KSF Leads meeting minutes – 8th February 2010

Venue: James Watt A, 5 Atlantic Quay, 150 Broomielaw, Glasgow

In attendance: Lewis Berston, Angie Brown, Ken Brown, Claire Burke, Anne Campbell, Frances Deane, Susan Dunne, Joyce Fraser-Smith, Irene Gott, Anne-Marie Greene, June Livingstone, Tracy McBurnie, Ross McCulloch, Paul McGuire, Andy Moir, Katrina Murray, Evelyn O’Neil, Kevin Reith, Duncan Service, Joyce Westwater, Gary Wilson.

Apologies: Fiona Allan, Helen Cheyne, Birgit Clark, Lynn Cowan, Scott Davenport, Dave Grigor, Paula Lee, Sandra-Dee Masson, Judith McKelvie, Sandy Wilkie.

1.  Welcome and housekeeping

Anne Campbell welcomed everyone and detailed the plan for the meeting.

2.  Notes of previous meeting

The notes of the previous meeting held on 12th November 2009 were agreed by everyone.

3.  Matters arising


There is no change in the current position regarding Gateways.

4.  Linda Harris – Flying Start and HCSW toolkit

Linda Harris, Education Projects Manager (NMAHP) from NES gave a background to the Flying start programme and demonstrated the links to KSF on the current website. A refresh of the site is being planned and KSF will be more centrally placed within the site. It is hoped that the new site will be available by the end of March 2010. AC stated that it would be beneficial to have a link to e-KSF on the new website. e-KSF guides for reviewers and staff could be added.

There was discussion on issues at Boards around Flying Start. It was agreed that Flying Start representatives would be invited to a future KSF Leads meeting and KSF reps would also be invited to a Flying Start meeting.

Linda will email the contact details for Flying Start at each Board and AMG will email these to all KSF Leads together with Linda’s contact details. AMG will also email the contact details for KSF Leads to Linda.

5.  Bank Staff and KSF

AC updated on the pilots that are being set up to implement the KSF guidance for Bank staff. Pilot proposals have been received from the Boards involved in the group and AC has prepared a paper for SWAG around the current issues with applying KSF to bank staff together with a summary of the pilots. The evaluations from the pilots will be added as an annex to the guidance with the intention of giving Boards practical examples around applying the guidance.

6.  HEAT target

AC discussed the draft additional HEAT target guidance and explained the background to the changes. The guidance is currently with HRD’s and is draft until ratification is received from them.

7.  e-KSF

e-KSF demonstration

AC updated everyone on new functionality that has been developed in e-KSF that allows e-KSF Administrators to enter the details of reviews and PDP’s that have been completed on paper. The additional functionality also includes a bulk upload option for adding reviews. AMG demonstrated the new functionality.

There was discussion on the pro’s and con’s of the options. AC stated that the options can be switched on, on a Board by Board basis. The decision to activate lies with each individual Board and if it is to be switched on please email AMG.

e-KSF/SWISS interface issues

AMG updated everyone on the current e-KSF/SWISS interface issues. An update to SWISS will take place in March which will resolve the issue with leavers not automatically being removed from e-KSF and also for those staff with a future start date that are not transferring to e-KSF. Once this update has taken place a full file transfer will need to take place between SWISS and e-KSF. All e-KSF Administrators are aware of the issues and what action, if any, needs to be taken.

AMG also updated that there is a major update being made to post descriptors and job/sub job family groups which will filter into e-KSF. This will also take place at some point in March. AMG/AC will keep everyone updated with dates and any subsequent issues that may arise.

8.  Keeping it Simple and Flexible resource toolkit

AC stated that there are four good case studies from the Boards involved in the toolkit. AC will be taking these to SWAG and then hopefully they will be added to the NHS Employers website. The guides for e-KSF are intended to be short and sharp guides. The final meeting of the group will include an IT expert to advise on how Boards can add it to their local intranet.

9.  NES initiatives

AC stated that she would produce a written report detailing the NES initiatives that she is currently involved with and this will be emailed to all Leads.

10.  KSFG update

AC stated that the NHS England KSF Review recommendations have been produced and will be presented to the UK Staff Council in March. AC will keep everyone updated on any outcomes.

11.  Regional updates

North region

Meeting date being arranged.

Central region

Susan Dunne gave a brief update from the last Central region meeting.

West region

Meeting date being arranged.

12.  AOCB

Annex T

AC referred to the updated CEL issued on Annex T. There was discussion on this.

e-KSF reports

AC stated that there are known issues with e-KSF reports and these need to be addressed but we need to work within the constraints of the new contract. However, we are looking at funding a Scotland only Administrator and Manager report. The Administrator report would develop the current MR-08 Implementation Status Summary report to make it possible to drill down on each of the figures so that the details of the staff member, their manager and departmental information are available. The attached spreadsheet details the Manager report that has been requested and this report would initially only be available for the duration of the current HEAT target. These reports have been developed through discussions between AMG and a few e-KSF Administrators.

13.  Date of next meeting

The next KSF Leads meeting will be held on Monday 24th May 2010 in the Mackay room at NES, Central Quay, 89 Hydepark Street, Glasgow from 10.30 am.