Volusia County Fire Chiefs’ Association

August 26, 2009

Ponce Inlet, Fl.

Daytona State CollegeDaytona Beach FD Daytona Beach Shores PS

Frank EnnistGary HughesTerry Griffiths

Louie MercerLarry Morgan

James Bland

DelandDeltonaDivision of Forestry

John McDanielBob StaplesMike Kyupers

Edgewater FDHolly Hill FDNew Smyrna Beach FD

Steve CousinsRon SpencerDavid McCallister

Joe Daly

Orange City Ormond Beach FDPonce Inlet

Herb HoffmanSkip IrbyDan Scales

Bob Mandarino

Port Orange FRSouth Daytona FDVolusia County EM

Tom WeberTadd DerrCharlie Craig

Ken Burgman

Russ Rafferty

Volusia County EMSVolusia County FSEVAC Ambulance

Jim Tauber

Kathy Weaver


Meeting called to order at 1400 hours by Chief Scales

Invocation: Mercer

Pledge of Allegiance

Approval of minutes:

Motion to accept minutes as written by Weaver second by Staples passed

Treasurers Report:(Ken Burgman)

a) Operating $ 3,483.47

Taking Care of Our Own:$ 2676.54.

$250.00 to Deltona Fire for Pete Tucker Funeral

$106.00 TO Script Express Hawver Plague

Motion to accept report by Rafferty second by Derr passed

Guest Speakers:


EMS Council: Rafferty

CPAP unit testing for the next 60 days (disposable), AEDs given out the county should have been returned or if kept by agencies the paperwork must be filled out. EMS Trust fund grants can be used for training, upgrades, items that improve or enhance EMS in the county. Vote to apply for a Zimack unit to clean county equipment, units and stations. Motion by Hughes second by Weber vote passed.

Medical has new contract looking to bring on two assistants Dr. Haws and Dr. Siegler.

Fire Prevention Association: Absent

Operations Committee:

Need to chairperson James Bland volunteered to serve.

Training: McCallister

4000 hours of training completed countywide. Training for November/December will cover the Charleston fire and NASA group thinking.

Recognition/Appreciation/Awards Committee Nothing

VCOG: Hughes

Discussion on ALS vs. BLS on future agenda.

County Resource Coordinator: Irby

Discussion on Pandemic MOG for countywide use

Communications: Weber

Discussed tone alert problems with stations 7,74 and 94. Installation of omni-directional antenna fixed the issue at station 7.

Southeast Association of Fire Chief’s (SEAFC): Nothing

EMD: Nothing new from the last meeting.


EMS – Absent

DSC –Mercer

49 students in the minimum standards class, new B-shift paramedic class with 30 students, day and night EMT classes both have 48 students. Frank Ennist is now the program manager for Fire Sciences. 130/190 classes can now be taught at DSC Frank and Ken Burgman will work on cost and delivery.

Division of Forestry –Kuypers

It continues to rain so fire danger is low for now. Mitigation grant money is available to help with interface issues contact Mike if you have questions or possible projects. Radio programming is complete and the profiles have been sent out, if you do not have the new profile contact Mike.

Emergency Management – Craig

Topics are warming up; the El Nino currents are still here, (past El Nino years have been very productive years). Possible active tornado season (January, February, March 2010). County is working on H1N1 HR policies and will keep everyone informed.

Old Business:

By-Law change vote. The vote was to change the monthly meeting schedule to an every other month schedule; the change will take effect January of 2010. The votes past new schedule to be send to all members. The 5 Bugle meeting will still take place every month.

New Business

Edgewater Fire Department will be hosting a Line of Duty Death training class in November. Fliers sent to all agencies if you did not get one or have questions please contact Steve Cousins.

Good of the Order:

Deltona Fire thanked the association for their donation and help with Pete Tuckers funeral.

Port Orange has started a Sharps collection program.

Port Orange recently purchased a Zimack machine for disinfecting homes, offices, vehicles, etc.. contact Russ Rafferty with any questions.

Next Meeting: September 23, 2009

5 Bugle session: 1200

General session: 1400.


Respectfully submitted: Ken Burgman