French II

Madame KennerOPS 919-690-0360

Rm 168

Office Hours: By

Text:First Year French (college textbook by Gretchen Angelo);Invitation Au Monde Francophone 2nd Ed (Jarvis), audio-visuals/mulitmedia : , In Action Video on Demand; online grammar/vocab Bien Dit! Level 2: www. Pimsleur Approach CDs listening/speaking;; supplemental material prepared by the teacher.

Course Description:

French II is a course designed for students with one year of experience with the French language. In this course you will continue to develop the skills of listening, reading, speaking, and writing in a culturally appropriate context. Students will acquire a greater breadth of the French language structure to include the past, conditional and future tenses. At the end of this academic course, the student will be able to converse with others in French talking about family and friends, foods and cultural activities, vacations, daily routines, and much more!


  1. Promote the French language and culture of the francophone world
  2. Endow the student with the basic grammar and vocabulary of the French language
  3. Enhance the understanding of grammar of the student’s primary language

Required Materials

Composition Book (or spiral or 3-Ring Binder) to serve as French Notebook

Loose paper(required for turn-in assignments)

Index Cards

Pens, pencils,erasers

*Recommended personal French/English Dictionary

Course Work/Grades:

The grade ultimately depends on the effort and attention the student brings to this class on a daily basis!

Tests andProjects/Summative Assessments: 50%

Quizzes/Formative Assessments: 40%

Homework/Classwork/Initial Learning: 10%

Notez-bien! A variety of assignments will be used such as, but not limited to: writing assignments, journals, notebook checks, oral presentations/skits, dialogues, individual and group work. Students will be informed of the value of each assignment.

Any failed test/quiz can be retaken for a passing grade of 60

Late Work Accepted until the end of the quarter with point penalty depending on assignment.

Please read, sign and return this page


My expectations for conduct and academic standards are high: Integrity, Respect (for yourself, classmates, teachers, administration, visitors…), and Responsibility (be responsible for your actions and decisions). You need to come to class prepared and ready to learn. Bring notebooks, homework, pens, pencils, every day!

French Class Rules:

  1. Be in your seat on time and stay in your seat until the bell rings.
  2. No pass during the first and last 10 minutes of class.
  3. Respect yourself and others (includes visitors…) equally.
  4. Do not use vulgar, profane or offensive language in class.
  5. Electronics use during class: Cell phones must be put away in backpack/purse/pocket. Cell phones can be used ONLY with PERMISSION from the teacher; NO headphones/earbuds etc. Cell phones will be left in class during restroom breaks.
  6. No soda, juice or food in class without permission.
  7. Work on French in French class only! (Not Math, History, English, etc)
  8. Follow the school code of conduct and dress code. Remove hats/hoods in my class.
  9. Cheating is not tolerated. If you cheat, you will receive 0. You will also receive 0 if you are present and don’t turn in your test, quiz or any other work.


1st infraction: Warning*Praise

2nd infraction: Parent Call*Positive notes

3rd infraction: Administration*Treats

French Class Procedures:

  1. Start the Bellwork as soon as you get to class; Vocabulary Development and/or Sentences, etc.
  2. Greeting and introduction of the lesson.
  3. Raise your hand to ask or answer questions.
  4. Remain in your seat until the bell rings.
  5. Homework/Classwork: should be completely done to receive full credit. There are 3 ways work will be checked: 1) teacher collects and checks them for grades, 2) students self-correct, 3)teacher views at your desk.

Hall Pass: You must have a pass with your name, date, time and reason signed by the teacher to go anywhere in the building!

Tardy Policy: You are considered tardy when you are not in class before the last bell. OPS tardy procedures will be followed.

Absences: It’s your responsibility to request any missed work!

Make arrangements with the teacher for before or after school for make-up/extra help.

Parent Printed Name &Signature______

Parent contact info:______

Student Printed Name & Signature______