David Idowu Choir Membership Form
The choir isopen to singers in Year 9 and above living or going to school in Southwark
Membership will only be granted if this form is completed & signed by the students Parent or Guardian.
Dear Parent/Guardian
A request had been made by your child to join the David Idowu Choir and your details were provided as the primary contact for consent.
The David Idowu Choir is designed to support Southwark’s young singers aged 13 to 18 and meet during the school holidays for their regular courses as well as for rehearsals and events throughout the year as required.
Please add information and sign this if you agree all information is correct and that you agree to their membership & participation.
You will need to give your permission for participation before the first course so please scan and email the following consent documents to , bring to the first session or post to:
Southwark Music Service
Children and Adults Services, 0-19 Standards Team
4th Floor Hub 2
PO Box 64529
London SE1P 2QH
Best Wishes
Jo Fitzmaurice
Southwark Music Service
07710 313999
Please check the details below to ensure the information is correct, and complete the areas where necessary and return the form to the above address.
First nameLast name
Post code
Telephone number
Email address
Date of birth
School attended
Student support or special needs/medical information
Do you consider your child to have a disability?
Does your child suffer from? Allergies, Asthma, Panic attacks, Diabetes, Epilepsy, None of the above
Is your child on regular medication?
Does your child have special needs or educational needs? If yes, what are your support needs?
First name
Last name
Telephone number / Call in an emergency
Mobile number / Call in an emergency
Work telephone number / Call in an emergency
Email address
Relationship to young person
Second emergency contact
Contact number
Photography & Film Consent: I understand that by joining the choir my child may be filmed /photographed whilst in rehearsal & performance. I give full consent to my child’s image being used by Southwark Music Service in internal & external printed & online communications.
Getting to and from rehearsals & events, your responsibilities
Every measure has been taken to ensure the safety of the young people participating in the project. However, we cannot ensure the safety of young people travelling to and from venues, and encourage parents/carers/guardians to make adequate travel plans and arrangements with the young person that they are responsible for.
We expect young people and parents/carer/guardians to make their own arrangements for arriving at and leaving rehearsals & events and for moving between venues (though students may wish to remain with a member of staff if traveling to an unfamiliar venue). Participants will be allowed to leave the project without a parent or guardian unless it is specifically raised with us that they must not.
We will not be contacting parents/ guardians if young people do not arrive at the project. If they do not attend without prior notice for two consecutive courses we will remove them from the membership list.
Finally we also know from experience that young people like to have a short break and leave site to buy a snack, or that sometimes a workshop will finish earlier than planned, in this instance we let them leave site should they ask to if you give permission.
My son/ daughter/ ward will be travelling back from the project aloneMy son/ daughter/ ward will be collected by a parent/ guardian and should not be allowed off site until that person arrives. Please name parent/ guardian
My son/ daughter/ ward is allowed off site during the project /event duration.
I ______give consent for______:
(Please tick)
To Join the David Idowu Choir.All times and workshops will be communicated to you prior to the young person attending.
To gain exposure through publicity material produced by the Music Service, such as photographs, videos, leaflets, and press releases, and the Music Service’s social media. I understand that they may be named as part of this.
To receive notifications via email, text, Twitter, Facebook, You Tube and other social media about course and performance dates, and general information and opportunities relating to the project.