David B. Christian, RLA, ASLA
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David B. Christian, RLA, ASLA
1981 B.S., Landscape Architecture, The PennsylvaniaStateUniversity
Additional Training:
• ACEC Project Management Course
• Dale Carnegie Management Course
1985 Registered Landscape Architect, Pennsylvania(#000808-E)
American Society of Landscape Architects, Member
American Society of Landscape Architects, PA/DE Chapter - Treasurer (1989-1995)
• April 20, 1996 - Received Chapter Distinguished Service Award
National Arbor Day Foundation
Associated Builders & Contractors, Inc. (Business Development Comm.) (1993-1996)
Mount Joy Borough Planning Commission (1995 – 2003)
TrinityLutheranChurch (MountJoy)
• Past Chair, Worship and Music Committee
• Head Usher
Mount Joy Rotary Club – President (2002-2003)
• October, 2002 - Obtained Matching Grant funds for The Treasure House in Ba, Fiji, a missionary project which houses abandoned babies
• Hosted exchange student from Bosnia and Herzegovina – Aug 2002 to Feb 2003
• Hosted exchange student from Normandy, France – Mar 2004 to July 2004
• Received Paul Harris Fellow Award – Spring 2003 and Spring 2005
Mount Joy Community Vision 2010 – Chair (project of Mount Joy R.E.A.C.H.)
• Publicity Chairman, Mount Joy Borough Sesquicentennial Committee
• Winterfest Committee
• Chair, MountJoy Hiking/Biking Trail Committee
Donegal Joint Recreation Commission Committee
• Historic Mount Joy Square - Mr. Christian volunteered his services to the Mount Joy Borough Community by donating his professional services to create this revitalization plan.
• Vest Pocket Park, Mount Joy - Mr. Christian also completed plans for a vest pocket park which has been constructed in Mount Joy Borough at the intersection of Barbara and Main Streets. Mr. Christian’s interest in revitalizing the many intriguing Boroughs of Lancaster County has motivated him to volunteer his time to beautify his own. His efforts earned him a “Certificate of Appreciation” from the Mayor of Mount Joy Borough for his “community volunteerism and outstanding leadership” as well as his “quality efforts and unselfish service.”
• Rotary Park, Mount Joy – Mr. Christian donated his services to fully design and provide construction administration and observations services for the new Rotary Park in Mount Joy Borough as part of his position as co-chair of the Rotary Club of Mount Joy's community service project to honor the 2005 Centennial Celebration of Rotary International. The park consists of two soccer fields, two baseball fields and other site amenities. Other project duties include organizing fund-raising opportunities, grant writing for additional funds, coordinating sub-consultants, etc. He received a Paul Harris Fellow Award for his generous in-kind contribution of professional services.
• MountJoy American Legion/VFW Veterans’ Memorial, MountJoy – Mr. Christian donated his services to completely design and administer bids for a Veterans’ Memorial Garden on behalf of the American Legion Post 185 and the Mount Joy VFW Post 5752. The memorial garden features a circular walkway, benches, the American flag, flags for the five service branches and various relocated and new memorial monuments. The circular pathway is broken and a cross monument will ultimately be displayed to symbolize those Mount Joy Veterans who have not returned from their time of service, contributing the ultimate sacrifice so that we may all enjoy our freedoms.
• Eagle Scout Projects Mentor
- Brandon West (Mar 2001) – MemorialGarden for St. Marks Church, Mount Joy, PA
- Kevin Rorabaugh (May 2008) – Coordinated planting of 34 evergreen trees at RotaryPark, Mount Joy, PA
- Matthew Kelley (Sep 2008) – Coordinated and implemented landscaping around the Rotary Shed and painted it Rotary Colors at RotaryPark, Mount Joy, PA
- Tyler Powell (Sep 2008) – Improved shed by putting on new doors, a permanent ramp for the tractor and indoor shelving for supplies at Rotary Park, Mount Joy, PA
- Nick Brewer (Nov 2008) – Coordinated and installed landscaping incorporating evergreens/ natives plants around 2 parking areas near the square, Manheim, PA
- Chad Eichelberger (Apr 2009) – Built two picnic tables and cleared out a picnic area in a wooded area for the tables at Rotary Park, Mount Joy, PA
- Alex Flick (Nov 2009) – Design/implement the plantings for a proposed bio-retention rain garden at RotaryPark in Mount Joy, PA. The proposed rain Garden is intended to filter impurities from runoff before it enters the Little Chiques Creek.
