCP), St Andrew’s Kingham
10.45 am Holy Communion, All Saints’ Churchill (Activities for children)
27th November
9.00 am Holy Communion (BCP), All Saints' Churchill
10.45 am Holy Communion, St Andrew's Kingham (Activities for children)
6.00 pm Advent Carol Service, St Andrew's Kingham followed by mulled
wine and mince pies
PRAYER MEETINGS Tuesdays at 7am in St Andrew's Kingham
Wednesdays at 5.45pm in All Saints' Churchill
Monday 10th October at 12 noon there was a funeral service at Banbury Crematorium for Valerie Alwyne Morgan-Lewis from The Langston, Station Rd, Kingham
NOVEMBER CHURCH NEWS. Please send your contributions to
Belinda Armstrong at by the 15th October
December Church News Please send contributions to Belinda Armstrong at by the 15th November
N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 6
Election Reflection by Revd David Salter
On the 8th November the United States of America will elect their next president. The election has been in our news for months and we’re probably all concerned about it. As it’s not a UK election I can say clearly that although Hilary Clinton has stumbled more than once over poor decisions she has made it is the idea of Donald Trump as president that fills me with the greatest horror. It seems utterly wrong that somebody with such a clear disregard of anyone different to himself can be considered a suitable ‘leader of the free world’.
The American Declaration of Independence states: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.’ This declaration was followed by the first drafting of the American Constitution, which begins, ‘We, the people of the United States …’ reminding the US government that their purpose is to serve the people. These principles: valuing every human life equally and the government working for the benefit of all its people, ought to shape the ambition of every person seeking public office.
When we gather on November 11th 13th we will remember the many people who made personal sacrifices during war-time for the benefit of others. Whether on Friday or Sunday we will thank God for them, for giving them the courage to face huge challenges, even death, in order to preserve the freedom that we enjoy today.
We tend not to expect such sacrifices from our political leaders but we should require that they are motivated by a desire to improve the lives of others, rather than to increase their own wealth or power. That is how I tend to pray for our government and our new MP because I know that the lure of wealth and power is very strong and very destructive.
There is one leader, however, who was wholly motivated by a desire to serve others and gave his life to save the world. In Romans 8 it says, ‘Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.’
We continue to celebrate God’s love for us and enjoy all that he gives us through Jesus’ death and resurrection. We also do our best to be like him, seeking to serve others, at the heart of the village, sharing the love of Christ.
TGI FRIDAY - Thank God It's Friday
Come and Join us for some Friday Evening Fun open to all children in school years 3-6 (ages 7-10). Next meeting Friday 4th November 6.30-7.30 pm in Churchill Village Hall. Contact Sally Salter on 658852 for further details.
YOUTH ACTIVITIES Please contact Jonny Lowe, Benefice Youth Worker for further information on location and dates
SPARK - group for boys in secondary school years 7-11, meets on Wednesday evenings in Churchill 7.15-8.30 pm. Venue alternates betweenthe Shaw’s - 2 Rynehill Farm Cottages, and Jonny Lowe's house - 137 Cornish Road @ 7.15pm. Please contact Sam 01608 658852 / to confirm venue.
IMPACT Girls group for those in yrs 7-11 meets on Sunday evenings in Chipping Norton 7.15-8.30pm.
REMIX - The Youth Club for all secondary school kids meets at Glyme Hall on Fridays from 3.15-4.45pm.
St Mary's Youth Event - Join us at our Light it Up Party - Bonfire/Games/Food
For School Years 7-13 at St Mary's Parish Room, Chipping Norton on Sunday 30th October 6 - 8 pm.
The Tuesday morning Bible Study group will meet again on every Tuesday in November from 10-12 noon at 2 Blacksmith Court, Kingham, home of Brenda & John Ingram. All welcome.
Churchill Homegroup - meets at the home of Mark & Kathie Burbridge 8 William Smith Close, Churchill OX7 6QS. Tel: 01608 659998. We meet on Thursday evenings 7.30-9pm. All Welcome.
Kingham Lunch Club will be at 12.00 noon on Thursday 17th November in Kingham Village Hall. Contact Lesley Sutherland 01608 678991 for further details
Churchill & Sarsden Luncheon Club - meet on Tuesday 25th November at 12 noon. The menu will be Cottage Pie followed by Blackberry & Apple Cobbler with custard. The outing to Kiftsgate Court gardens was enjoyed on a perfect autumn day. The Villager bus was kindly driven by John Walton who took us on a beautiful mystery tour. We all enjoyed lashings of tea and delicious cake in the lovely tea rooms. Lunches cost £4 per person with a glass of sherry to welcome you. Residents of Churchill over 65 are most welcome to join our happy community get-together once a month. Phone Joyce Woods 658738 to book.
TUESDAY CIRCLE Next Meeting Tuesday 1st November at 2.30pm with a talk by Trevor Hodkinson. For further details contact June Berrett on 658310.
Harvest Thank You - We joined together for a Harvest celebration with kids activities, entertainment for all & great food. A BIG thank you to all those who helped make this event such a success. Both churches looked wonderful for their Harvest Services thanks to the hard work of those who took time out to decorate. All profit from these Harvest events and the produce brought to the services was given to the North Oxford Community Food Bank, so many thanks.
Women's Event - Create @ Churchill - Advent wreath making, mulled wine & music. Friday 25th November 7.30 - 9.30pm,
All Saints' Church, Churchill Entry £5 - ALL WELCOME
Bring a dinner plate, all other materials provided.
RSVP Sally Salter 01608 658852 or or Sam in the Church Office 01608 658852
Men's Event: Friday 2nd December 7.30pm Sun Inn, Hook Norton. Please call Chipping Norton Church office for further info: 01608 646202.
Armistice Day – Friday 11th November 10.45am on Kingham Green. All welcome to join us for a short service with the British Legion and some from Kingham Primary School. There will also be a Remembrance Sunday Service at 10.45 am on Sunday 13th November at St Andrew's, Kingham
Would you like to host Mary and Joseph (small figures) for a night? To help us prepare for Christmas we think about Mary & Joseph and their journey to Bethlehem. A lovely chance to meet friends neighbours as you receive Mary Joseph one evening and take them to their next stop the following day. Contact Sam Shaw on 01608 658852 or . Let us know any dates you can’t do, from Advent Sunday (27th Nov) to Christmas Eve Carols by Candlelight (5pm at Kingham).
BENEFICE ADVENT CAROLS - Sunday 27th November at 6 pm St Andrew's, Kingham. Join us for Advent Carols followed by mulled wine & mince pies.
Wychwood Chorale presents A New World Christmas on Saturday 10th December at 7.30 pm in All Saints', Churchill. Free admission with voluntary contributions going towards the church and the Lights Up - Living Well with dementia through the Arts charity in Chipping Norton.
Our grateful thanks go to all who supported our successful Harvest Festival. £215 was raised for the Red Cross Matthew Haiti Emergency Appeal.
All our services will start at 11 am except for Remembrance Sunday, when the service begins at 10.50 am.
6th November Rev. Soba Sinnathamby will conduct a service of Holy Communion.
13th November Remembrance Sunday our worship will be led by Mr David Lunn,
20th November Mr. Martin Hannant will be the preacher
27th November Advent Sunday our worship will be led by Miss Mary Newman. Craft Fellowship Tuesday November 8th at 2.30 pm.
BookSwap Coffeeshop will be held on November 28th from 10 – 11.30 am.
DIARY DATE - Methodist Circuit Christmas Tree Festival in Chipping Norton Methodist Chapel from Thursday evening December 1st concluding with a service on Sunday December 4th at 6 pm.