Davison Band and Orchestra Boosters, Inc. September 12, 2017 Minutes

Meeting called to order at 7:00pm by Jen Mcmahon

Members present:

Jen McMahon

Janine Benedict

Sara Eisenman

Lindsey Rusk

Jessica Eckel
Annette Morris
Kim Robinson
Daniela Luna
Chuck McMahon
Beth Skellenger
Kevin Skellenger

Eleanor Braham
Cassie LeBeau
Bob Hathaway
Jeff Groat
Carole Dunning

Deborah Collins
Cindy Willey
Dennis Manssur
Jason Benedict

Introduction of Guests
Representatives from the Davison Robotics Team introduced a fundraising opportunity. The band and orchestra students, along with their parents and friends, can work concessions at Renaissance Festival for a portion of the proceeds to go into their student accounts to be used toward marching band camp and band/orchestra trips. The hours accrued by family and friends goes toward the student they represent. Lindsey took down the contact information to get the ball rolling.

Secretary’s Report

Motion to accept the minutes: Bob Hathaway; seconded by Chuck McMahon; all in favor.

Treasurer’s Report

Sara stated that DBOB ended the fiscal year ahead by $956, eve with unexpected expenditures due to trailer damage in the spring and the resulting purchase of a new one, marching band costs, and MSBOA awards that were purchased by DBOB instead of Davison High School. For the current fiscal year budget, a reserve is being built for future needs, teacher grants are being increased by $500 each, the marching band budget needs some tweaking, and insurance costs will go up in May. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report: Bob Hathaway; seconded by Lindsey Rusk; all in favor.

Directors’ Reports

Mrs. McMartin– The 5th graders’ embouchures are set and they are now learning to read music. Concert dates have been set.

Mr. Bronson– The Middle School bands are working toward their first concert.

Mr. Schuster– Thanks for all the help with marching band camp, uniforms, and food. His ensembles are getting ready for their first concert in october. There are 2 more home games and 2 competitions coming up. Trip dates have been rescheduled for Thursday, April 12 through Monday, April 16, 2018 (instead of Wednesday, April 11 through Sunday, April 15) and will resubmit the itinerary to the school board for approval.

Committee Reports

Awards – Someone needs to take over awards duties from Lindsey. Marching band awards will be held in November.

Fundraising –

Century sale - The Century sale was a week shorter than last year and there seemed to be a lot of community pushback on social media regarding the students’ efforts this year. The numbers won’t be as good as last year. DBOB needs a profit of $27,000 to operate for the next year. Delivery will be on October 12 at 12:30pm in the DHS cafeteria; order pickup will be from 3-8pm. Can DBOB give 10% to the 5-8th graders in a separate account to carry over to high school for their band activities? Cassie LeBeau makes a motion to put the 5th-8th graders 10% into a special account; seconded by Jessica Eckel

Yankee Candles/Holiday greens - Kickoff of Yankee Candles right after Century delivery? Do both at the same time? Potential dates for both sales October 23-November 13. All proceeds go into individual student accounts for band camp and trips. Include color guard and twirlers in these fundraisers to go toward band camp only.

Bake sale - DBOB was asked if we were interested in setting up a table at the September 24th Dog Walk event. All proceeds of our bake sale would go to DBOB, less a $10 table fee. Motion to participate: Jessica Eckel; seconded by Lindsey Rusk

Lead Chaperons – Janine Benedict, Deborah Collins, Jessica Eckel, and Cassie LeBeau said that everything leading up to and at band camp went fairly smoothly. There was a little trouble getting enough male chaperons for camp due to increased numbers of male students, and there were some last minute volunteer applications turned into the school by some other chaperons just before the deadline. Spreading the various jobs of lead chaperon amongst several made the tasks easier, but there is a definite need for clear communication with each other in everything they do.

Hauling/Maintenance – Jason traveled to R&R Trailers in Three Rivers to pick up the newly built to spec aluminum band trailer. It is really light compared to the old trailer and is balanced well on the axles. Jason, Bob Hathaway, and Kevin Skellenger spent some time together in July building out the interior, providing places to hang sousaphones, shelving for percussion instruments, and tie down points for other instruments or equipment being transported in the trailer. Bob is putting solar powered lights on the band building for security and ease of use.

Concessions/Meals – Jessica Eckel is making sure the students are being well fed before all the football games; Cassie LeBeau is doing a great job on procuring halftime snack donations.

MSBOA – no report.

Musicathon – May 19th.

Souvenirs – We need a new chairperson.

Uniforms – A request has been put in for $2,000 for more concert uniforms; no response yet from Mrs. Kenkel and the administration.

Volunteer Coordinator – Annette needs names and contact information.

Old Business

Officer Elections – There is a concrete floor, exterior lights, and plans for a driveway is being worked on. There may be a need for an interior lighting budget - i.e. solar generator.

New Business

Homecoming parade – Come up with tropical ideas for a float to put in the parade. Discussion regarding giveaways to hand out during the parade included frisbees, pens, koozies, drawstring bags, and kazoos. Chuck McMahon made a motion to order kazoos; seconded by Jessica Eckel.

Outreach idea – a parent messaged the DBOB Facebook page with the idea of placing our information inside the Hahn band and orchestra books that 5th and 6th graders receive at the beginning of the year to bring attention to the organization’s presence and mission.


Deborah Collins made a motion to adjourn at 8:29pm; Kevin Skellenger seconded the motion; all in favor.

The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 10th at 7pm in the AMR.