- John Coleman (Aug 2010) – Design and construct two horseshoe pits at CoveOutlookPark in MountJoyTownship.
- Adam Fink (in progress) – Create a walking path through the woods to connect the 3rd parking lot to a wooded picnic area and implement additional picnic tables at Rotary Park, Mount Joy, PA
Mr. Christian possesses over twenty nine (29) years experience in the practice of landscape architecture and site development design. He serves as president of DAVID CHRISTIAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. - Landscape Architecture of Manheim, PA. Mr. Christian’s capabilities include: preparation of conceptual design solutions and feasibility reports; subdivision and land development plan preparation and processing for residential, commercial, industrial, recreational and institutional projects; project management including client administration, budget and schedule development; sewer and water facilities design; stormwater management and sedimentation/erosion control design; campus masterplanning; residential landscape architecture and planting design; professional presentation of projects at agency meetings for zoning, subdivision or land development approval; preparation of construction drawings and contract documents; and construction observation and administration.
DAVID CHRISTIAN & ASSOC., INC., Manheim, PA2003-present
CHRISTIAN & GABRIEL, INC., Manheim, PA1996-2003
RGS Associates, Brownstown, PA1993-1996
Rettew Associates, Lancaster, PA1983-1993
Smith Design Group, Hunt Valley, MD1982-1983
H. Edward Black & Associates, Harrisburg, PA1981-1982
Residential Subdivisions/Land Developments
- HawkValleyVillage Condominiums, BrecknockTownship, LancasterCounty
- School Lane Terrace, WarwickTownship, LancasterCounty
- SunriseGardens, WestCocalicoTownship, LancasterCounty
- Shenk’s Woods, ProvidenceTownship, LancasterCounty
- Quentin Hunt, West Cornwall Township, Lebanon County
- Elm Developers, PennTownship, LancasterCounty
- Lester Weber Subdivision, WestCocalicoTownship, LancasterCounty
- Shirks Woods, WestCocalicoTownship, LancasterCounty
- SchoolLaneHills Estates, EastHempfieldTownship, LancasterCounty
- Woods Edge, ManorTownship, LancasterCounty
- Rosemont Estates, ManheimTownship, LancasterCounty
- Chapel Gate, WestCocalicoTownship, LancasterCounty
- Sporting Valley Acres, WestHempfieldTownship, LancasterCounty
- Lititz Run, WarwickTownship, LancasterCounty
- LincolnGardens, Ephrata and ClayTownships, LancasterCounty
- Parkside Estates, BrecknockTownship, LancasterCounty
- Windolph Landing, LancasterTownship, LancasterCounty
- Chapel Forge, EastHempfieldTownship, LancasterCounty
- School Lane Estates, MountJoy Borough, LancasterCounty
- The Woods of Roundtop, EastHempfieldTownship, LancasterCounty
- Donald & Helen Groff Tract, RaphoTownship, LancasterCounty
- Clearview Gardens/Clearview Plaza – ClayTownship, LancasterCounty
- Bethel Commons – EastHempfieldTownship, LancasterCounty
- Park Place – Womelsdorf Borough, BerksCounty
- The Hills of Jamesfield Manor – RaphoTownship, LancasterCounty
Retirement Villages
- GardenSpotVillage, EastEarlTownship, LancasterCounty
- Fairmount Homes, WestEarlTownship, LancasterCounty
- Village of Olde Hickory, ManheimTownship, LancasterCounty
- BrooklineRetirementVillage, State College, CentreCounty
Commercial/Industrial Land Developments
- Shady MaplePlaza, EastEarlTownship, LancasterCounty
- Sight and Sound, StrasburgTownship, LancasterCounty
- Direct Wire and Cable, EastCocalicoTownship, LancasterCounty
- Manheim Township Development Co., RaphoTownship, LancasterCounty
- Stobro Company, UpperLeacockTownship, LancasterCounty
