4036 Haley Center
Auburn University, AL 36849-5221
(334)844-3071, FAX: (334) 844-3072
Ph. D. University of Virginia, Educational Research and Evaluation Methodology, June 1990
Fall 2007 – present – Humana-Germany-Sherman Distinguished Professor, Auburn University.
Fall, 2000–2007–Professor; Fall, 1995–2000-Associate Professor;Fall, 1990–1995-Assistant Professor.
Selected research and evaluation projects have included:
- External Evaluator and Research Consultant, The Tuskegee Partnership to Establish Computer Science Education in the Alabama Black Belt. Funded for $999,997 by the National Science Foundation – Mohammed Qazi, PI.
- External Evaluator, ITEST Strategies in the Black Belt Region –Dr. Hira Narang, PI, Tuskegee University - Research and Evaluation subaward to Auburn University funded for $240,000.
- Evaluation Consultant: Training Arkansas Computing Teachers (TACT) – Funded for $991,664 by NSF, Dale Thompson, PI.
- External Evaluator: Infusing Data-Enabled Active Learning in Mathematics and Statistics Courses. Funded by national Science Foundation. Dr. Carl Pettis, PI.
- Evaluation Consultant: Building rural alliances through collaboration and education (BRACE): Providing Behavioral Health Services to Rural, At-Risk Children, Adolescents and Transitional Age Youth. Funded for $985,721 by Behavioral Health Workforce Education And Training For Professionals And Paraprofessionals - Health Resources and Services Administration. Dr.Amanda Evans, PI
- External Evaluation Consultant, NanoBio Science Partnership, - Funded for $10 million by NSF. Dr. Shaik Jeelani, PI
- External Evaluation Consultant, NSF Noyce Capacity Building Grant, Dr. Mohammed Qazi, PI
- External Evaluation Consultant, NSF-ATE NEUTRONS, Wallace Community College.
- Principal Investigator, Enhancing Education Through Technology (EETT) Outside Evaluator Contract – Funded for $142,000 (2009-10) and for $36,000 (2010-11). Alabama State Department of Education.
- Evaluation Coordinator, Plowing Freedom’s Ground, Teaching American History Grant (2009-13) - Funded by the US Department of Education for $1 million. Dr. John Saye, PI.
- Internal Evaluator Coordinator, Alabama Alliance for Students with Disabilities in STEM (2009-2014)– Funded for $3 Million by NSF. Dr. Overtoun Jenda, PI
- Project Evaluator, Strategic Teaching for Improved Performance of Students (TIPS) in Reading. Funded by the Alabama Commission on Higher Education for $103,283, 2009-10. Dr. Edna Brabham, Principal Investigator.
- Evaluation Coordinator, Integrating Computer Programming Technologies into the Industrial Engineering Curriculum. Funded for 149,976 by NSF, 2009-11. Dr. Jorge F Valenzuela, PI.
- Research Methodology and Evaluation Consultant: Title II of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act – Using Technology in Writing and Social Studies. Roanoke City Schools, Roanoke, AL.
- Consultant, Research Advisory Group and Research Institute. Serve an advisory role in conducting research in the school system and develop and implement appropriate professional development for current educators to conduct research. Clayton County School System, Jonesboro, GA (Dr. Chandra Johnson, Director of Research and Evaluation)
- 2006-09 - Evaluation Coordinator: GK12 Teaching Fellows, funded by NSF for $2 Million (Dr. Overtoun Jenda, PI)
- 2006-09 - Evaluation Coordinator, Rocky Mountain Math and Science Partnership. Funded for $500K by Colorado State Department of Education. (Dr. Mark Lung, PI)
- 2003-09 - Evaluation Coordinator, TEAM-Math: The East Alabama Partnership for the
Improvement of Mathematics Education. Funded by NSF. Funded for $9 Million (Dr. W. Gary Martin, PI)
- 2002-03 - Project Investigator, Evaluation of the Alabama Reading Initiative. Funded for $129,919. Alabama State Department of Education
- 2000-02 – Project Investigator, Project Investigator, Evaluation of Federally-Funded Programs. Funded for $275,000. Alabama State Department of Education
- 1999-2002 – Project Evaluator, Instructional Materials Development (funded by NSF). Dr. David Elton,, Civil Engineering, PI
- 1996-99 - Project Evaluator - Professor Training in Geosynthetics (funded by NSF). Dr. David Elton, Civil Engineering ,PI
- 1997-2000 - Project Coordinator, South Florida Annenberg Challenge Evaluation Project I served as the evaluation coordinator for the South Florida Annenberg Challenge. Amount: $1,582,712.
- 1994-97 - Assessment and Evaluation Coordinator, Science and Math Outreach Initiative, College of Science and Math, (funded for 1.2 million from Howard Hughes Foundation). Dr. Marlin
Simon , Physics,, PI
Courses taught at the graduate level have included - Introduction to Educational Research, Beginning Statistics, Analysis of Variance, Correlation and Regression, Measurement Theory, Scale Development, Survey Research Methods, Evaluation of Teaching and Program Evaluation.
Profession – Past-President, Eastern Educational Research Association; Regional Editor, Educational Research and Evaluation; Editorial Board Member and Reviewer service includes American Journal of Evaluation, Journal of Research in Education; Educational Research Quarterly, Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, Journal of Assessment and Evaluation.
College and University Level – Program Coordinator, Search Committees, Curriculum Committees, Core Advisory Committee, College Executive Council, University Tenure and Promotion Committee, Graduate Council, Faculty Senator, Teaching Effectiveness Committee, SACS self-study, completed over 175doctoral committees, chairing 15.
Ross, M. & Shannon, D. M. (2011). Quantitative Methods in Education (2nd Ed). Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company.
Forbes, S.A. & Shannon, D. M. (2006). A casebook in educational assessment: A resource for educators. Merrill/Prentice-Hall.
Shannon, D. M. & Davenport, M. A. (2001). Using SPSSto Solve Statistical Problems: A self-instruction guide. Columbus, OH: Merrill/Prentice-Hall.
Book Chapters
Shannon, D.M. & Cooper, J. (2016). Teaching Program Evaluation: In Challenges and
Innovations in Educational Psychology Teaching and Learning,(pp. 425-437). M.C. Smith and N.D. Densch (Eds.). Information Age Publishing. Charlotte, NC.
Cobia, D., Carney, J., & Shannon, D. (2011). What Do Students Know and What Can They Do?
Assessing Competence in Counselor Education. In Handbook of Counselor Preparation: 2nd Edition (pp.367-376) Garrett McCauliff & Karen Erickson, Editors. Sage: Thousand Oaks: CA.
Cobia, D.C., Carney, J. S., & Shannon, D. M. (2000). Using portfolios in Counselor Education.
In G. MacCauliffe, & K. Erickson (Eds.), Counselors as therapists under constructivism: Transformative practices in mental health counseling. ACES: Washington, DC.
Medley, D. M. & Shannon, D. M. (1994). Teacher Evaluation. Chapter in International
Encyclopedia of Education: Research and Studies: Second Edition. (pp. 6015 -6020). T. Husen and T. N. Postlethwaite, Eds. Oxford: Pergamon Press.
Refereed Publications
Over 75refereed publications since joining the Auburn faculty in 1990 in journals such as: Journal of Educational Research, Journal of Experimental Education, Educational and Psychological Measurement, Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education, Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation, and Journal of Higher Education.