Procedure for Data Collection and Study Participation

The week of February 29 – March 2 you will collect the data for your group project, provided your group has received ethics clearance. You will take turns being researchers and participants. Below is a table assigning numbers to each group. Additionally, there are instructions for what materials you need to print off and how the data collection process will proceed.

General Information

Choose one group member to act as your group representative. This individual will be responsible for verbally recruiting participants from the class, giving instructions to the participants, distributing stimulus materials, and receiving completed stimulus materials from participants. The other group members will act as participants for other projects.

Instructions for Researchers

You will need to print out a minimum of four (4) copies of your Debriefing letter (including all necessary changes indicated on your final Assignment # 5) and four (4) copies of your stimulus materials. You do not need to print out your Invitation to Participate or Consent forms. Given that all participants are members of the P290 class, we will assume consent to reduce paper waste.

You should remove any appendix titles on your stimulus materials and instead include your group number (as indicated in the table below) at the top of all pages. This is to help with organization, as multiple groups will be collecting data at the same time. You should also include a code to differentiate your experimental from your control stimulus materials. This code should let you tell the materials apart without giving away the condition to your participants. i.e. Do not use “E” and “C” or the like.

When participants complete your study, their materials will be placed in an envelope. You will then provide the participant with a debriefing letter. You may not remove any completed stimulus materials from the envelope until all four of your participants have returned their materials. This is to maintain the confidentiality of your participants.

Instructions for Participants

Depending on the type of research being conducted, group representatives may verbally recruit participants at the beginning of the lab. Please listen carefully to these presentations. You will be asked to collect a single stimulus material packet at a time, complete the materials, and then return them to the group representative. Make sure that the group number on your stimulus materials matches the group number on the envelope. You will receive a debriefing letter when you return your materials. You should then gather stimulus materials from the next group representative. Repeat this process until all groups have finished data collection.

The data that you provide will remain confidential. When you complete a questionnaire you will be asked to place it in a manila envelope that matches the group number written at the top of the questionnaire. Your responses will not be analyzed until all of the data collection for the group is completed.

It is very important that each group has a complete data set to work with for their group project. Please be respectful of the data collection process and answer all questions as honestly and completely as possible. While every participant has the right to refuse to answer any questions that he or she is uncomfortable with, we ask that you do not leave questions blank. If you are uncomfortable answering a question, you may answer randomly.

Notice: You may only proceed with data collection once you have been granted ethics clearance.

Group Number / Group Members
Monday 14:15 - 15:05
1A / Meagan M., Stephanie R., Jacqueline H., & Jillian B.
2A / Emilia L., Kieran B., Allison M., Sarah C., & Nadine, P.
3A / Nick A-S., Darbie O., Chloe E., Justyne M., & Victoria C.
Tuesday 11:15 - 12:05
1B / Andrea M., Julissa S., Jane G., Hannah B., & Kaitlyn F.
2B / Kathleen G., Melanie W., Rachel M., Leah J., & Ashlinn M.
3B / Eric P., Emma T., Emily E., Natasha A., & Brent T.
4B / Darci M., Mallory L., Rene M., Matt M., & Kiera V.
Tuesday 12:15 - 13:05
1C / Colin W., Alyssa G., Brenna M., Jean M., & Olivia W.
2C / Hillary M., Gabby B., Kristin W., & Braely M.
3C / Daisha W., Melanie M., Christine B., & Devin W.
Tuesday 13:15 - 14:05
1D / Amanda N., Ted L., Jasmin C., Jessica E., & Caitlyn M.
2D / Olivia D., Julia D., Katie K., & Jenny P.
3D / Katie W., Ashley F., Colin H., & Alyssa M.
4D / Vernon S., Jill M., & Miranda M.
Wed 11:15 - 12:05
1E / Jessica T., Tyrel E., Adrienne M., & Hannah A.
2E / Noella M., Natasha J., Katie M., Samantha B., Julie B., & Dammy J.