- Bowmansville Convenience Store, BrecknockTownship, LancasterCounty
- Burger King, EastHempfieldTownship, LancasterCounty
- Irex Corporation, LancasterCity, LancasterCounty
- Elite Tours, EphrataTownship & Ephrata Borough, LancasterCounty
- Brenner Quarry, LancasterCity, LancasterCounty
- Myers Furniture, PennTownship, LancasterCounty
- Manheim Auto Recon, Manheim Borough, LancasterCounty
- William’s Apothecary, LancasterCity, LancasterCounty
- Martin Trucking, EastEarlTownship, LancasterCounty
- Goodhart Sons, Inc., UpperLeacockTownship, LancasterCounty
- Manheim Auto Auction, PennTownship, LancasterCounty
- WoodsEdgePlaza, ManorTownship, LancasterCounty
- Stauffers of Kissel Hill, Lititz, York and Linglestown, PA
- Core States Bank, EastHempfieldTownship, LancasterCounty
- Pennsylvania Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Harrisburg, PA
- Fulton Bank, WarwickTownship, LancasterCounty
- Farmer’s Supply, LancasterCity, LancasterCounty
- Clair Brother’s Audio Enterprises, Inc., WarwickTownship, LancasterCounty
- Yellow Goose Road Propane Facility, EastHempfieldTownship, LancasterCounty
- Cloister Car Wash
ManheimTownship, LancasterCounty
Wyomissing, BerksCounty
Christchurch, New Zealand
- CVS Pharmacy, LancasterCity, LancasterCounty
- Checkerboard Antiques Shop, ElizabethTownship, LancasterCounty
- Hershey Trust Company, DerryTownship, DauphinCounty
Various Projects:
* Golf Course Parking
* OfficeBuilding
* MountJoyTownship Tracts
* Chocolate Avenue Tract
* McCorkel Road Tract
* Route 743 Site
- Barnes Hall Juvenile Detention Facility, LancasterCity, LancasterCounty
- Burkholder Car Lot, EphrataTownship, LancasterCounty
- Reifen Rubber Co., Manheim Borough, LancasterCounty
- Bickels Potato Chip Company, Manheim Borough, LancasterCounty
- Engle Printing, Landscape Plan, EastHempfieldTownship, LancasterCounty
- COBY's Family Services, PennTownship, LancasterCounty
- MoviE-town Cinemas, Elizabethtown Borough, LancasterCounty
- MoviE-town Golf Course, Elizabethtown Borough, LancasterCounty
- SLiP Industries, Manheim Borough, LancasterCounty
- LancasterCountyPodiatry, Ephrata Borough, LancasterCounty
- Physical Therapy Associates of Manheim, PennTownship, LancasterCounty
- Webber Electric – RaphoTownship, LancasterCounty
- Speedwell Construction – PennTownship, LancasterCounty
- Weaver Memorials – WestLampeterTownship, LancasterCounty
- Ranck Plumbing – EastHempfieldTownship, LancasterCounty
- The Deck – Ephrata Borough and Township, LancasterCounty
- Harvey’s Bar-B-Q – Mount Joy Borough, LancasterCounty
- CalvaryChurch, ManheimTownship, LancasterCounty
- WillowStreetMennoniteChurch, WestLampeterTownship, LancasterCounty
- Church of the Nazarene, Earl Township, LancasterCounty
- TrinityLutheranChurch, MountJoy Borough, LancasterCounty
- New WineChristianCenter, HellamTownship, YorkCounty
- HinkletownMennoniteChurch, EarlTownship, LancasterCounty
- Mt.CalvaryChurch, ManheimTownship, LancasterCounty
- MiddleCreekBrethrenChurch, EphrataTownship, LancasterCounty
- Salem United Church of Christ, EastHempfieldTownship, LancasterCounty
- Millersville Brethren in ChristChurch, ManorTownship, LancasterCounty
- BethelAMEChurch, LancasterCity, LancasterCounty
- CrossWayChurch, LancasterTownship, LancasterCounty
- CommunityFellowshipChurch, EastHempfieldTownship, LancasterCounty
- MillersvilleBibleChurch, LancasterTownship, LancasterCounty
- ZionEvangelicalLutheranChurch, East Petersburg, LancasterCounty
- Saint Paul’s United Church of Christ, Manheim Borough, LancasterCounty
- Cocalico Community Chapel, BrecknockTownship, LancasterCounty
- PineGroveChurch, BrecknockTownship, LancasterCounty
- MountvilleChurch of the Brethren, Mountville Borough, LancasterCounty
