Days 1 & 2: Patriarchs and Prophets, chapter 33 “From Sinai to Kadesh”
1.We open this chapter with a look at the order of Israel’s camp, and of their society. What was most impressive as you read through this?
2.a) As the hardships of the journey and the cause for complaining are discussed, what did you find that was new or especially interesting?
b) Mrs. White explains why God now sees these complaints as rebellion. What can we learn from this? As well as from how He dealt with Israel’s complaining.
c) Also she discusses these complaints against the manna and their desire for flesh. Note what you found, both as God’s provision in the manna and as Satan’s motive in the tempting against it.
3.What can we learn in the narrative on the choosing of the 70 elders and from Moses’ example in this experience?
4.There is quite a discussion on Aaron and Miriam’s jealousy of Moses and of some of the reasons why they openly complained about his wife. Share what you fount that was most interesting.
5.There is also a good discussion on how Moses responded in this situation and his meekness. What did you find that was most meaningful in this.
6.What lesson can we learn in their experience?
Day 3: Numbers 13:1 – 14:4
7.We already know the result of this mission. We know the names of Caleb and Joshua so well. Just out of curiosity, can you name any of the other 10 spies? (Before we look at our verses for today.)
13:1-16. As you look through this list, note who they were, also note why they were chosen.
7.13:1-2, 17-20. What it their assignment?
8.13:21-25. Look at a Bible Atlas and trace their route. If yours doesn’t have Rehob on it, you can find that spot on a modern map. It is approximately located on the current border between Israel and Lebanon on the Mediterranean coast.
9.13:26-33. This is their report on the land that God has promised to give them. How do they present, or misrepresent, what they have found?
10.14:1-4. What effect does this have on the people?
Day 4: Numbers 14:5-20
11.14:5-10a. Have you ever had the experience where you sat on a committee, or jury or something similar, and your perception of things was completely the opposite of the majority of the other members? If you have had such an experience, do you remember how intimidating that was? Look at what Caleb and Joshua do, listen to what they say and note how they are received. What do you find that is most impressive?
12.14:10b. Remember previous experiences where God’s glory appeared to Israel? Think back on them. With this in mind, read through the rest of this lesson and note how different and sad this one is.
13.14:11-12. What is God’s response to all of this?
14.14:13-20. What a picture of intercession! How does Moses appeal to God and how can this be an example or and encouragement to us?
Days 5 & 6: Note references below
15.14:21-35. Although forgiven, what are the consequences to Israel, and why?
16.There is a lesson in this story about the longsuffering of God. In vs. 21-23, God begins His punishment of Israel with a reason why. You may have already noticed this for question 15. What does God say in these verses?
17.Let’s look at each of these 10 incidents of Israel’s disobeying, testing and grumbling against God after the miracles they saw Him do in Egypt. As you look through each of these, notice both Israel’s attitude toward God and God’s response to Israel. We have already studied them, so it should go quickly.
Exodus 14:10-18
Exodus 15:22-26
Exodus 16:1-12
Exodus 16:15-20
Exodus 16:23-28
Exodus 17:1-7
Exodus 32:1-14
Numbers 11:1-3
Numbers 11:4-10, 18-20, 31-34
Numbers 14:1-4, 11
18.Indeed, there were 10 of them. What did you learn about God and His patience?
19.Numbers 14:36-38. How does God deal with the chosen leaders who had explored the land?
20.14:39-44. How does Israel receive their consequences and what is the result?
21.1 Corinthians 10:1-13. As we have studied this lesson, we’ve had to look at a very sad chapter in the history of God’s chosen people. What does Paul say about all of this, specifically as it applies to us?
22.Personal: We can look at this experience of Israel and see warnings in several different areas. Paul gives one that isn’t quite so obvious; we can see one in the responsibility that the leaders had in their influence over the people; we find one in the accountability of the people to God when their leaders misrepresent God’s plan; and we there is one in Israel’s response to God’s punishment of their sins of disobedience and accusation. What did you find this week that was especially a warning or lesson to you? It might be something completely different than what is listed above. Would you be willing to share?
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