David DouglasSchool District

Community Sports Registration

Boys Basketball

Grades 7th & 8th

Please fill out this form and return it to Connie Milks at Alice Ott, Kathie Kuhn at Floyd Light or Ruth Lofthus at Ron Russell at your child’s school. You will be contacted about team and practice information. If you are writing a check please write your child’s first and last name on the check. Please make check payable to ‘DDSD’.

Name: ______School: ______Grade: ______

Parent Name: ______First Contact Phone Number: ______

Address: ______Zip: ______

FEES: $75.00due after try-out and making the team

REFUND POLICY: Refund requests must be made

inwriting. Full refunds will be only issuedif the student has not played

in a game. $10 willbe deducted for materials, handling, and uniform.


David Douglas does not carry free insurance on students. Medical insurance

is a requirement for participation and is the responsibility of the parent

or guardian. School insurance may be purchased at a minimal fee from

your school’s office.

Student has ( ) school insurance or ( ) family insurance

Does your child have a medical condition and/or is your

child taking prescription medication that their coach

should be aware? If yes, please explain. (Attach if necessary)

____No ____YES ______


Emergency contact (Other than above listed number): ______

Emergency contact phone: ______

In the event of an emergency, David Douglas Community Sports has my permission

to transport my child to the nearest medical facility for treatment.

______More questions? Contact David Petersen

Signature of parent/guardian Date at 503-261-8210

David Douglas Community Recreation

Parental Code of Conduct

As a David Douglas Community Sports (DDCS) parent, you hereby pledge to provide positive support, care, and encouragement for each child participating in our league by following this code of conduct.

  • I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all children, managers and coaches (including those of opposing teams). This applies to every game, practice, or any other DDCS event.
  • I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all referees, league officials, and other parents at every game and event.
  • I will place the emotional and physical wellbeing of all children on all team ahead of my personal desire to win.
  • I will teach my child to treat all other players, coaches, referees, league officials, and parents with respect.
  • I promise to help my child enjoy DDCS by being respectful to all players, coaches, referees, league officials, and parents.
  • I will insist that all children play in a safe and healthy environment.
  • I will demand a drug, alcohol, and tobacco-free environment for all children and agree to assist by refraining from their use at all DDCS games, practices, and events.
  • I will remember that DDCS are for the children and not for adults.
  • I will do all I can to make the game fun and safe for all the children.
  • I understand that DDCS is a volunteer organization that needs parent participation with coaching and refereeing and I will help out when I can.
  • I understand that team rules have been established to enable the coaches to effectively conduct the affairs of the team in accordance with DDCS rules. I understand my child is subject to team rules.

I understand that if or when I cannot follow these expectations, I may be asked to leave the game or practice facility by DDCS staff.

I agree with the David Douglas Community Sports Parental Code of Conduct


I understand that the David Douglas School District carries no athletic insurance for Community Sports/Recreation programs and does not assume responsibility for injuries sustained in practice or games. If insurance coverage for injuries is desired, I recognize that such coverage is my responsibility as the parent/guardian. I approve the participation of my child in Community Sports/Recreation athletics and authorize the administration of essential first aid when necessary.

Equipment Contract

I, ______

parent/guardian of: ______

understand that if we do not return all equipment checked out to our playerfor the David Douglas Recreation program at season’s end, I will be financially responsible for all missing equipment. I understand that the jersey replacement fee is $40.00. I will be responsible for the return of all equipment no later than February 1, 2016.

Parent/Guardian: ______Date: ______