Day 1 - MONDAY Welcome to the 5-Day Glimpse Into Beachbody Coaching Group! We Are So Excited

Day 1 - MONDAY Welcome to the 5-Day Glimpse Into Beachbody Coaching Group! We Are So Excited

Day 1 - MONDAY
Welcome to the 5-Day “Glimpse Into Beachbody Coaching” group! We are so excited that you decided to join us over the next 5 days! We are looking forward to giving you a small taste of what Beachbody Coaching is all about and show you how amazing the coaching opportunity truly is on so many levels!
What should you expect? Well, every evening we will be posting a mini “assignment” that you will report in on the next day. More than likely, these assignments are nothing more than things you are already doing…we just want to show you how what you are already doing can be channeled into coaching! :) Simply comment under the post.
So, let’s start with your first assignment that is due tomorrow! I know that myself as well as the other coach leaders will also be reporting in on this assignment! :)
I will be hosting a short (20 min) “What is Coaching?” call Monday night, (DATE) at 9:00 pm EST. I will be telling my story as well as giving more details of what coaching entails. We’d love to have you listen in live if possible! The number to call is and the access code is . Just call the number and listen in - your line will be muted. If you can’t make it on the call live, please ask the person that invited you to the group to send you the recording afterwards.
Any questions about the call? If so, please list below.
Also, we would love to know more about YOU! Please share any information you would like - your family, what you currently do for work, your fitness background/goals, etc. You can also attach a picture if you’d like! (Just click on the camera icon when commenting under this post). Also, what makes you interested in Beachbody Coaching? In the coaching world, we label it your “WHY.” :)
We are looking forward to learning more about you!
Many of you may already know Beachbody’s Mission Statement - END THE TREND of obesity!

With coaching, success comes from doing a little bit each day and reaching out to help others with their fitness and health goals. It’s not about selling AT ALL! It’s all about sharing and genuinely caring about the success of others!
It’s simple: follow the 3 Vital Behaviors EVERY DAY.
1. INVITE. INVITE. INVITE. Invite to be a friend first. Invite to your general health Facebook or free Fit Club page. Invite to your Challenge Group. Watch this short video about inviting: All it takes is talking to people with the intent of helping them!
2. Be Proof the Products Work. You can’t expect someone to believe in the products or join a Challenge Group if you’re not walking the walk yourself. You don’t have to have an amazing transformation story, and you don’t have to be at your ideal weight! You just need to be on your journey and be open and honest about that journey!
3. Personal Development. To improve your business you need to improve yourself. Beachbody believes in personal development through books, audio, and many other resources!
Meet just ONE new friend today. This can be in person or on any social media outlet. For example, on Facebook, you can reach out to someone from your past that you are currently friends with on Facebook. Think high school, college, former jobs, etc. Or, you can meet someone brand new! List the first name of that new friend and how you know them or where you found them.
Any questions about the 3 Vital Behaviors of Coaching?
As we mentioned in the 3 Vital Behaviors, part of what you do every day is being proof the products work. Again, this does not mean that you need to be at your ideal weight or have an amazing transformation story. You just need to show that you are on your journey somewhere and that you have a passion for fitness. It also does not mean that the only workouts you can do are Beachbody programs, nor do you have to “barf” Beachbody products all over social media! :) It’s as simple as sharing about your own fitness and nutrition. (FYI, this also helps you stay more accountable to your own fitness goals!) :)
Sometime today, post about your own workout or clean eating (with or without a picture). Or, simply post something fitness or nutrition related. Please share what kind of response you received.
One of the most important things we do as coaches is to get to know people, their goals and their needs. It definitely is NOT to contact someone with the intent to sell. This means that conversations may take time…very rarely do we meet someone and then automatically talk about products, Shakeology, challenge groups, etc right away! It’s all about just talking and getting to know someone without an agenda of trying to sell. Our goal really is to create a relationship of trust.
And, many times some of our best customers and coaches come from people we already know! It doesn’t mean that once you are a coach that you will send messages to all of your family and friends to let them know that you are now a Beachbody coach and they need to start buying stuff from you. What we actually do is just reach out to people we haven’t talked to in awhile and simply ask something like “What’s new?” Reconnect with them…see what’s going on in their lives! Maybe the topic of fitness and Beachbody will come up, maybe it won’t. But, your goal is to just start conversations and share! :)
Reach out to someone that is currently one of your friends on Facebook that you haven’t talked to in awhile. Personally message them with a question like - “What’s new?” Be interested, not interesting…this means listen to them, respond and ask questions…don't just talk about yourself! :) List the first name of the person you reached out to and share how it went.
Day 5 - FRIDAY
We are already at the last day of this group! We hope you have enjoyed the glimpse into coaching and realize that if you have a genuine passion for helping others, this is definitely something for you!
For a second, I want you to play “what if” with me…what if you became a coach? What if you never made a penny but you got healthier–that’s it! You started drinking Shakeology (for a discount) and were working out consistently with the help of your fellow coaches. What if you started feeling better, being present in your family’s lives, having more energy and just feeling ALIVE! Would it be worth it?
“What if” you shared Beachbody with a friend who was diabetic, depressed or on a downward spiral just praying for someone to reach out and help them - to notice them - they just aren’t in a place to get started on their own. They are defeated. YOU are THAT person! YOU reach out and play a huge part in changing/saving their life! Would it be worth it?
“What if” you jumped wholeheartedly into this opportunity and committed to doing whatever it takes? You do the small, consistent tasks daily no matter what’s going on in your life because you not only dream of something better, you KNOW it’s out there and you are DETERMINED to get it! You commit to be here a year from now! You have big dreams and realize this is an amazing outlet to get you there! You do the 3 vital behaviors relentlessly because you KNOW you were DESTINED FOR GREATNESS! In 2 years, you are making a six figure income, helping people, feeling blessed, humble and thankful! Would it be worth it?
“What if” you forgot about it…this coaching thing’s not for me…fears, apprehensions, preconceived notions, whatever the reason…you just don’t want to do it. You don’t have to. But I challenge you today to think about the things in your life that make you unhappy or miserable…what are you doing about them? Five years from now, will you be having the same bad day – overworked, underpaid, tired and stressed? What if you DID something about it instead. Would it be worth it?
What if?
So, what’s next? Talk to the coach that invited you to the group. Please give your feedback…we want to know how you feel! Once you are ready, you will sign up to be a coach. The best option is to sign up with a Challenge Pack. With a Challenge Pack, you will get the video program of your choice, 30 days of Shakeology AND your initial coach fee is waived!
Once you are signed up, you definitely will not be on your own! Not only will you have a personally sponsored coach that will mentor you, you are also a part of an amazing team of coaches that want to help you succeed! There are several groups and tools that you will have access to and we are all about sharing what we do - no need to reinvent the wheel! :)
Our next Coach Basics 30-day training starts June 2nd, so it’s a perfect time to start! We look forward to having you on the team!
Let's turn your "what ifs" into I DID IT! :)