Residential Landscape Architecture
- Tony Zaya/Barb Byler Residence, Lititz, PA (Lancaster County Parade of Homes - “Best Exterior Design” award)
- Klarsch Residence
- Wienken Residence
- Hahn Residence
- Shobaken Residence
- John Mullineaux Residence (includes swimming pool), Lititz, PA
- David Hollinger Residence (includes swimming pool), Denver, PA
- Stouffer Residence, Mount Joy , PA
- Ream Residence, Columbia, PA
- Lincoln Residence, Landisville, PA
- Bohn Residence, Annville, PA
- Hobson Residence (includes swimming pool), Lancaster, PA
- Kantor Residence, Lebanon, PA
- Stanilla Residence, Lebanon, PA
- McKay Residence, Lebanon, PA
- Dale Peters Residence,Manheim, PA
- David Miller Residence, Landisville, PA
- Thomas McGrath Residence, Columbia, PA
- Gary Greve Residence, Brecknock Township, PA
- Michael Walmer Residence, Washington Borough, PA
- Casey Kraus Residence, Mount Joy, PA
- Zechman Residence, Lancaster, PA
Commercial Landscape Architecture
- Hershey Lodge and Convention Center – DauphinCounty
- Lancaster Stockyard Inn – LancasterCity, LancasterCounty
- Fiorentino's Restaurant – LancasterTownship, LancasterCounty
Schools, Colleges, Universities
- HempfieldHigh School, EastHempfieldTownship, LancasterCounty
- PennManorHigh School, Millersville Borough, LancasterCounty
- University of Maryland, Baltimore County, MD
- GettysburgCollege, Gettysburg, PA
- Cantonsville Community College, MD
- ElizabethtownAreaSchool District, Elizabethtown Borough, LancasterCounty
- PequeaValleyHigh School, LancasterCounty
- Milton Hershey Senior Hall Tract, DerryTownship, DauphinCounty
- CornwallElementary School, Cornwall Township, Lebanon County
- LancasterCountyCareer & TechnologyCenter, MountJoyTownship, LancasterCounty
- Milton Hershey Alumni Association, DeardenHouseFriendshipGarden, DerryTownship, DauphinCounty
- DonegalSchool District, Athletic Facilities Feasibility Study, LancasterCounty
- Northwestern LancasterCountyYMCA, MountJoy Borough, LancasterCounty
Town Revitalization Projects
- Mount Joy Main Street Streetscape, MountJoy Borough, LancasterCounty
Following were strictly in-kind service projects:
- Historic Mount Joy Square, MountJoy Borough, LancasterCounty
- Triangular Vest Pocket Park, MountJoy Borough, LancasterCounty
- RotaryTown Clock, MountJoy Borough, LancasterCounty
- Market Square Revitalization for 250th Anniversary, Manheim Boro., LancasterCounty
Parks and Recreation
- Resorts USA, Circle M Campground, PequeaTownship, LancasterCounty
- Resorts USA, Dutch Country Campground, West Cornwall Township, Lebanon County
- StonerPark, ManheimTownship, LancasterCounty
- SoutheastPark, Palmyra, PA
- LancasterCountyParks and Open Spaces Master Plan, LancasterCounty
- Baltimore to Annapolis Rails-to-Trails Project, MD
- Black Rock Retreat, ColerainTownship, LancasterCounty
- SwataraPark Greenway, DauphinCounty
- LancasterCountySkateboardPark, Central Park, LancasterCounty
- EstherSwanMemorial Park, Manheim Borough, LancasterCounty
- RotaryPark – Mount Joy Borough, LancasterCounty (In-kind services)
- SnyderPark – ClayTownship, LancasterCounty
- CharityGardens – ClayTownship, LancasterCounty
- Refreshing Mountain Camp – ClayTownship, LancasterCounty
- Lakes at DonegalSpringsPark – Mount Joy Borough, LancasterCounty
- Hiking-Biking Trail – MountJoy Borough, LancasterCounty
- MountJoyCommunity Center – MountJoy Borough, LancasterCounty
- CoveOutlookPark – MountJoyTownship, LancasterCounty
- MasonicVillage Soccer Fields – WestDonegalTownship, LancasterCounty
- United Zion Camp Grove –MountJoyTownship, LancasterCounty
- Shady Oak Parklet – EastDonegalTownship, LancasterCounty